Anonymous ID: f98516 June 21, 2020, 2:11 p.m. No.9699351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9359 >>9362 >>9396 >>9402 >>9450 >>9460 >>9495 >>9503 >>9533 >>9606 >>9631

‘Trump May be Called in to Testify’ – Nadler Announces Investigation Into Firing of Mueller Hack SDNY US Attorney Geoffrey Berman


House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) announced his committee will be launching an investigation into US Attorney General Bill Barr’s firing of SDNY US Attorney Geoffrey Berman.


Barr on Friday fired Mueller hack and US Attorney Geoffrey Berman and nominated Jay Clayton to replace him.


The crooked attorney refused to step down and released a statement of his own, which Barr referred to as a ‘public spectacle.’


Berman’s office was the lead in several high profile cases assembled by Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann.


Nadler accused Barr of ‘caring little about the law’ in a statement on Saturday and asserted that Berman’s firing “smacks of corruption and incompetence” because the US Attorney’s office is engaged in probes aimed at Trump’s inner circle.


Nadler said that Trump may also be called in for testimony.


Nadler’s full statement:


“Last night, Attorney General Bill Barr told us that Geoffrey Berman of the SDNY had resigned—which was untrue. Today, Barr told us that the President asked him to fire Mr. Berman—which may also be untrue, given that the President says he had nothing to do with the decision. The whole thing smacks of corruption and incompetence, which is what we have come to expect from this President and his Attorney General.


“Neither the President nor the Department of Justice have offered any explanation for Mr. Berman’s purported dismissal. We know that the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York is engaged in investigations aimed at President Trump’s inner circle. We know, from revelations earlier this week, that the President wanted to have ‘his own people’ in that office to help him with his personal and political needs. And we know that, time and time again, Bill Barr has reached into ongoing criminal investigations in order to protect the President from their consequences. The American people are right to be outraged. Barr may sit in the office of the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, but he clearly cares very little about the law.


“The House Judiciary Committee will immediately open an investigation into this incident, as part of our broader investigation into Barr’s unacceptable politicization of the Department of Justice. On Wednesday, the Committee will hear from two whistleblowers who will explain why Barr’s attempt to fire Mr. Berman is part of a larger, ongoing, and wholly unacceptable pattern of conduct. If the President removes Mr. Berman, then we will take additional steps to secure his testimony as well.”

Anonymous ID: f98516 June 21, 2020, 2:12 p.m. No.9699372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9405 >>9416 >>9533 >>9631 >>9666

Police Officers Guild President Blasts Seattle Leadership Following Deadly Shooting at CHAZ/CHOP


Police Officers Guild President Michael Solan blasted Seattle’s leadership on Saturday for enabling the conditions that are making it unsafe for police officers to do their job in the city.


Two people were shot, one fatally, at CHAZ/CHOP early Saturday morning. Police had difficulty getting to the victim to help him due to the extreme lawlessness allowed to take over the area by the mayor.


“Early this morning, that violence was raw and real where one of our community members lost their life, and police are still not allowed into that area and were prevented to providing that police service to the area to locate victims and/or render aid. [It’s] very troubling what’s going on,” Solan said on Fox News.


“And again, we’re left wondering, what’s next?” he asked. “And, now our elected officials have removed our ability to have less lethal chemical munitions that are effective for us to disburse unruly, violent crowds to protect those police facilities, let alone ourselves.”


Solan called the situation “very, very troubling” and urged people across the nation to be aware of what is happening there.


“So, we’re in a very, very troubling time in Seattle, and it’s deeply concerning that everybody across this country needs to be aware of what’s going on in Seattle,” he said.


Rioters took over a six square block area of Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood earlier this month. They have been allowed to continue their game with the blessing of Mayor Jenny Durkan. She has compared the chaos to a “block party.”


“It’s not an armed takeover. It’s not a military junta. We will make sure that we can restore this. But we have block parties and the like in this part of Seattle all the time. It’s known for that,” Mayor Durkan said.


President Donald Trump also blasted the takeover during his rally Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma.


