Anonymous ID: 067be3 June 21, 2020, 1:34 p.m. No.9698997   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Top players handled by others?

Many players in addition to BHO not americans?

BHO did waive alot of requirements for his people?

>defendant isn’t actually an American

Citizen reference, correct?

>I’m sure anons will be able to 2+2 this one.

Mil would have jurisdiction of non citizens committing crims against america correct?

Foreign citizens outside Mil control (which can capture and detain) can be handled by a) their local gov or b) extradited c) if a or b not granted other options exist in certain circumstances?


Top players not indicted?

Because they are on our side, (perhaps people like comey, mueller) undercover or cooperating enough that no charges issued?

Anonymous ID: 067be3 June 21, 2020, 1:45 p.m. No.9699107   🗄️.is 🔗kun


she knows the crimes, wants justice and liked barr's answers, and read into his tells, non answers are very positive.

she was like a giddy little Patriot girl.


that was a great interview, she asked moar than she knew he would/could answer, which is great because the questions were posed.


i am thinking barr may Q lead.

that would be cool!

anyone know if barr knows Flynn or Rogers?

he understands christianity and our country/survival is at stake.

Anonymous ID: 067be3 June 21, 2020, 1:52 p.m. No.9699194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9225 >>9257


Prolly alot moar than Dems would be happy with.

Potus likely works with Barr 100% on unfolding the Plan, and they likely work together every day almost to review Potus specialized Mil Ops, since Potus has that power and the Ops are not Pentagon stuff, but law enforcement stuff.


In effect I think Barr is fully utilizing Potus's power over Marines and Spec Ops AND C_A to effect justice. Potus IS USING trusted C_A powers and people, it is a Org with tremendous power and Potus would definitely be using their broad powers for his Gain.

Potus power over c_a can be so compartmentalized and is so powerful (even over Mil) that Q plan itself could be a clown Op itself a trusted one.

Anonymous ID: 067be3 June 21, 2020, 2:08 p.m. No.9699333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9552


my point of view is no one can be trusted 100% broadly 100% of the time, too many variables come into play.

however from my recliner here, i love the guy and trut him as much a anyone, largely because i cannot really trust the plan without trusting his role equally or moar.

also his notre dame speach as well as others, highlight what i important to him and why.


the moar i learn of barr the moar my trust and reliance on him goes up, he also seem to have that killer instinct and confidence.


whats your take on BB?

Anonymous ID: 067be3 June 21, 2020, 2:16 p.m. No.9699397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9552


one thing i will add largely based on ND speech is he understands, as i feel i do, based upon studying c quigley, we are not fighting for politics, we are fighting to prevent the fall of western civilization which is predicated upon defending christianity, which is largely the defining characteristic that defines our civilization. we have developed a model of christianity which promotes and supports republican democracy, liberty, private ownership of land, etc. so even though the catholic church did not always offer or promote our version we have integrated them all together to define us.

Anonymous ID: 067be3 June 21, 2020, 2:46 p.m. No.9699693   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i agree and hope we can get to the stage as you mention throughout we are all americans.

i do think Potus is playing to a degree by the established rules of the game, whereby he does have to play the identify politics game to be able to have ears open to influence votes, for instance if he did not highlight black unemployment numbers, noone would really do it for him and he is the mouthpiece he trusts and his biggest conduit of information.


so the identity politics you reference is used by Potus because that is how those groups expect and require to be addressed in a sense.


i believe the goal is to get rid of all that because that is a Dem and DS tool of division not repect, and it does not empower it neuters and subjects the groups to manipulation.


however the Dems and DS use identity politics for one overriding reason, it breaks down the majority (Americans as we all are) who they want to weaken because we (Americans) see through there power grab as detrimental to the good of the whole of america.


Hopefully there will be a day when we eliminate the dividers who pretty much run the world, and have been able to do so because of their specialty in dividing and conquering. They play on human instincts and psychology and fear, and until they lose their influence and control no one can really counter them once they gain control of peoples minds.


Their greatest tool is MSM and control of information, thats why they evolved from money changers to controlling religion to controlling printing (newpapers) to controlling radio, to tv, to internet etc. They do not give up their prior control, but global tech has allowedx them to use their techniques to control the world.


The tower of Babylon was just like today, the similarity is they controlled language, definition of words to disseminate their methods of control to the world, God changed that and they had to regroup and infiltrate one culture at a time with money magick and took control of all societie through that art and here we are. They control all information and thus control what is perceived a truth to people, we can see that being challenged now and in real time we are watching them try to fully control social media as it challenges their power.