Jesus is God.
All whom deny this fact Are the Enemy.
tell mæı вот уея мцzzer°●°
the matrix wishes.
<chuk [yü] fuckles.
>Grace is sufficient…
<Even fer æı
too fucking KEEYYYY_YÜÞƏ.
æı am naught moar than the shadow that diturbs your dreams…
<till one nostril is full of ammonia and the other is full of bleach.
~~slēp тīтę~~
вцмр имеет иīбнт.
mæı & mæıņə веsтяоđə §œüтнеяи īяæк łīкə פœþþ§…
<zinn wasnt home when æı called upon its hospitality fer chæı…
apropos œ'naught… swamp arabs kids are funny as shytə.