Anonymous ID: 4c1a18 June 21, 2020, 11:18 a.m. No.9697393   🗄️.is 🔗kun

An Insider Exposes Google’s Political Bias


Google insider exposes political bias and search manipulation. Google Executive caught on hidden camera. This is obviously no surprise, but profound evidence shown nonetheless.

Anonymous ID: 4c1a18 June 21, 2020, 11:19 a.m. No.9697411   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MN Legislature Ends Special Session Without Passing Police Reform Bill


A special session of the Minnesota Legislature ended Saturday without agreement on new policing legislation in the state where George Floyd was killed.


The Democrat-controlled House early Friday passed an extensive package of police accountability measures wrapped into one bill. It included elements of five policing bills that the Republican-controlled Senate passed earlier in the week but went farther than Republicans were willing to accept.


The Senate adjourned just after 6 a.m. Saturday, prompting criticism from minority Democrats.

GOP Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka repeatedly had said that Friday was his deadline for adjournment, and that lawmakers should focus on proposals both parties can support.


“We’re not walking away from Minnesota here, but I think we could all benefit from a breather,” Gazelka said just before adjournment, Minnesota Public Radio News reported.

“I’m deeply disappointed that Senate


Republicans ended the special session before our job was done,” Senate Minority Leader Susan Kent tweeted. “We should stay and finish the work of the people of Minnesota.”

Anonymous ID: 4c1a18 June 21, 2020, 11:23 a.m. No.9697475   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Scottish man fined for calling an Irish man a leprechaun


A Scottish man has been taken to court and fined for calling his ex-girlfriend's new Irish boyfriend a "leprechaun" in a threatening email.

Terry Myers, 41, appeared in Aberdeen Sheriff Court after he sent his ex-partner an email which made reference to the women's new partner being Irish.


Susan Love, a public prosecutor with the ability to impose fiscal fines, said that Myers made "various threats to assault" the woman's new partner in the email, according to the Evening Express.


Love additionally said that Myers referred to the new partner as a "leprechaun" in the email.


She said that the woman's new partner found the term offensive since he was born in Dublin.


Myers pled guilty to sending a message that was grossly offensive, indecent or menacing, according to the Evening Express, and that he used offensive or derogatory language to refer to the woman's new partner.


The court found that Myers had committed a racially aggravated offense.


He was fined £280 ($350) for the offense.

Iain Hingston, counsel for the defense, said that there was a history between the two men and that all charges related to one message or a set of messages.


Hingston said that the history between the men was "petty and pathetic" but that Myers should not have used the language that he did.

In a similar case in 2008, a Liverpool court found that calling someone a leprechaun was not a racist insult.


In that case, 18-year-old Andeliza Tucker called Eleanor Vince a "f**king leprechaun" and was charged with racially aggravated harassment.


However, defense attorney Louise McCloskey - of Irish ancestry - successfully argued that the prosecution was "political correctness gone mad," according to the Daily Mail.

Anonymous ID: 4c1a18 June 21, 2020, 11:25 a.m. No.9697504   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Prince Harry backs move to ban Swing Low, Sweet Chariot: Duke of Sussex signals his support for review of England rugby anthem linked to slavery despite huge backlash from fans


Prince Harry signalled support for Rugby Football Union's review into the song

He became patron of the Rugby Football League in 2016 when the Queen stepped back

Swing Low, Sweet Chariot was written by a black slave in the American South in the nineteenth century


Prince Harry has backed the moves to ban Swing Low, Sweet Chariot from rugby games due to its association with slavery.


He has sung the rugby anthem many times since childhood and he is a fan and patron of the Rugby Football Union (RFU).


Prince Harry has signalled support for the RFU's review into the song, written by Wallace Willis, a freed Oklahoma slave, in light of the Black Lives Matter movement, The Sunday Times reported.


The anthem rings around the stands at Twickenham and is being reviewed by the RFU which has launched a wide-ranging probe into racism.


Written by a black slave in the American South during the nineteenth century, the song was first belted out by supporters when two black wingers - Martin Offiah and Chris Oti - became sporting heroes on the pitch at the end of the 1980s.


