Anonymous ID: 48ecb3 June 21, 2020, 7:07 p.m. No.9702189   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9701407 lb

>>9700557 (pb)


>Robert F. Kennedy Jr. grabs a live rattlesnake. Comms?


Y’all remember “The Snake” poem POTUS recited?


Yes! Well, here's something, and Bill Gates got his start on "health" against snake venom, and of course, it involved children and WHO, and Seattle:


How Bill Gates, a valley full of snakes and one entrepreneur took on a deadly disease


"In 1996, Bill Gates read a story in the New York Times that sparked his passion for health. The story was about a disease he’d never heard of: rotavirus. At the time it killed more than half a million children every year.


That moment was one of the factors that led him to co-found the Gates Foundation with his wife, Melinda, and become one of the most influential figures in the history of public health.


What Gates didn’t know is halfway across the globe, a scientist in New Delhi had made a discovery that could be the key tool in fighting rotavirus.Over the next twenty years, a huge international collaboration between Bill Gates, scientists and policy makers across the globe and one exceptionally determined Indian entrepreneur turned that discovery into a unique new vaccine, called Rotavac.


The vaccinehas made waves as a case study for global health solutions created in and by developing countries, with help from a network of international powers."


"The story of Rotavac starts at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi. A group of scientists led by Dr. Raj Bahn noticed that some of thechildren in the hospital appeared to have rotavirus,but did not develop the disease’s telltale symptom: diarrhea so intense it can kill a child in a matter of hours.


“They started to look at it a little bit more in detail,” said Duncan Steele, a virologist who has spent the bulk of his 35-year career studying rotavirus. He has spent time working at theWorld Health Organization and Seattle-based global health nonprofit PATH,which coordinated Rotavac’s development. He now works in vaccine development at the Gates Foundation.