Anonymous ID: 52ff08 April 9, 2018, 1:03 p.m. No.970534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0579 >>0708 >>1108



We have indeed been prepared. When digging on the Rockefellers, I was led to the Rockefeller Brothers Fund which then led me to The Iran Project - a pet of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Around that time, Q had posted "Iran next", so I did some more digging.


RBF President Stephen Heintz has been quoted as saying that the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and specifically The Iran Project was "instrumental" in working out the nuclear deal with Iran under BHO. The RBF spent millions to "help make the Iran deal happen".


If you look on the "Our Team" page of The Iran Project site, the people involved have had their hands in everything.


Ambassador William H. Luers is the Director

Iris Bieri is Deputy Director

Stephen B. Heintz is President of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund

Jessica Tuchman Mathews

Ambassador William G. Miller

Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering

Dr. Paul Pillar

Jim Walsh

Frank G. Wisner


sauce: http://


Recently, the Rockefellers have been selling off estates (~$100million) and had an auction at Christie's in NYC of art pieces from the estate that was expected to fetch somewhere between $500million - $1billion. That's a huge cash injection that they will devote to fuckery via donations to "charities" of David Rockefeller's choice as laid out in his will (he died March 20, 2017). One of the main recipients was expected to be the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a "charity").


When I posted a while back about the Rockefeller estate sales and Christie's auction, we were trying to figure out whether or not the proceeds of these sales would be seized under POTUS EO due to all the fuckery the Rockefellers have been known to be involved with. I think now, my theory is that these funds were allowed to be donated to these "charities" so that they could be tracked. If that's the case, POTUS, Q, and MI will have seen these asshats' involvement in the fuckery we're now seeing in Iran with their nukes.







Anonymous ID: 52ff08 April 9, 2018, 1:14 p.m. No.970708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0760 >>0857



Recent post from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund website re: IRAN:


RBF President Joins National Security Figures in Calling for U.S. to Preserve Iran Deal


Posted on: March 27, 2018


More than 100 current and former military officers, senior government officials, and other national security figures issued a public statement today urging the United States to maintain its commitment to the Iran Deal.


“Doing so will bring substantial benefits and strengthen America’s hand in dealing with North Korea, as well as Iran, and help maintain the reliability of America’s word and influence as a world leader,” they write. “Ditching it would serve no national security purpose.” The statement goes on to list 10 reasons for keeping the deal, which include strengthening of national and regional security, the enhancement of U.S. stature and leadership globally, and the opportunity to de-escalate rising tensions in the region.


Under the banner of the National Coalition to Prevent an Iranian Nuclear Weapon, signatories to the statement include former U.S. Ambassador and Rockefeller Brothers Fund Trustee Ryan Crocker and RBF President Stephen Heintz.


The prospects that the Trump Administration will restore sanctions against Iran, thus nullifying America’s role in the deal, “rose significantly in the past few weeks,” Rick Gladstone writes in the New York Times. “Mr. Trump’s new choices for secretary of state, the C.I.A. director Mike Pompeo, and for national security adviser, the former ambassador John R. Bolton, have both denounced the nuclear agreement.”


sauce: https://

Anonymous ID: 52ff08 April 9, 2018, 1:23 p.m. No.970857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0907 >>0959 >>1061



Found the PDF with the public statement that they refer to. HUUUUUUUUUGE list of names. As they said, "More than 100 current and former military officers, senior government officials, and other national security figures".


Also gives their "Top 10" list for why they want to keep BHO's Iran deal in place.


sauce: https://

Anonymous ID: 52ff08 April 9, 2018, 1:28 p.m. No.970959   🗄️.is 🔗kun



From National Coalition To Prevent An Iranian Nuclear Weapon site.


Statements Page:


Keep the Iran Deal — 10 Good Reasons Why


March 27, 2018


A bipartisan group of 118 American national security leaders issued a statement outlining ten reasons why President Trump should keep the Iran nuclear deal.


The signatories includes 49 retired flag officers of the U.S. military; 19 former members of Congress and 31 former U.S. ambassadors, including five former U.S. ambassadors to Israel.


Prominent signatories include former National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft, former Secretary of Defense Bill Perry, former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill; General Michael Hayden, former Director of the National Security Agency and of the Central Intelligence Agency; General James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence; Senators Richard Lugar and Sam Nunn, and Carl Levin; Admiral William Fallon, former Commander of U.S. Central Command; and General Chuck Boyd, former Deputy Commander in Chief of U.S. European Command.


"President Trump should maintain the U.S. commitment to the Iran nuclear deal. Doing so will bring substantial benefits and strengthen America’s hand in dealing with North Korea, as well as Iran, and help maintain the reliability of America’s word and influence as a world leader. Ditching it would serve no national security purpose,” the signatories write.








Anonymous ID: 52ff08 April 9, 2018, 1:37 p.m. No.971108   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"Letters Supporting Diplomacy" section of The Iran Project website. Worth a dig for those looking into Iran.


sauce: http://