Prince Harry follows Meghan Markle's lead as a close friend said that her instinct to leave the UK and move to California makes sense to her now.

Anonymous ID: 4c1a18 June 21, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.9697548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7572 >>7577 >>7707 >>7834 >>7906 >>8089

Elizabeth Warren calls on Attorney General Bill Barr to resign and for Congress to impeach him over messy firing of top New York City prosecutor


Elizabeth Warren called on Attorney General Bill Barr to resign on Saturday over the botched firing of a top New York City prosecutor.


The Massachusetts senator called Barr's actions a 'naked abuse of power' and said he should be impeached over the messy episode.

It came just hours before Manhattan's top federal prosecutor Geoffrey Berman eventually agreed to resign from his post on Saturday.


The Trump Administration had fired him earlier in the day but Berman, who had investigated associates of President Donald Trump, was refusing to leave.



Anonymous ID: 4c1a18 June 21, 2020, 11:29 a.m. No.9697561   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7578 >>7608 >>7613 >>7626 >>7633 >>7635 >>7707 >>7834 >>8089

Family of Tom Petty issues Cease and Desist to Trump's campaign after Tulsa rally. They said the president cannot use the song "I Won't Back Down" to further a campaign that leaves Americans and common sense behind


Donald Trump's presidential campaign was hit with a cease and desist notice after it used Tom Petty's song "I Won't Back Down" at the president's Tulsa, Oklahoma, rally.


In a statement issued on the Twitter account of the late musician, it says, "Trump was no way authorized to use this song to further a campaign that leaves too many Americans and common sense behind.


"… Tom wrote this song for the underdog, for the common man and for EVERYONE. We want to make it clear that we believe everyone is free to vote as they like, think as they like, but the Petty family doesn't stand for this."


It's not the first time Petty issued a cease and desist notice to a sitting U.S. president. Former President George W. Bush did, in fact, back down when he used the song, according to the USA Today. So, too, did former Arizona Sen. John McCain.


The USA Today notes former U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann played "American Girl" even after she received a notice about the song.


Trump's Saturday rally was the first amid the coronavirus pandemic, and health experts warned ahead of the event it could lead to even more COVID-19 cases. Thousands of seats were left empty and at least six members of Trump's staff were reported to have tested for the virus prior to the rally.


During the rally, the president suggested to supporters that he told members of his administration to slow the rate of coronavirus testing in the United States.

Anonymous ID: 4c1a18 June 21, 2020, 11:34 a.m. No.9697615   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Boris the crown prince: Remarkable photos of Oxford's golden generation reveal PM and his 1980s contemporaries - including Nigella Lawson and David Cameron - partying when it was cool to be posh and privileged, says Toby Young (who had a front row seat)


EXCLUSIVE photos show Boris Johnson partying in the 1980s with now-famous peers including Hugh Grant

Toby Young reveals he first saw the now Prime Minister at the dispatch box at a 1983 Oxford freshers debate

The future PM is even seen wearing fancy dress at the annual Sultans Ball in 1986 in remarkable photographs


he pink-faced young man at the dispatch box of the Oxford Union looked slightly bewildered. He glanced up at the packed chamber, nervously fingering his mop of blond hair, as if he’d been transported there through a window in the space-time continuum.


This was October 1983 and it was a ‘freshers debate’, an opportunity for new arrivals to make a good impression on the senior members of the famous debating society. I was due to speak after this young man and had spent several days preparing.


‘Can someone kindly remind me what the motion is?’ he asked in an exaggerated, upper-class accent. Who was this pantomime toff?


This house would bring back capital punishment,’ someone cried out.

‘Oh yes, right, of course,’ he said, ruffling his hair. Then he looked up, feigning surprise. ‘Crikey Moses. Capital punishment. Really? I’m not in favour of that!’


And he ostentatiously crossed the floor, positioned himself at the other dispatch box and started denouncing the motion in what might be called the high Parliamentary style – half-serious, half-comic.


