Anonymous ID: 754f01 June 22, 2020, 6:37 a.m. No.9706013   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9705451 (lb) The language says WILL BE and WILL LEAD to Election disaster. DJT is a man who says what he means. He did not say WOULD LEAD or WOULD BE. Of course, every sane person knows that it is the commies who are pushing it, and who intend to cheat wildly, even as they have already begun their ludicrous narrative that POTUS is the one who is going to cheat in the election, and then need to be removed by the military. Alinsky tactic of course- they know no other way but lies & blaming others for their own crimes.


Have to think that there is a remedy from the DOJ/SC that will stop the mail in catastrophe. Because that mail fraud WOULD lead to immediate hot war in America, with our foreign enemies piling on, claiming the satanists had won, and were the legit government. We play by the Constitutional rules-it's the only way for people who have sworn to defend who and what we are. So do we have a legal remedy to prevent this, or do we not? If not, this anon will redouble preparations to fight for life & nation.


We have been long-informed that elections no longer matter. We have also been recently informed that many will not understand the "how" of what is coming. Have our leaders recognized all along that nothing will stop the satanist rebellion but Constitutionally enabled armed force, fully aware that our defeated enemies can not/will not admit it, and will start shooting at some point? Is it a charade that is more than a charade, designed to prove to the majority (must be shown) that we are fighting rabid dogs, and MUST use force at some point, either before or after the election?

Anonymous ID: 754f01 June 22, 2020, 7:13 a.m. No.9706232   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9706154 The juvenile lameness of these people is off the charts, beyond belief. Muh racism is ALL they've got, and all they've ever had. We are going to clean house, big time.

Anonymous ID: 754f01 June 22, 2020, 7:29 a.m. No.9706356   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9706237 PDJT always praises his enemies at some point. This is de rigueur for his style of executive management. Nice words prior to going for the jugular. On the flip side, IMO he sometimes will put down his allies, keeping us all guessing as to who is who. We will find out at the end, whatever the "end" may be.

Anonymous ID: 754f01 June 22, 2020, 7:41 a.m. No.9706456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6465

>>9706400 The men who fought under those flags (or something close) were incredible. Doesn't matter which side one may favor politically. They lined up and fired at each other from 75 yards or so, hundreds of big hunks of hot metal smashing into flesh & blood. And they stood there and did it, until ordered or forced from that position. Those are men in every sense of the word. Those in the present who denigrate any of them, are among the biggest losers of all time. Every one of them was a better man than some of those we see prancing around this nation now.

Anonymous ID: 754f01 June 22, 2020, 7:56 a.m. No.9706557   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9706496 This anon is unable to dispute the reasoning in the decision. Yet the context is that there are "other" ways to achieve full disgorgement, as in strip every cent from their sorry tails. Will opine that few top corporations or pools of investment money, have failed to dirty their hands in the things that patriots fight against. EO may destroy them.