Anonymous ID: 116585 June 21, 2020, 2:40 p.m. No.9699632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9652 >>9668 >>9673 >>9674 >>9708 >>9717

digging a little deeper on what is to come in NYC


  1. >>9682825 pb/q: "SDNY … Jurisdiction … Ukraine (focus on above [for now])"

  2. >>9683570 pb/q: Pompeo twat shows Mercer unleashed; Q confirms only POTUS can fire USAtty SDNY, which Barr quickly confirms has been accomplished; Punisher [Durham]lurks in background [image]

  3. >>9684383 pb/q: "… Durham is not the only game in town."; Q highlights Pompeo CIA->State significance

  4. >>9682825 pb/q: [revisited]: "Super Bowl puppy show"


Therefore: Pompeo is off the leash and is about to drop bombs re: Ukraine [Biden/Biden/Yovanovich/Burisma/CrowdStrike] based on authority [State Dept.] and knowledge [fmr. CIA]. Call the ball. USA-SDNY has been neutralized [was using their jurisdiction/"pending" investigation as grounds to thwart all others]. Barr asked Berman to step aside and Berman refused, causing POTUS to fire Berman for refusing Barr, while drawing attention to law which provides that POTUS has unfettered authority to remove USA-SDNY [note: 28 USC 541(c) has NO conditions for termination by POTUS, e.g., "for just cause"]. [WJC fired 90+ in a single day.]


The Ukraine drop will be big, but it will seem like the puppy bowl when compared to the superbowl, which is Durham, who is lurking in the background [image]. Covid may have bought the cabal some time by delaying Durham procedural wrap-up ["must be according to the law" pb/q 9684383]; but, Patriots are using this space to launch another offensive: Ukraine. SDNY had to be controlled for Pompeo to be unleashed. The ultimate wrap-up will be tying Ukraine to FISA abuse/2016/2017.