After a few minutes, as he happily demolished the case for capital punishment, the young orator interrupted himself mid-flow. ‘No wait,’ he said.


‘That’s actually a pretty good argument. I think I’m in favour of the motion after all!’ He then crossed the floor once again, and made an impassioned case for the other side.




Some interesting pics use link for all

Anonymous ID: 4c1a18 June 21, 2020, 11:36 a.m. No.9697648   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Coalition: Airstrikes Destroy ISIS Mountain Training Camp, Cave Hideout in Iraq


Coalition strikes took out three Islamic State camp sites in Iraq's Kirkuk province on Friday, while a jet "blasted" an ISIS cave in Nineveh province.


The "summer camp" in rural Kirkuk was located about 16 miles west of the city of Tuz Khurmatu in "densely vegetated austere terrain," the U.S.-led Operation Inherent Resolve said in a statement Saturday. Strike videos described them as ISIS mountain training areas.


Despite losing control of its last territory in Iraq more than two years ago, ISIS continues to wage an insurgency while hiding out in the mountains, deserts and other rural areas of the country.


While Iraqi security forces have "tactical overmatch against ISIS," Army Col. Myles B. Caggins III, a coalition military spokesman, said in the statement that "airstrikes help destroy ISIS targets in terrain difficult to reach by standard vehicles."


An F-15E Eagle fighter jet carried out the strikes, which killed an estimated five ISIS fighters, Caggins told Stars and Stripes via text message. Iraqi forces were still conducting an assessment of the damage, he said.


Caggins also posted video of the strike in Nineveh province on Twitter, which he said killed four militants. Recent killing or capture of ISIS leaders has left "their lowly terrorists followers dazed & disillusioned," Caggins tweeted.


Late last month, Syrian forces said that a coalition strike in Syria killed one of the top three leaders of ISIS, Mutaz Numan And Nayif Najm al-Jaburi, about a week after officials in Baghdad said they were holding senior ISIS member Abdul Nasser Qardash.


Friday's strikes capped off a week in which the U.S. and Iraq began discussions about the future of American troops in the country, following Iraqi lawmakers' call for a withdrawal of foreign forces in response to a U.S. drone strike in January that killed Gen. Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Iranian military's elite Quds Force, on a visit to Baghdad.


But, in a video conference Thursday, U.S. Central Command boss Marine Gen. Kenneth McKenzie said American forces will likely have a continued presence in the country to support its counterterrorism operations.


Meanwhile, a series of rocket attacks fell in areas near where U.S. personnel are based, continuing a trend of such attacks since last summer when the Trump Administration began a campaign of maximum pressure on Tehran. The Pentagon has blamed the strikes on Iran-backed militias operating in Iraq.


The rocket strikes were not fatal this week but in several past incidents similar attacks have killed Iraqi, U.S. and coalition personnel. The increased threat has complicated the U.S. mission, in which some 5,200 troops are in the country to train, advise and assist security forces battling ISIS.

Anonymous ID: 4c1a18 June 21, 2020, 11:37 a.m. No.9697658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7834 >>8089

Tripoli government to boycott Arab League Libya talks


Libya’s United Nations (UN) recognised Government of National Accord (GNA) will boycott Arab League talks on the conflict next week, i24 reports.


Libya’s Foreign Minister Mohamed Taher Siala has told the bloc’s executive council that this planned meeting would “deepen the rift” between Arab governments on the issue.


The talks, which will be held during video conference due to coronavirus fears, was urgently requested by Egypt; an ally of warlord General Khalifa Haftar, who is based in Eastern Libya.


Siala claimed that there was no consultation with the GNA on the talks, and expressed concern that the video conference format of the planning meeting was an inappropriate forum for addressing the issues surrounding the brutal conflict.


The GNA’s Turkish-backed forces recently defeated a year long offensive by Haftar’s army against Libya’s capital Tripoli.


Turkey and the GNA have rejected a “peace” initiative proposed by Egypt, which was backed by Haftar supporters Saudi, the UAE and Jordan, declaring it a ruse to allow Haftar’s forces to regroup.


