baker ain 't here yet but note taker is
practicin' muh verification technique….
baker ain 't here yet but note taker is
practicin' muh verification technique….
beat ya to the dough, bakes
will drop notes 3x since bread's slower
get moar anon input that way
love qbin so far, so easy…..
>Fucking cringe gatekeeper system~
ya know what's worse?
having to spend a buncha time cleaning up after shill baker who fucked things up
that was yesterday
#12421 @200
>>9703578 Protest LIVE stream
>>9703631 Vernon Jones twat: No matter what @realDonaldTrump does, the liberal media complains
>>9703652 Twatterfag on mapping Nat'l Cemeteries to alleged DUMBs
>>9703663 Planefags aloft
>>9703665, >>9703685 New DJT: how his policies allowed us to survive the pandemic
>>9703706 CHOP CHAZ losing the support of those that might otherwise support the BLM (it's 'bout time!!)
>>9703712 New DJT on AOC challenging Schumer
>>9703729 New DJT: Don't take down Roosevelt statue, DeBlasio!
Hope POTUS isn't goin' on a 20-twat spree….
Anything missing so far, anons?
>>>9703729 New DJT: Don't take down Roosevelt statue, DeBlasio!
i know
there's always a way
but sometimes, it's like a roller coaster ride till you figure it's time to change gears…..
u betcha
#12421 @400
new baker/note-taker
>>9703578 Protest LIVE stream
>>9703631 Vernon Jones twat: No matter what @realDonaldTrump does, the liberal media complains
>>9703652 Twatterfag on mapping Nat'l Cemeteries to alleged DUMBs
>>9703663 Planefags aloft
>>9703665, >>9703685 New DJT: how his policies allowed us to survive the pandemic
>>9703706 CHOP CHAZ losing the support of those that might otherwise support the BLM (it's 'bout time!!)
>>9703712 New DJT on AOC challenging Schumer
>>9703729 New DJT: Don't take down Roosevelt statue, DeBlasio!
>>9703607, >>9703608. >>9703749 More on Cuomo & possible murder changes
>>9703741, >>9703758, >>9703768, >>9703816 Ten ways murder becomes a federal crime
>>9703806 N.Korea ready to send anti-South leaflets
>>9703815, >>9703830 POTUS to mark completion of border wall's 200th mile on Tuesday
>>9703823 Snowden ties to EFF who helps fund Antifa
>>9703840 New DJT: Corona testing makes numbers look inflated
>>9703844 Vox hit piece on Eric Trump pushing "absurd conspiracy theory on Covid-19"
>>9703854 Seattle Fire Dept on response procedures to CHAZ/CHOP area
>>9703867 Secret Agenda behind BLM (Truth Factory vid)
>>9703915 POTUS appearing at Students for Trump on Tuesday in Phoenix, AZ
>>9703924 Scavino tweeted the same meme Q did
Hey Doc
Just a heads-up
Good for note-taking this bred
Won't pick up next bread tho
Eyes will be done by then.
(wish it were otherwise, but gives other anons a chance to step up!)
>>9704064 Hat's off to you, RA - six pages!!
They're all in the bun, anon.
>Maurice Strong, Strong Cities
can you flesh this out a little and add next bread? May be some stuff in, i remember the name from when i was digging on this previously
#12421 @600
new baker/note-taker
>>9703578 Protest LIVE stream
>>9703631 Vernon Jones twat: No matter what @realDonaldTrump does, the liberal media complains
>>9703652 Twatterfag on mapping Nat'l Cemeteries to alleged DUMBs
>>9703663, >>9703955 Planefags aloft
>>9703665, >>9703685 New DJT: how his policies allowed us to survive the pandemic
>>9703706 CHOP CHAZ losing the support of those that might otherwise support the BLM (it's 'bout time!!)
>>9703712 New DJT on AOC challenging Schumer
>>9703729, >>9703934 New DJT: Don't take down Roosevelt statue, DeBlasio!
>>9703607, >>9703608. >>9703749 More on Cuomo & possible murder changes
>>9703741, >>9703758, >>9703768, >>9703816 Ten ways murder becomes a federal crime
>>9703806 N.Korea ready to send anti-South leaflets
>>9703815, >>9703830 POTUS to mark completion of border wall's 200th mile on Tuesday
>>9703823, >>9704022 Snowden ties to EFF who helps fund Antifa
>>9703840 New DJT: Corona testing makes numbers look inflated
>>9703844 Vox hit piece on Eric Trump pushing "absurd conspiracy theory on Covid-19"
>>9703854 Seattle Fire Dept on response procedures to CHAZ/CHOP area
>>9703867 Secret Agenda behind BLM (Truth Factory vid)
>>9703915 POTUS appearing at Students for Trump on Tuesday in Phoenix, AZ
>>9703924 Scavino tweeted the same meme Q did
>>9704029, >>9704048, >>9704067, >>9704084 Anon Timeline on Clinton Uranium Crimes
>>9704072 Seattle news narrative re CHAZ shooting death - blaming it on the Fire Dept?
>>9704074 Anon on the targeting of nursing homes - was it a money grab? ANONS DIG
>>9704150 Mayor Durkan, Seattle Cadre & Possible Criminal Extortion Charges
dropping a little early since bun is hefty
keep what ya want and leave the rest
my turn for martinis….
>Maurice Strong
yes, name is really familiar
Getty Family involved in founding Inst. for Strategic Change
Many ties of that group to EU nobility
also German Marshall Fund
there is so much stuff in and elsewhere
Tried to keep digging on this last year
but then got busy baking
really requires a group dig, too much for one person
that's not so hard, then
hardest part isn't the law, it's prosecuting crooks with connections
whoa, motorcyclists in Portland!