All Democratic run cities are SHIT HOLES!
In today's society, White People succeed in spite of the fact that they are white, not because of the fact that they are white.
Affirmative Action has made sure of that.
Well if they would get out of the damn street, they wouldn't get run over. That shouldn't be too hard to figure out.
So maybe all of these statues that are being taken down SHOULD be taken down. Maybe they are part of the deception that has been created.
It would be pretty genius if Q team got them to tear down their own evil statues. Oh wait, Dems. are tearing down statues that were erected by Dems.
It's the Liberal Jews and everyone else that they dragged into their sordid plan is just being used by them.
POTUS only tweeted once today.
Maybe he is spending Father's Day with his kids.
With his kids?