Both countries have consistently demanded peace talks be supervised by the UN.


A conference was held in January in Germany’s capital city of Berlin to thrash out a deal, which calling for an end to foreign meddling and upholding a much-violated arms embargo. However, this initiative has been largely ignored, despite the UN urging nations respect the agreements.

Anonymous ID: 4c1a18 June 21, 2020, 11:42 a.m. No.9697699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7996

Was Canadian Mass Shooting That Led to Instant Gun Control Laws a False Flag?


The withdrawal of $475,000 in cash by the man who killed 22 Nova Scotians in April matches the method the RCMP uses to send money to confidential informants and agents, sources say.


Gabriel Wortman, who is responsible for the largest mass killing in Canadian history, withdrew the money from a Brink’s depot in Dartmouth, N.S., on March 30, stashing a carryall filled with hundred-dollar bills in the trunk of his car. About 3 weeks later he was killed by police after carrying out the largest mass shooting in Canadian history.


In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth breaks down the claims being made by Macleans about the shooters involvement with the RCMP while showing some past examples of how the RCMP have been caught red handed doing these things before which suggests the very real possibility that the Nova Scotia shooting was a false flag operation designed to enforce strict gun control laws.

Anonymous ID: 4c1a18 June 21, 2020, 11:43 a.m. No.9697712   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China Dismisses Trump Threat: Decoupling Not Realistic Or Wise


Trump maintains he keeps this as a 'policy option'


Chinese Foreign Ministry officials issued a statement on Friday dismissing threats of US decoupling, saying such a move would not be realistic nor particularly wise. President Trump has repeatedly suggested this remains an option that he has for policy.


As the two largest economies in the world, and two enormous trading partners to one another, totally disconnecting the US economy from the Chinese, and vice versa, really does seem unrealistic, threatening to do untold damage to the global economy if it is even attempted.


Chinese comments may sound familiar because they almost perfectly mirror those of President Trump’s top advisers, who say this isn’t a real option, despite Trump constantly making reference to it and threatening it.


And yet this is entirely in keeping with Trump’s limited grasp of how foreign commerce works, which already led to one ugly trade war between the US and China, and which the president continues to believe he can “win” by simply severing trade ties with America’s largest partners on the grounds that they are “unfair.”


The first trade war with China, and the harm it did to US farmers, is already a preview of why economic isolationism simply isn’t a viable strategy. Trump keeps referring to it as an option, but it likely only remains so because he fails to appreciate what damage it would truly do.

Anonymous ID: 4c1a18 June 21, 2020, 11:44 a.m. No.9697730   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dr. Andrew Kaufman Responds To Reuters Fact Check on COVID-19 Vaccine Genetically Modifying Humans


In this interview, Dr. Andrew Kaufman joins Spiro for a second time. The first time Dr. Kaufman joined Spiro, they talked about topics that, apparently, nobody is allowed to talk about … if you dare question the official story that is.


In the first interview the two discussed the coronavirus, they covered testing and they covered the vaccine. The video was quickly approaching 100k views but YouTube removed the video after only a couple days. This video will likely be taken down as well, because it does not conform to the establishment’s narrative.


Not only did YouTube remove the previous video, Reuters, which is a massive international news publication that news sites from all over the world obtain their talking points from, published a fact checking report attempting to debunk Dr. Kaufman’s claims that the new COVID-19 DNA vaccine would genetically modify humans. In this must-see report, Dr Kaufman responds to the Reuters ‘fact checking’ report.


Dr. Andrew Kaufman: They Want To Genetically Modify Us With The COVID-19 Vaccine (Updated)


Doctor Andrew Kaufman Website


False claim: A COVID-19 vaccine will genetically modify humans


DNA, RNA and protein – the Central Dogma


The Emerging Role of DNA Vaccines


Advancing Novel Experimental Gene-based COVID-19 Vaccine, AAVCOVID


Adenovirus DNA Replication


CRISPR-Cas9: Gene Drives


Antisperm Contraceptive Vaccines: Where we are and where we are going?