“So, they take over a big chunk of a city called Seattle. We are not talking about some little place. We’re talking about Seattle. Have you ever been to Seattle?” Trump said. “They took over a big chunk. And the governor who is radical left — all of these places I talk about are Democrat. You know that. Every one of them.”


“Any time you want, we’ll come in. We’ll straighten it out in one hour or less. Now, I may be wrong, but it’s probably better for us to just to watch that disaster,” Trump added.

Anonymous ID: f98516 June 21, 2020, 2:14 p.m. No.9699385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9533 >>9631

Serbian President Announces Ruling Party's Victory in Parliamentary Elections


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced on Sunday the victory of his own ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) in the country's parliamentary elections as the formal counting of votes is still underway.


Exit polls have indeed suggested that SNS is winning the vote, as did the preliminary results from the Republic Electoral Commission after reviewing ballots from a little more than 2 percent of polling stations. Final results are expected to be announced no later than in 96 hours after the voting ends.


"Tonight we received the greatest trust of people, the greatest in Serbia's history, in conditions where few people believed in it. We received a great warning from the people that we should be even more responsible and diligent," Vucic said in the SNS campaign headquarters, adding that the party's victory was "impressive and convincing."


According to preliminary results, SNS is leading the race with 63.35 percent of the vote, followed by Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic's Socialist Party of Serbia with 10.67 percent.

Anonymous ID: f98516 June 21, 2020, 2:16 p.m. No.9699395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9533 >>9631

Pressed To List Second Term Initiatives, Trump Says He Could Support Modernizing Antitrust Laws


President Donald Trump signaled his support for modernizing antitrust laws for internet-based companies, he told The Daily Caller during an exclusive Friday evening interview in the Oval Office.


The Caller sat down with the president for more than an hour and discussed a host of issues — including coronavirus, racial inequality, the 2020 election, and China. When asked about potential second term initiatives, Trump eventually brought up rolling back Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996, which provides online platforms liability protections for speech from their users.

Anonymous ID: f98516 June 21, 2020, 2:18 p.m. No.9699419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9462

'My Heart Completely Dropped' – Man Finds Mannequin Dressed as Police Officer With Pig Head Hanging from Florida Bridge


A man found a mannequin hanging by a noose from an overpass in Jacksonville, Florida Sunday. The mannequin was dressed in a police outfit and was also wearing a pig mask.


Lamont Ross, a Jacksonville resident, said he when first saw the mannequin, he thought it was a real body and his “heart completely dropped.”


Ross captured video of the hanging mannequin, dressed in a police uniform with a pig’s head.


Ross’ wife Kiva Ross was with her husband when they saw the mannequin.


“I was in tears. I was like trembling. It was sad just to see something like that in person, it was just terrifying,” Kiva Ross said. “I was praying to God it wasn’t really a body, which it wasn’t, so that was a great thing. It was a big relief.”


Video story about the mannequin at the link.


Jacksonville County Sheriff Mike Williams released a statement calling the effigy “disturbing” and describing it as a “mock lynching.”


This incident was carried out by people wanting to undermine our dedicated efforts to keep our city safe. Too many good citizens are working with us to keep our community safe through active partnerships, and frank conversations about the challenges we all face. This type of act will not be tolerated by our agency or our community, and we will work together to hold those responsible accountable.


The mannequin will be processed for any DNA that may have been left on it. Investigators may also be able to determine where parts of the costume, the mannequin, and the pig mask came from.


“Pig” is of course an insult frequently hurled at police officers. The Austin police headquarters protest PJM has covered over the weekend prominently featured a sign saying “Pigs Quit Your Job.”

Anonymous ID: f98516 June 21, 2020, 2:19 p.m. No.9699432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9499 >>9533 >>9568 >>9631 >>9644

Shootings skyrocket after NYPD disbands 'anti-crime' units: 'This is what the politicians wanted'






The New York Police Department announced last week that it would disband its controversial "anti-crime units," impacting about 600 NYPD officers who patrolled in plainclothes.


The move was applauded by those who seek immediate police reform in the wake of the tragic killing of George Floyd.


