Anonymous ID: 1d8357 June 22, 2020, 10:08 a.m. No.9707529   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7658

New Audio Released of Joe Biden and Former Ukrainian President Poroshenko Discussing the Onyshchenko Problem — Who Was Later Poisoned


A shocking audio tape was released by Creative Destruction Media in May. The audio revealed the phone call between then Vice President Joe Biden and former Ukrainian President Poroshenko. In the call Joe Biden pressures the president to fire former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.


The men discuss the firing of then State Prosecutor Shokin in order to prevent an investigation into Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and other criminal actions.


Victor Shokin was investigating Joe Biden’s son Hunter at the time and his work at Burisma Holdings.


Poroshenko tells Joe Biden he complied and fired Shokin.


Creative Destruction Media posted the call and transcript.


Transcribed from the Video——-

oe Biden: Yes.


Poroshenko: …. I especially asked him to resign… as his position as a state prosecutor… He promised to give me statement of his resignation… One hour he gave me statement of his presentation.


Joe Biden: Great!….


Joe Biden: (10:20 mark) I am prepared to a public signing for a commitment for a billion dollars. Again I am not suggesting you want it or don’t want it. I am suggesting that is what I am prepared to do. Again it won’t be finalized… Let me when you and I finished speaking let me huddle with my team… I agree with you there is a sense of urgency here.


Joe Biden — (14:30 minute mark) Congratulations in getting the new Prosecutor General. I know there’s a lot more to that. I really think that’s good. It is going to be critical that he works to repair the damage of Shokin. I’m a man of my word. Now that the new prosecutor general is in place we’re ready to move forward to signing the one billion dollar loan guarantee. And I don’t know how you want to go about that… I’ll leave it to you to how you want it done and where you want it done.


CD Media reports–


More audio tapes were released today in Ukraine where Joe Biden talks with corrupt former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. The two discuss destroying Ukrainian oligarch Alexander Onyshchenko, who released corruption evidence against Poroshenko in 2016. Onyshchenko fled the country that year.


Onyshchenko was later poisoned.


According to CD Media:


Onyshchenko was arrested on an Interpol warrant by Ukrainian authorities in late 2019 in Germany as he was traveling to the United States to testify against Biden during the impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump.


Read the rest here at CD Media.

Anonymous ID: 1d8357 June 22, 2020, 10:09 a.m. No.9707540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7604 >>7692 >>7694

Three Men in Thousand Oaks Arrested for Vandalizing Black Lives Matter Sign — While Hundreds of Violent BLM Activists Continue to Rip Down US Statues without Consequence


One of the vandals in Thousand Oaks


Three men in Thousand Oaks, California were caught on camera vandalizing a Black Lives Matter flag.


The owner put up a surveillance camera to catch the vandals of his sign.


One of the villains is a sheriff’s office employee.


The three men were ARRESTED for vandalizing a Black Lives Matter sign!


Meanwhile — Black Lives Matter leftists continue to smash, vandalize and tear down US statues without consequence.


KTLA reported:


A Black Lives Matter sign in Thousand Oaks was vandalized on at least three separate occasions, including by a sheriff’s office employee and a district attorney’s office employee, officials said Saturday.


The sign, which consists of a tarp with the letters “BLM” painted on it, has been displayed along a fence on Westlake Boulevard for the last three weeks. It has been damaged and removed several times, according to the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office, prompting the owner of the sign to place a surveillance camera nearby.


Detectives recognized 60-year-old Darrin Stone — an employee of the Sheriff’s Office since 2005 — in images the owner posted of the vandalism online. Stone was captured on camera slashing the sign with a knife on June 13, and he is also accused of slashing the sign a second time on June 19, officials said.


Detectives conducted an investigation and issued Stone a misdemeanor citation for vandalism. He was also placed on paid administrative leave, pending both a criminal and administrative investigation, according to the Sheriff’s Office.


