I haven't attempted to analyze what is really going on with Biden (or "Biden"), but this tweet - some anon posted it lb - is so absurdly bad that it seems deliberately crafted.
1) Nothing about the sentence Biden is responding to suggests that Trump admires Maduro. On the contrary, the original tweet suggests the opposite. This is basic reading comprehension.
2) Even if there is a reading comprehension failure, basic knowledge of US foreign policy would catch the mistake. The Trump administration has repeatedly attacked Maduro, who's "dictator skills" are far below the level of Chavez, so there is little reason to respect him even on a pragmatic basis, even if he needs to be dealt with directly.
3) But suppose rationality is tossed aside, and the goal of the tweet is just to score points by attacking Trump. In that case, Biden scores an own goal, since powerful factions in the D party profess to actually admire Maduro!