>I am starting to think the answer to Q question "why in Democrat cities?" is because that's where it is needed.
1) Because THAT is the ONLY place [their] plan could be successfully implemented.
To execute [their] plan requires willing participants within the establishment, government or whatever term you prefer at this point.
In every case, the Police force was compromised, the Mayor(s) and Governor(s) were complacent and literally acting oblivious to what was going on around them.
Such anarchy could/would not take place where it not for the silent preplaned participation of those who were supposedly in charge.
2) These are areas where the local population has fallen for the socialist utopia bullshit fed them by the media, and subsequently elected these 'DemonicRats' to positions of power.
By so doing, they made their own local environment the perfect place for such false flag operations to be successful in pushing [THEIR] agenda.