Stone is a service technician at the Pre-Trial Detention Facility in Ventura, official said. He was off-duty at the time of both incidents.

Anonymous ID: 1d8357 June 22, 2020, 10:12 a.m. No.9707579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7648

Luongo: The US Is In Civil War (And Why Berman's Firing Matters)


The U.S. is in a Civil War. It began four years ago after Donald Trump’s election and has finally boiled over into open warfare here in 2020.


From the moment the protests against the killing of George Floyd were hijacked into looting and rioting I worried about this turning into something far greater, something with a far higher purpose.


Within a couple of days it was obvious the U.S. was now the subject of a color revolution of the same type and build up that occurred in places like Ukraine, Georgia, Egypt, Serbia and others.


And it’s pretty clear the color for our revolution isn’t orange or brown or violet, it’s black.


The questions I have are why this is happening now? The obvious answer is the full court press to deny Trump a second term. That’s a practically stated goal at this point.


But I feel this is far deeper than that, and likely has to do with knowing that Trump has pieces in place post-Jeffrey Epstein raid/murder to upset the Deep State’s apple cart.


And that brings me to why I’m interested in Hungary again.


I haven’t spoken much about Hungary in recent months but maybe I should have been. For me the two big stories of the week are:


1) Trump explicitly going after the Southern District of New York (SDNY) and the removal of U.S. Attorney Geoff Berman.


2) The European Court of Justice striking down Hungary’s Anti-NGO law which targets George Soros’ ability to fund revolutionary groups within Hungary.


The through line here is that both of these stories attack the heart of the Color Revolution process… the monied interests behind them. Useful idiots shooting each other in downtown Seattle or knocking down statues to Thomas Jefferson are not the story.


They are the means to power to be discarded (they hope).


Useful idiots eventually become useless eaters in any post-Marxist revolution worth discussing.

Anonymous ID: 1d8357 June 22, 2020, 10:13 a.m. No.9707587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7613

Trump warns of ‘RIGGED’ election, claims millions of mail-in ballots will be forged by foreign powers


The upcoming presidential election will be the scandal of the century, Donald Trump has predicted, stating that the use of mail-in ballots opens the door to widespread vote fraud as well as foreign meddling.


In one of his signature all-caps tweets, the US leader expressed his concerns about November's contest against Democrat Joe Biden.



Anonymous ID: 1d8357 June 22, 2020, 10:15 a.m. No.9707614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7935 >>8119

German Police Preparing To Arrest Former Wirecard Execs As Evidence Of Massive Fraud Mounts


Update (1100ET): As evidence of an extraodinarily brazen accounting fraud at Wirecard piles up, German prosecutors are reportedly planning to file criminal charges against now-former Wirecard CEO Markus Braun and COO Jan Marsalek.




The news comes after the collapse in Wirecard shares has rendered Braun a virtual pauper. Meanwhile, whatever customers the company still has are quickly jumping ship.


If Braun has any assets left, we wouldn't be surprised to see him plot a Carlos Ghosn-style 'Great Escape'.


    • *


Update (0840ET): Is this 'game over' for Wirecard? It very well might be…


As ex-CEO Markus Braun's Wirecard stake is officially dragged underwater as its value sinks below the balance of a loan backed by the shares, threatening to set off a 'doom loop' margin call that could officially take the once-highflying DAX components shares to zero, it appears many of the company's biggest lenders are running for the hills, cutting the company off from much-needed liquidity and forcing it to dramatically reassess its options now that bankruptcy looks virtually inevitable.


According to Bloomberg, state-run Bank of China is looking at turning off the credit taps and writing down its €80M ($90M) loan to Wirecard.


Bank of China Ltd. is discussing ending a credit facility to Germany’s Wirecard AG, a move that would complicate the beleaguered company’s fight for survival after it was engulfed by a multi-billion-dollar accounting scandal.


