Anonymous ID: c31656 June 21, 2020, 2:45 p.m. No.9699679   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's a "psyop" anon…for both sides.

For us…Peeps won't come out of their comfy bubbles until 'they' are affected.

Then, it is a whole other story.

Nice house, cars, pin-up wife, $ in bank, expensive suburbia livin large, rib eye and lobster on the bar-b, 6 fig corp job…

Until you lose it, you're not goin to give a damn.

It's always 'them'…'other' people.

Seein' it [the mind set] in my own extended family.

The precipice.

Gotta not stand at the edge, but get your ass pushed over the edge.

When we all get to that "Oh Shit" free fall moment, then it's gonna change.


Think things are bad now, just wait until Nov "4th". Then watch the nation burn in hate.