The HSD-hCG Vaccine Prevents Pregnancy in Women: Feasibility Study of a Reversible Safe Contraceptive Vaccine


Development of antifertility vaccine using sperm specific proteins


State Bar Group Calls for ‘Mandatory’ COVID-19 Vaccinations, Regardless of Objections


AstraZeneca CEO Soriot says fast-tracked COVID-19 shot will protect for just one year


New COVID-19 restrictions will be needed for anti-vaxxers


Colorado Bill Would Require “Re-Education” Classes for Parents Who Refuse Coronavirus Vaccine


MLAs vote to drop notwithstanding clause from mandatory vaccination bill


Among Americans who say they wouldn’t get vaccinated, 7 in 10 worry about safety


There appears to be a coronavirus vaccine on the horizon—but it’s a GMO and the FDA would need to approve testing


GMO tomato as edible COVID vaccine? Mexican scientists work to make it a reality

Anonymous ID: 4c1a18 June 21, 2020, 11:46 a.m. No.9697744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7834 >>8089

IDF chief: Iran now ‘the most dangerous country’ in the region


Aviv Kohavi says Tehran’s nuclear program ‘is no longer the only threat,’ warns against its conventional military capabilities, support for terror groups near Israel’s borders


IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi warns about Iran’s conventional military capabilities, saying despite the Islamic Republic’s physical distance from Israel, it can still pose a threat along the Jewish state’s borders.


Speaking at a ceremony for the appointment of new commanders, Kohavi says despite Iran being physically removed from Israel, it can still pose a threat


“Iran has become the most dangerous country in the Middle East,” Kohavi says at a changing-of-the-guard ceremony for top commanders, according to an IDF statement. “It’s made significant progress with its nuclear program, but the nuclear [threat] is no longer the only threat. Iran also possesses conventional weapons.”


He notes that Iran’s funding of terror organizations such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad, while accusing it of working to carry out terror attacks against Israeli targets.


Someone get this guy a mirror

Anonymous ID: 4c1a18 June 21, 2020, 11:50 a.m. No.9697798   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bolton: Trump told Netanyahu he’d back Israeli military action against Iran


Former US national security adviser, in forthcoming tell-all memoir, also says Jared Kushner blocked PM’s calls to US president when he sought to urge him not to meet Iran’s Zarif


In a leaked manuscript of his forthcoming book, former US National Security Adviser John Bolton said US President Donald Trump gave Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the green light to attack Iran.


Trump told Bolton in June 2017 that he had already pledged his support for such Israeli action in direct talks with Netanyahu, but asked Bolton to remind the Israeli premier of his stance, according to the excerpts of Bolton’s White House memoir, “The Room Where it Happened.”


Writes Bolton: “I warned Trump against wasting political capital in an elusive search to solve the Arab-Israeli dispute and strongly supported moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, thereby recognizing it as Israel’s capital. On Iran, I urged that he press ahead to withdraw from the nuclear agreement and explained why the use of force against Iran’s nuclear program might be the only lasting solution.


“‘You tell Bibi [Netanyahu] that if he uses force, I will back him. I told him that, but you tell him again,’ Trump said, unprompted by me,” Bolton goes on.



Anonymous ID: 4c1a18 June 21, 2020, 11:51 a.m. No.9697808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7855

‘Wacko’ Bolton book reveals Trump refused to go to war, pissing off the SWAMP


The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss John Bolton’s new book, which judging from released “leaks”, is nothing more than a fired neocon’s list of grievances and gossip towards the US President, who consistently refused to push the United States into war games with Iran and North Korea.

Anonymous ID: 4c1a18 June 21, 2020, 11:53 a.m. No.9697836   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How Much Money Has Donald Trump Raised Compared To Joe Biden? Breaking Down 2020 Campaign Fundraising


President Trump and the Republican National Committee raised a total of $74 million in May, but the amount fell short of his opponent’s campaign. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, along with the Democratic National Committee, raised $80.8 million during the month, a record for his campaign.