China’s fourth-largest lender may write off most of the 80 million euros ($90 million) it’s owed and not extend the credit line, the people said, asking not to be identified as the discussions are private. Bank of China one of a group of at least 15 commercial banks behind $2 billion in financing to Wirecard plans to engage an external legal team to look into how it can minimize losses, they said.


Bank of China is part of a revolving credit facility of about 1.75 billion euros, Bloomberg reported earlier. Under the current lending agreement, banks can call in loans before the maturity or take legal action if terms are breached, or if conditions attached to the facility aren’t met.


Of course, once one bank moves to cut ties, the rest of the corporate banking cabal will see the blood in the water and turn off the taps, effectively forcing a 'liquidity crisis' that will probably force the company into bankruptcy.


One Twitter user responded to the news by asking: What does the BoC know that other banks don't?

Anonymous ID: 1d8357 June 22, 2020, 10:17 a.m. No.9707631   🗄️.is 🔗kun

German Communist Party Unveils Statue Of "Freedom Fighter" Vladimir Lenin


Earlier today, Twitter's @MrsMelChen, an editor at Spectator USA, shared a passage written by Chairman Mao that caught our eye.


While left-wing groups use the backlash against Confederate Statues to remove statutes of other far less controversial figures in the name of "purifying" American history and cleansing the stain of racism (or, at least, what the progressive left identifies as "racist", which tends to include anything contrary to their fanatical devotion to "equality", conservative writers are likening the hysterical fervor to another far more dangerous period in modern history: The Cultural Revolution, the BBC reports.

Anonymous ID: 1d8357 June 22, 2020, 10:18 a.m. No.9707640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7655 >>7716 >>7731 >>7808 >>7827

WHO Flip Flops Again, Warns Mink Have Spread Virus To Humans "In Limited Cases": Live Updates




WHO warns minks have spread virus to humans

Boston Fed chief says reopening to early threatens the economic recovery

Arizona reports latest covid numbers

Florida passes 100k cases

Kudlow talks up small biz plan

WHO says yesterday saw biggest jump in new cases

NYC enters 'phase 2' reopening

More evidence emerges showing virus hit earlier than previously thought

24 states have "R" above 1

Spain welcomes back tourists

UK PM unveils latest step in reopening plan


    • *


Update (1230ET): Following warnings that first surfaced late last week, he WHO warned on Monday that a limited number of human coronavirus infections have been traced back to direct infection from minks, the small rodent-like mammals that are prized for their fur. Though the virus's primary means of transmission is human to human, Dr. Tedros confirmed that there have been cases of minks spreading the virus to humans in the Netherlands.


Since mid-April, the mink on fur farms across Denmark and the Netherlands have started getting sick, with symptoms ranging from runny noses to potentially fatal respiratory distress. Veterinarians soon concluded that the mink had caught the virus from their human handlers.


Nearly half a million mink have since been culled from more than a dozen fur farms in the Netherlands.


What PETA and other animal rights groups have denounced as "brutality" are intended to eliminate the possibility that the mink could become a reservoir for the virus that causes COVID-19, complicating efforts to eradicate the virus. Researchers at a university in London have warned that surveillance on pets should begin since we already know dogs and cats can carry the virus.


Though the chances probably aren't huge, it's technically possible that pets could become meat shields for the virus.


"We need to develop surveillance strategies to ensure we don’t get taken by surprise by a large outbreak in animals, which could pose a threat not just to animal health but to human health as well,” co-author Joanne Santini, a professor of structural and molecular biology, said in a statement.


For all we know, animals could one day play a critical role in helping to spread the virus, even if humans are overwhelmingly driving its spread. The Netherlands has undertaken among the broadest efforts to understand how a zoonotic virus that originated in animals before hopping to humans may now be spreading back to animals.


"We know that these viruses are capable of mutating,” said Peter Rabinowitz, a physician who directs the University of Washington Center for One Health Research, which is studying the virus in household pets. “There could be changes in the virus, and these human-animal transmission events could play more of a role in the future, and we have to be more vigilant.”


