Anonymous ID: 65a616 June 21, 2020, 3:08 p.m. No.9699868   🗄️.is 🔗kun

lb >>9699397

I understand what you're saying but do you understand that a lot has to change?


>Western civilization is very far from perfect hence all our problems.


Yes but understand history and realize that representative democracy is an exception not the rule. Private land ownership with titles and legal defense is not a certainty, equal rights are not the norm in law, and certainly not in practice. india if not mistaken still has generational servitude whereby if your parents die with debts, you pay them as an indentured servant. that is why america has bankruptcy provision, so debtors cannot be enslaved.

The fear and consequences is not so much losing western civilization as it is in what form of governments and societies will replace it.

Anonymous ID: 65a616 June 21, 2020, 3:21 p.m. No.9699967   🗄️.is 🔗kun


hmm changes ph of blood to aerobic from an anaerobic environnment.

pure water ph is 7 and it is the base for measurement of ph (potential hydrogen) body ph should be a bit alkaline/basic slighlty above 7, me thinks this guy blood ph was under 7 (acidic) which is a problem and indicates sometimes low oxygen, alot of our food additives and environmental things gice us a lower ph than we shold naturally have low ph can contribute to disease.

has to do with oxygen aerobic is oxygenated in some manner me thinks.

muscles use both forms, aerobic utlizes oxygen to fuel muscles, anaerobic uses a different method. depends on the duration of activity and some other factors.

will dig a bit and get back.