Anonymous ID: 35d61e June 21, 2020, 7:22 p.m. No.9702373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2463 >>2737

Ghislaine Does Paris: Jeffrey Epstein's Fugitive 'Madam' Hiding Behind French Extradition Laws


Jeffrey Epstein's accused 'madam' is reportedly holed up in a luxury apartment on Paris's Avenue Matignon - just a five minute drive from the dead pedophile's $8.6 million flat, according to the Daily Mail.


Maxwell "is moving locations every month to keep private investigators off her tail and is ­staying at the residences of trusted colleagues and contacts," according to a source.


"She wants to remain in France for as long as she can to take advantage of extradition laws and has a huge network of contacts willing to keep her hidden," they added. "Under French law anyone born on French soil is safe from extradition to another country, regardless of the alleged crime."


"It doesn't mean she won't be ­prosecuted for her links to Epstein but if she does end up facing charges it will be in France and not the US."


Meanwhile, it looks like the 'untouchable' Maxwell may be in Paris for the forseable future.

Anonymous ID: 35d61e June 21, 2020, 7:25 p.m. No.9702406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2737

DOJ Investigators Involved In Antitrust Probe Don’t Appear To Be Scrutinizing Claims Of Bias In Google’s Search


Investigators with the Department of Justice involved in an antitrust probe targeting Google do not appear to be scrutinizing claims that the company manipulates its search feature, leaks of the investigation and a source with knowledge indicate.

Researchers and critics argue Google’s search feature is subject to manipulation and can potentially impact a national election or direct less traffic to the Silicon Valley giant’s competitors.

DOJ investigators are instead focusing on Google’s ad technology and are considering whether to require the tech company to provide Android users a preference menu for potential search engines, media reports show.


Department of Justice investigators who are conducting an antitrust probe targeting Google do not appear to be scrutinizing claims that the tech giant manipulates its search function, leaks about the probe and a source familiar with it indicate.


Google critics argue that Google Search must be a focus of the investigation, pointing to the company’s sheer dominance in the market: Google consistently accounts for roughly 90% of online information searches, and company employees have expressed a willingness to artificially manipulate search results on the platform.


Google did not comment on allegations of search bias, or on the pending antitrust investigation.

“We continue to engage with the ongoing investigations led by the Department of Justice and Attorney General Paxton, and we don’t have any updates or comments on speculation,” Google spokeswoman Julie McAlister told the Daily Caller News Foundation. The company’s goal is focusing on the kind of products that serve customers and support businesses, she added.


Google’s search feature can potentially skew a major national election toward one candidate over another, according to Robert Epstein, a research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology. Research he published in 2017 suggests Google’s bias affected the vote in the 2016 election.


Epstein believes investigating Google search is “critical” to preventing widespread search bias. One Google competitor, Yelp, meanwhile, has claimed that the company gives preferential treatment to in-house products through Search, a move one of Yelp’s executives believes violates antitrust law.


Google has dismissed Epstein’s research in the past, calling it conspiracy theory-driven. The company also characterizes Search as a way to help users obtain information quickly.


Cont. from images:

“This is why Search should be included in DOJ antitrust investigation, and I’ve called on AG Barr to do so,” Hawley tweeted Tuesday in response to reports that Google demonetized conservative website The Federalist. The tech company later disputed that claim, arguing instead that the conservative outlet would be given an opportunity to address issues with its comment section before getting banned.

Anonymous ID: 35d61e June 21, 2020, 7:40 p.m. No.9702581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2737

Resurfaced clip shows Jimmy Kimmel laughing as Megan Fox talks about Michael Bay sexualizing her when she was 15


Is this why Jimmy Kimmel is taking the summer off?


Jimmy Kimmel announced last week that his TV show, "Jimmy Kimmel Live!," was going on hiatus for the summer.


"I'm taking this summer off to spend even more time with my family," Kimmel said. "There's nothing wrong. I'm healthy, my family's healthy, I just need a couple of months off."


Many wondered if Kimmel was taking time off to allow the heat die down over resurfaced video clips of him in blackface doing an exaggerated impersonation of former Utah Jazz legend Karl Malone, especially since this has been the summer of canceling people.


On the heels of Kimmel's blackface controversy, another old clip has emerged that shows the progressive TV host in a very negative light.


A clip from an episode of "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" went viral this weekend, showing Kimmel laughing while actress Megan Fox explains how director Michael Bay sexualized her as a 15-year-old.


In the clip that has more than 3.3 million views in less than 24 hours, Fox is telling the story of the first time she worked with Bay on a movie. Fox, who had just turned 15-years-old at the time, was cast in the 2003 buddy cop flick "Bad Boys II." Fox, who was in 10th grade at the time, was cast as a bikini-clad dancer.


"The first time I ever worked with [Bay], actually, I had just turned 15 and I was an extra in 'Bad Boys II,'" Fox told Kimmel. "They were shooting this club scene, and they brought me in, and I was wearing a stars-and-stripes bikini and a red cowboy hat and, like, six-inch heels."


"He approved it, and they said, 'You know, Michael, she's 15, so you can't sit her at the bar, and she can't have a drink in her hand,'" Fox said. "So his solution to that problem was to then have me dancing underneath a waterfall getting soaking wet."


The crowd and Kimmel laugh, and he said, "Perfectly wholesome."


"At 15, I was in 10th grade," Fox said. Kimmel laughingly said, "Wow."


"So that's sort of a microcosm of how Bay's mind works," Fox added. Kimmel replied, "Yeah, well, that's really a microcosm of how all of our minds work, but some of us have the decency to repress those thoughts and pretend that they don't exist."