For example, some studies have warned that cats are particularly susceptible to coronaviruses, so cats should probably be monitored for signs of the virus.

Anonymous ID: 1d8357 June 22, 2020, 10:19 a.m. No.9707652   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Immunity for US diplomat’s wife involved in teen’s death branded ‘absurd,’ critics blast UK double standards over Assange


A former British ambassador has called US and UK claims that Anne Sacoolas – the wife of a US intelligence officer – had immunity, as “a palpable absurdity.” Sacoolas is accused of killing Harry Dunn last year in a car crash.


The 19-year-old was fatally injured after he was allegedly struck by Sacoolas in her car outside RAF Croughton in Northamptonshire in August 2019. Sir Ivor Roberts, a former top British diplomat in Serbia, Ireland and Italy, was asked by lawyers representing the Dunn family for his opinion on the tragic case.


The ex-British ambassador hasn’t minced his words, branding it “a palpable absurdity” that both the British Foreign Office and the US Embassy say she could claim the same level of diplomatic immunity as her husband, Jonathan Sacoolas.


Roberts’ scathing views focus on an August 1995 agreement between the UK Foreign Office and the US ambassador to Britain about American personnel at RAF Croughton – the military base where Sacoolas’ husband was stationed at the time of Dunn’s death.


The former diplomat insists that it’s made explicit in the agreement that diplomatic immunity for people like Jonathan and Anne Sacoolas would not apply for “acts performed outside the course of their duties.”


It was clearly not anticipated that this agreement might be dishonorably challenged by the US government through their embassy in London.


His comments come as former Tory Foreign Office Minister Tony Baldry says the diplomatic immunity deal from 1995 was specifically designed to exclude dangerous driving cases.


Many people on social media have responded angrily to the protection Sacoolas – who fled back to the US in the immediate aftermath of the death – has received from the UK government.


Some hit out at what they see as double standards, whereby WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange can be imprisoned in London with the threat of extradition to the US for revealing military “war crimes," while Sacoolas escapes British justice.

Anonymous ID: 1d8357 June 22, 2020, 10:23 a.m. No.9707693   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7726 >>7765

'Fed up' 88-year-old woman who owns liquor store shoots alleged shoplifter in back: 'I'm not taking it anymore'


'And don't put me in the category of a little old lady. I know how to take care of myself.'


May Boyce, 88, is a widow who stands a mere 5 feet, 3 inches tall and weighs just 115 pounds — but don't dare call her a "little old lady," she told the New York Post.


"I know how to take care of myself," Boyce added to the paper.


Indeed, an alleged shoplifter in her Nashville liquor store learned that truth painfully Tuesday night.

What happened?


Boyce, who owns Murfreesboro Road Liquor and Wines, told investigators two men entered her store and walked behind the counter where the vodka was located, the Charlotte Observer reported, citing an affidavit obtained by McClatchy News.


She said one of the men approached her "in a manner that she knew" he was going to steal from her, the Observer said.


That's when Boyce grabbed her late mother Mary's .38 Smith & Wesson revolver, unwrapped it from its cloth covering, and placed it on the counter, the Post reported.


One of the men asked for brown liquor, and the other, identified as Ramon Fisher, grabbed a couple of Crown Royal whiskey bottles, the Post said, adding that Boyce then confronted Fisher, who she said "lunged" at her.


Boyce said Fisher was going to push her down, the Post added, and he ran for the exit with the bottles under his arm.


According to authorities, she said she pointed the gun toward the ground "in the victim's direction and fired once," the Observer reported, and "the victim yelled out that he had been shot and fell into a stack of bottles."


"I never shot a gun before," Boyce told the Post, "but I guess it's something that comes natural. I aimed at the floor to scare him."


The other man helped Fisher out of the store, the Observer added, citing the affidavit.


More from the Observer:


Police caught up with Fisher at Vanderbilt Hospital, where he told police he was under the influence of drugs and alcohol at the time and said he and his friend went to the store to steal liquor, the affidavit says.


