Anonymous ID: 45a3bc June 21, 2020, 9:06 p.m. No.9703413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3453 >>3525 >>3533

So this lurker wants to ask Q or Q+ or any other anon of importance why can't we just expose Obama for the imposter that he is and revoke his two terms as president and undo all of his legislations, his EO's like DACA and obamacare and charge with treason in the Military Judicial System now? Why can't we just drop all the fucking videos, pics true identities of the fucking Satanists and put all the details of their crimes, their victims, and their involvement in one big ole legal Web location that has so much fucking security no one can block it change it or alter it? Surely after being here for over three years the technology exists…it has to. I want to live the rest of my life with my kids and my family in peace and in brotherhood with my fellow Americans. I am tired of all the fake racism, the staged False Flags that get real people killed, the allowance of the indoctrinated young people going around disrespecting the Law (police and the President), telling all white people we are bad, privileged and somehow we owe them reparations from 150 fucking years ago, well my lineage and ancestry is Irish and they were also treated worse than the black slaves who were more valuable than the Irish slaves back during that 1619 thing they are trying to push right now, it actually started with 100 Irish and English children as slaves……


Just blow up the fucking internet with it all, reveal it all let it put a majority in the hospital perhaps even myself, maybe going full nuclear is the only way to beat them at their own game….FFS


Get this digital 3rd world War going, ready to do my part whatever that is…..