However, the Trump campaign and RNC still have $265 million in cash-on-hand, with the Trump campaign expected to have a massive financial advantage over Biden. The Biden campaign and the DNC did not release cash-on-hand figures for May, but the DNC had approximately $100 million in cash reserves at the end of April.


“After yet another massive fundraising haul, it remains clear that the enthusiasm behind President Trump’s re-election campaign goes unmatched. While Sleepy Joe Biden lobs ineffective partisan attacks from the shadows of his basement, President Trump is leading The Great American Comeback and he is drawing support from every corner of this country,” Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale said about May’s fundraising numbers.


May was the first month the Biden Victory Fund, the joint fundraising effort between the Biden team and the DNC, was in operation. On June 23, former President Barack Obama will appear with Biden in a virtual fundraising event.


Last week, Biden raised $6 million in a virtual fundraising event with Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., the most successful fundraiser for the Biden campaign to date.


As Trump is criticized for his handling of the coronavirus and race relations after the death of George Floyd, Biden may now be the favorite to win the election. A poll from Fox News last week showed Biden leading Trump, 50% to 38%.

Anonymous ID: 4c1a18 June 21, 2020, 11:55 a.m. No.9697870   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Full Program: Manipulating America—the Chinese Communist Playbook


There is an invisible war raging in the world. Not a war fought with bullets and guns, but a war of manipulation.


It’s a war fought by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) against the free world using the full force of its propaganda and influence apparatus.


Not only does the CCP actively spread its propaganda to the West, it has even succeeded in dictating what can and cannot be said in free societies.


However, this growing influence has gone largely unnoticed. And by now, it has penetrated all levels of American society.


In this new age of information warfare, where a hostile foreign power is waging a war for our minds, what can be done?


In this new in-depth report, we explore China’s “Grand External Propaganda” campaign against America and the rest of the free world and reveal the playbook it uses.

Premiering on June 20 at 9:00 p.m. ET:


China In Focus YouTube Channel:


The Epoch Times YouTube channel:


NTD YouTube channel:


The Epoch Times website:


NTD website:

Anonymous ID: 4c1a18 June 21, 2020, 11:57 a.m. No.9697888   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7910 >>8089

Austin Police Arrest 20-Year-Old In Connection With Attack on Police HQ, Flag Burning UPDATED


Friday evening, hundreds of protesters gathered outside police headquarters in Austin, Texas. Chanting slogans such as “F*** the police” and “This is not America!” and carrying hateful signs calling police officers names such as “pigs,” the demonstrators attempted to enter the building. According to officers on the scene, once the demonstrators failed to gain entry to the building, they turned on the American and Texas flags flying from city-owned poles nearby.


The demonstrators lowered both flags, put them in a pile on the pavement, and after several failed attempts, set them on fire. Watch video of the events as they unfolded Friday. Video credit Hiram Gilberto.


Sunday morning, Austin police report the arrest of man in connection with the flag burning.


Police have arrested 20-year-old Julian Gawel for taking down the United States and Texas flags from their poles after video surfaced showing protesters pulling down and burning both flags in downtown Austin.


His mugshot is at the link. There are a few social media accounts attached to the name Julian Gawel indicating the man is from Florida, is white, and is a student at the University of Texas at Austin. The university canceled all in-person classes due to the coronavirus pandemic in March 2020.


Moments after the demonstrators set the flags on fire, a leader can be heard in the video warning others that police officers are approaching to break up the protest. After repeated warnings, the crowd begins to move. Police officers in riot gear emerge from a secured area and demonstrators begin shouting profanities at them. At one point, someone from the crowd attempts to toss an unknown powder in the direction of the officers.


Police return to their secured area and close the gates. Demonstrators begin kicking the metal fence and resume chanting. An unknown demonstrator tosses an object such as a bottle over the fence at the officers, but it appears to do no damage.


Demonstrators chanting “Whose streets? Our streets!” and occupy the area outside the police building’s secure area until police eventually disperse them. The demonstrators chant “Revolution!” and other slogans as they march down the street in the mostly empty downtown Austin.


No word yet on the charges Mr. Gawel may face or if others are still being sought by police.