Fisher offered a different story the next day, telling police in a follow-up interview he had every intention of paying for the alcohol.


"He stated that he was not going to steal any liquor, [and] that his friend, the unidentified male … told him to take the liquor, that he was going to pay for it," police said, according to the Observer.


Fisher — who is expected to recover — also denied fleeing the store and said he was walking toward the exit when Boyce shot him once in the back, the Observer added.

Anonymous ID: 1d8357 June 22, 2020, 10:25 a.m. No.9707713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7935 >>8119

Protesters Are Burning Down Central Banks In Lebanon As Gov’t Devalues Currency


Riots have spread across Lebanon in recent weeks, in response to a currency crisis that has left large portions of the country in poverty. Headquarter locations for the country’s central bank have been targeted by protesters, along with smaller bank branches that symbolize the economic woes of the nation. Lebanon’s currency has been deteriorating for many years, but began a freefall back in October which has further plunged the country into poverty.


In the past 6 months, the nation’s Lira currency has lost about 70% of its value. Last week, Joyce Karam of United Arab Emirates-based media outlet TheNational reported that the Lebanese pound is trading for more than 5,000 per $1. The crash of the currency has led to further economic inequality in the country.


According to data collected between 2005 and 2014, Lebanon’s top 1% receives 25% of the national income on average, and the top 10% receives 55% of the national income. In Tripoli, Lebanon’s second-largest city, poverty rates were around 50% near the end of last year, and this figure has continued to rise as the crisis deepens.


According to the Anadolu Agency, protesters briefly occupied the central bank headquarters in the capital city of Beirut last week before being forced from the area by riot police. The bank was reportedly burned in the process, along with nearby shops. Protesters also set fires in front of the palace in Beirut. The protests reportedly came in the wake of massive bank runs, in which citizens lined up around the block hoping to access their funds.


Foreign Policy reported that similar protests occurred in Tripoli, with protesters breaking windows and setting fire to multiple banks.

Anonymous ID: 1d8357 June 22, 2020, 10:27 a.m. No.9707722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7762 >>7817 >>7935 >>8119

Minneapolis PD sees wave of resignations as officers feel betrayed by city officials


Morale is low after George Floyd's death


At least seven Minneapolis Police Department officers have recently resigned, with another seven in the process of separating from the department, as officers feel betrayed by city officials and opposed by the public they serve, according to the Star Tribune.


In the aftermath of George Floyd's death in custody of fired Minneapolis Police officers, the city has entertained proposals to dismantle the department altogether, and officers are subject to high levels of hostility from some residents.


"They don't feel appreciated," said former MPD officer Mylan Masson, who is also an expert in the use of force. "Everybody hates the police right now. I mean everybody."


Some officers have reportedly quit without even going through the formal process, creating additional strain for a department struggling with COVID-19-related budget shortfalls and difficulties in recruitment.


"During this busy and trying time I have heard secondhand information that there have been employees that have advised their supervisors that they separated with the city (or quit) without completing paperwork," Deputy Chief Henry Halvorson wrote in an e-mail, the Star Tribune reported. "We need to have the process completed to ensure that we know who is continuing to work."


During the protests and riots following Floyd's death, Mayor Jacob Frey made the decision to abandon the MPD's Third Precinct, surrendering it to protesters, who burglarized it and set it on fire. The decision, allegedly made in the interest of officer safety, angered officers who felt the city did not have their backs and was siding with the protesters instead.


The Minneapolis City Council voted unanimously on June 12 to begin the process of disbanding the Minneapolis Police Department and replacing it with a community-based public safety program. Some council members are working on a plan to amend the city's charter to remove the requirement that the city fund a minimum number of police officers.

Anonymous ID: 1d8357 June 22, 2020, 10:28 a.m. No.9707743   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.S. Coronavirus Deaths Remain on Downward Trajectory as Cases Rise



Coronavirus-related deaths in the United States remains on a downward trajectory as cases rise nationwide, recent data shows.


