Anonymous ID: 664215 June 21, 2020, 2:06 p.m. No.9699308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9328 >>9342 >>9357 >>9369 >>9371 >>9418 >>9693

I feel racist even typing this question. When that white officer killed the black man, blm started rioting across the country. We didn't show them videos of white people being friendly to blacks. So why, when our country is in chaos with blm (at least where I live) why are we looking at videos of blacks being nice to whites as if we need to be reminded that not all blacks are randomly punching whites and rioting in the streets. The implication is that when blacks act badly, whites need to check their racism but when whites act badly blacks can riot, get free stuff monetarally, get stuff politically and hate whites all they want with societal justification. In elementary school if a black or latino beats up a white kid, nothing AT ALL happens to the kids except the white kid is told to not to aggravate. Even though the kid is walking down the hall and hears, "Hey white boy!" and then punches are thrown. BUT if that same white kid fights back and wins the fight, THEN we've got big problems. HIS parents will be called in and they will be told "It doesn't matter who starts the fight, fighting is against the rules.

And if I was black, I would be insulted if people were blown away by black kids helping a white couple when that is to be EXPECTED in our society. White people do that literally all day long. I'm tall so I reach for things on high shelves for people every time I go to the store. I'm not a hero for that. If someone needs help you help them. Are good black people so rare that when they're filmed doing something nice the country cries and shares the video all over, the black people are invited on talk shows and asked "What were you thinking when you helped those white people?" Gimme a break. This is to ALL races, if old people are struggling, you help them. And you won't get a medal for it unless it's rare for someone of your race to do it. I feel bad for little white kids who have to see and experience this hypocrisy and have to deal with it with their mouths shut. I believed Trump when he said in terms of skin color "We all are Americans." But every time he talks he says black this, asian that, continuing to divide us. And if your constantly speaking of skin color except you never talk about white job numbers or white unemployment, then what happened to "forgotten no more?" If skin color matters, then talk about whites now and then. If skin color doesn't matter then stop singling out racial groups at every speech. Blacks for Trump? How about Americans for Trump? The only colors we should be talking about is Red, White and Blue. No more virtue signaling. No more singling out by race. We are ALL Americans. America FIRST!