UPDATE: A source tells PJM that Mr. Gawel has been charged with theft, evading arrest, and resisting arrest. Because he apparently crossed state lines allegedly in order to incite a riot, the case has been referred to the FBI.

Anonymous ID: 4c1a18 June 21, 2020, noon No.9697918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8089

Judge’s ruling opens door for Bolton to be sued or prosecuted, legal experts say


Forty-year-old court case may point toward Bolton's upcoming legal troubles


John Bolton's legal troubles may be far from over.


The former National Security Advisor won a limited but notable victory in court Saturday when a federal judge ruled that he would not prevent his tell-all book, "The Room Where It Happened," from being published.


The Trump administration had sued to stop the book's publication, claiming it contained classified information that would endanger national security if it were to be released to the general public.


U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth ruled in favor of Bolton, stating that since the book has already been circulated among numerous journalists and media outlets the question of injunction was mostly moot. Yet he acknowledged in his ruling that Bolton may still have "expose[d] himself to criminal liability" in publishing the exposé.


1980 Supreme Court case may be key


Alan Dershowitz agreed. Dershowitz, the storied Harvard law professor and noted proponent of civil liberties, told Just the News on Saturday that there "may be a basis for a lawsuit against Bolton by the government."


Dershowitz pointed to the 1980 Supreme Court case Snepp v. United States as the controlling precedent. In that case, Frank Snepp — a CIA intelligence analyst in Saigon during the Vietnam War —published the book "Decent Interval" following his departure from the agency.


The government sued Snepp over the book, which was drawn from an after-action report he had written for the CIA following his service in Saigon. The government argued that Snepp had broken his contractual obligation to submit his book to the CIA prior to publication.


The Supreme Court eventually ruled against Snepp, forcing him to surrender his monetary earnings to the federal government and enjoining him from future publication without prepublication review from the government.


Dershowitz represented Snepp in the controlling case. "We argued the rule was unconstitutional. We lost," he told Just the News.


"I don’t approve of that decision," he said. "I think it’s wrong on the law, and I think it's wrong on the Constitution. But it may be a basis for a lawsuit against Bolton by the government."


Kevin Brock, meanwhile — the former FBI assistant director for intelligence — suggested that it appeared Bolton had worked for the Trump administration just to line his own pockets.


"Everybody who’s at the SCS level in government has to sign documentation that they’re not going to disclose information that they collect while they’re performing their duties without first getting approval," Brock said.

Anonymous ID: 4c1a18 June 21, 2020, 12:02 p.m. No.9697944   🗄️.is 🔗kun

==Psychiatrist reprimanded over inappropriate relationship lands senior NSW hospital job

Andrew Leggett.==


A psychiatrist reprimanded in Queensland over an inappropriate sexual relationship with a former patient has been appointed to a senior clinical role in NSW.

Anonymous ID: 4c1a18 June 21, 2020, 12:04 p.m. No.9697963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7967 >>7971 >>8089

Iraqi Court Sentences Infamous ISIS ‘Mufti’ To Death


Nineveh Criminal Court has sentenced Abu Abd al-Bari, a Sharia official and a former Mufti of ISIS in the city of Mosul to death, Iraqi sources reported on June 21.


Abu Abd al-Bari, whose real name is Shifa’ Ali Basir, was arrested by Nineveh Police Command’s SWAT in the Mansour neighborhood of Mosul earlier this year.


During his work with ISIS, Abu Abd al-Bari preached in many mosques in al-Mosul against Iraqi government forces. He was also responsible for a Fataw [an Islamic rule] that led to the execution of a number of Mosul’s moderate scholars and clerics.


Abu Abd al-Bari, who was born on 1961, was also behind a Fatawa that encouraged the bombing of the Prophet Yunus mosque in July 2014.


In a recent interview with Iraqi authorities, Abu Abd al-Bari acknowledged that he was responsible for the enslavement of many Yazidi girls as well as for the execution of members of the Shiite sect and security forces personnel.


The Iraqi court rule against Abu Abd al-Bari will bring justice to the victims of the terrorist, who wreaked havoc in Mosul for years.