>>9701237 PB Q
>>9704074 PB
>Anon on the targeting of nursing homes - was it a money grab? ANONS DIG
The elderly in nursing homes are huge part of each states Medicaid ( 70%).
Medicaid is 1 of the top 3 expenditures of many states budgets.
Each state pays 50% of Medicaid so yes each body is $80-$110 saved x 365.
Say $100 x 365 = $36,500 per person saved per year.
Using Scalise's estimate of 20,000 avoidable deaths
= $730 MILLION savings to the states.
Not all the elderly that were euthanized were on Medicaid, but one could also argue that 20,000 avoidable deaths is a low estimate.
Now look at the budgets of each of those 5 states and the cost of their draconian lockdown measures on their tax revenues.
For political psychopaths, murder is a business decision.