"This is a seismic shift in the culture of how the NYPD polices this great city. It will be felt immediately in the communities that we protect," New York Police Commissioner Dermot F. Shea said.


Unfortunately for New Yorkers, the impact of the reform was immediate — but it was not positive.


According to the New York Post, shootings in the city surged after the NYPD disbanded the plainclothes units. In fact, between Monday, the day Shea made his announcement, and Saturday, there had been 28 shooting incidents with 38 victims. The shootings accumulated at least five deaths.


By comparison, there had only been 12 shootings over the entire week during the same time period last year, the Post noted.


"This is what the politicians wanted — no bail, nobody in Rikers, cops not arresting anyone," a law enforcement official told the Post. "All those things equal people walking around on the street with guns, shooting each other."


As of June 20, there have been 97 shooting incidents in New York City, a significant increase from the 89 incidents during the entire month of June last year.


On Saturday alone, 19 New Yorkers were injured in more than a dozen shootings, the Washington Examiner reported.

Anonymous ID: f98516 June 21, 2020, 2:23 p.m. No.9699478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9533 >>9631

‘Progressive visionary’? Why ‘pedophile matchmaker’ was treated as respected sexology expert in Germany FOR DECADES


Helmut Kentler, a man responsible for vulnerable children being sent into the care of pedophiles for decades, wouldn’t have got away with it for so long had he not been admired by those in power, researchers and activists told RT.


Germany is still reeling from a massive child abuse scandal as it was revealed that a man long considered to be one of the “founders of modern sexology” in fact acted as a “matchmaker” for pedophiles by sending neglected children into their care under the passive eye of Berlin authorities.


Such a powerful blow to the psychologist’s reputation would hardly hurt him anyway, though, since the man died back in 2008 at the venerable age of 80. Till the very end, Kentler was considered a progressive thinker and a respectable member of the scientific community.


At the time of his death Germany’s Tageszeitung daily called him a “meritorious fighter for a permissive sexual morality” in an obituary, while various human rights advocacy groups and even some protestant church authorities were vying with each other while praising his life achievements.


It seems even more bizarre since Kentler himself admitted in the 1990s to sending children to live with pedophiles as part of an “experiment.” The exact scale of his crackpot scheme which ruined numerous lives over the previous decades was apparently not known at that time though as he only revealed the cases which definitely would not land him and his pedophile acquaintances in jail due to the expired limitations period.


The man never made a secret of his views on the topic either as he repeatedly argued in his works that social stigma is virtually the only traumatizing part of a sexual relationship between an adult and a child.

Anonymous ID: f98516 June 21, 2020, 2:25 p.m. No.9699501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9553

‘Just blame the Russians!’ Moscow’s deputy UN envoy mocks Nikki Haley over blaming US unrest on Russia


The only task US officials seemingly have is finding a way of pinning the blame for literally any incident on Moscow, Russia’s deputy UN envoy jokingly said as former US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley did just that.


The ex-UN envoy apparently decided to jump on the bandwagon of Russia bashers and put all the blame for the massive riots gripping the US following the murder of an African American by a cop on Moscow.


Haley stated in a Twitter post that “playing up” the “allegations” of police abuse in America has been the new tactics of Russian intelligence apparently hell bent on disrupting yet another US presidential election. Never mind that the killing of George Floyd, which sparked the large-scale anti-police brutality protests, happened in broad daylight and was filmed and uploaded to social media by eyewitnesses.


Haley also said that the Russian agents allegedly “spread hateful rhetoric” through American extremist groups – all while sharing a quite murky New York Times article accusing Russia of literally being behind almost every extremist group in the US – both black and white – all while citing anonymous sources and being conspicuously mum about any details or evidence.


Her statements prompted Russia’s deputy ambassador to the UN Dmitry Polyanskiy to joke that pointing the finger at Russia has turned into a sort of sacred ritual magically absolving Washington of any responsibility for whatever happens.


“Now we know who is to blame for American racial mess! US is innocent of any troubles and wrongdoings, all the abhorrent things that we are seeing now are due to Russian agents’ encouragement!” he wrote in a Twitter post.