Anonymous ID: fd3f14 June 21, 2020, 9:24 p.m. No.9703597   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9703536 (lb)

Well if thats true it isn't helping anyone since it would qualify as just another fucking secret society, the fucking secret Society of Q...Go fuck yourself...and go to their board and tell the to fuck of too...we need more to expose the evil fucks trying to destroy our beautiful country and for the attempts on our POTUS's life and the lives of his family......Maybe we should work harder at getting rid of the fucking chinese bot farm shills, the JIDF shills and ramp up security here and start dropping some real intel to implicate the motherfuckers that need to hang like today.......

Anonymous ID: fd3f14 June 21, 2020, 9:35 p.m. No.9703693   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3921

What about all the Satanic bullshit like Comet Ping POng pizza, John Podesta, Huma and Killery eating the face of a child, tom hanx weird fucking tweets, What ever happened to Epstein's blackmail videos, those would be great to broadcast on a legally and highly secure website or government evidential page to present the cases for all of the 30 garillion indictments that will need Military tribunals after Martial Law is declared and I am 100% convinced that it will be necessary to right the wrongs done to so many innocents especially children…..God is waiting for this country to step the fuck up, (thats for you Q and Q+ and POTUS and Patriots, who ares about your fucking standing at this point), sometimes the right thing for the innocent to be delivered from evil is to put everything on the line even to sacrifice what you think you have or think is rightfully yours. I pray everyday and everyday it becomes clearer to me that there are those who can come forward with information, intel and expose it, take down the fucking MSM by force if need be and show the whole of the country and the world what these evil monsters have been doing to us, enslaving us, eating our energy, taking our ability to make decisions by free will…….


Well Q can you hear me, can you see me, can you answer me for at least this one time……

Anonymous ID: fd3f14 June 21, 2020, 10:22 p.m. No.9704020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4113


Lurker here again, pointing at Q, Q+, Mil that is not compromised, highly connected and important helper anons, this is a digital war, is it not? Digitize it, broadcast the proof that you have on a legal platform specifically designed for the Military Tribunals that are to come, Martial Law will be the only way to shut the the Fake fucking news…..Q keeps saying you have to SHOW the people well I don't think people have been paying attention any time in my 52 years of like than like they are right now right here….this is the time of the Storm, POTUS should make that speech soon, Martial Law Should be declared because we have traitors as governors, mayors, whole PD Depts. Congresspeople encouraging the violence and rioting and the corporate entities as well. ITS Fucking Time now while people are still home, social distancing aware of who is around them because of an invisible enemy. Now is the time to drop the MOAB's all of them on a place and on a platform no one can stop……


as in No one can stop what is coming.

Perhaps alot of people will be hospitalized but perhaps many will finally see the light and realize their inner feeling of things just don't seem right will be validated and they can be freed to see the truth once and for all. No need to shed anymore innocent blood….

God needs us to step up for them, the children the victims, to expose who and what they really are…..

Anonymous ID: fd3f14 June 21, 2020, 10:54 p.m. No.9704212   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q, Q+ POTUS, its time, for Mil Tribunals, the streets in DEM cities are being used as socialism and communistic laboratories. We need our younger generation back, we need the fear of God back in people, we need respect for the life of the innocent and the elderly who have lived through so much and so much to teach us if we can stop this evil and violent attack on our way of life. This is both an information and digital war, not one anon here has gone out and harmed another human because we believe in the Plan and that this war would be fought here, digitally. We need to break down the fake news narratives for like a month and create a judicial system through the Military courts to conduct tribunals for those who have committed treason and it needs to be televised, streamed and done so on a secure, military grade platform that is virtually indestructible. CAN YOU HEAR ME…….We are ready, so many are ready but just do not know what to do. No one wants any more violence or destruction of historical artifacts or buildings….


Help us to get this going, if you have the evident start the process, please before we lose our country…..once and for all…


POTUS, do you hear me??????