Cases of the Chinese coronavirus are rising in the U.S. as the states reopen their economies — allowing bars, gyms, and restaurants to resume operations — and testing capacity increases. However, while cases remain on the rise, the death rate is not currently following that upward trajectory.


“The number of coronavirus cases in the U.S. is on the rise again, but the number of daily deaths is still dropping from the U.S.’s mid-April peak,” Axios reported on Monday, attributing the recent crop of positive cases to young people who are not as vulnerable to devastating effects of the infection as older individuals.


That appears to be the case in Florida, which has experienced a spike in cases in recent days. Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), who received a wave of criticism over his refusal to institute severe lockdown restrictions in the Sunshine State, attributed the rise in cases, in part, to the reality of increased testing capacity. Virtually anyone can get tested, even those who are not exhibiting symptoms. However, he also acknowledged that “the number of people testing positive is accelerating faster” than the testing.


“You know that’s evidence that there’s transmission within those communities,” he said on Saturday.


In Florida, the median age of those who are testing positive for the virus is dropping, and many of those individuals, as the governor explained on Friday, are asymptomatic.


“We know now after having dealt with the coronavirus for all these months that the mortality and morbidity is very closely linked to age, and those under 40, in particular, who don’t have any significant underlying conditions, are much, much less likely to be hospitalized or to suffer fatality,” DeSantis said during Friday’s press conference.


“So particularly in the younger cohort … you’re finding infections with minimal or zero symptoms. That’s a little bit different than what we did at the beginning of the pandemic,” he explained.


“A new case is just a positive test. It doesn’t mean somebody’s sick,” the governor added. “The number of cases is not necessarily something that’s going to tell you what the burden of the disease is.”


That appears to be true for the rest of the country as well. However, experts worry the death rate will spike as younger people, who have tested positive for the virus, come in contact with the more vulnerable population.


“The death rate always lags several weeks behind the infection rate,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told Axios:


The high number of cases in young people is “not surprising,” Fauci added, as younger people are more likely to engage in riskier behaviors right now. “They get infected first, then they come home, and then they infect the older people. The older people get the complications, and then they go to the hospitals.”


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 2,248,029 cases in the U.S. as of Sunday, up by 32,411 from the day prior. The death toll stood at 119,615 as of Sunday, according to the CDC’s data.

Anonymous ID: 1d8357 June 22, 2020, 10:31 a.m. No.9707790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7793 >>7935 >>8119

8 Russiagate Investigators You May Not Have Heard Of


Senate Republicans earlier this month voted to subpoena dozens of people as part of a sprawling investigation into the government’s surveillance of the Trump campaign.

Many of the witnesses are well known to the public: James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and John Brennan, just to name a few.

But several others not as well known to the public played key roles in the FBI’s probe of the Trump campaign.


The multiple investigations of the U.S. government’s intelligence-gathering activities against the Trump campaign have typically focused on the actions of the same small group of former officials: James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, John Brennan, James Clapper and a few others.


But just as significant to the efforts to get to the bottom of the government’s Trump-related surveillance are a handful of current and former FBI and Justice Department employees whose names are not as well known to the public.


The Senate Judiciary Committee voted to subpoena up to 53 current and former government employees as part of a sprawling investigating into the origins of Crossfire Hurricane. The Senate Homeland and Government Affairs Committee voted to subpoena another 35 individuals, some of whom are on the Judiciary panel’s list.


The investigations occur against the backdrop of a probe that U.S. Attorney John Durham is leading into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe. Durham is reportedly investigated some of the information revealed in a Justice Department inspector general’s report that said the FBI made at least 17 “significant” errors and omissions in applications for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against Carter Page.


Attorney General William Barr has said that Durham’s investigation is looking into potential criminal wrongdoing.


Some of the FBI and DOJ employees discussed in the IG report are identified as pseudonyms. But the subpoenas from Senate Republicans provides clues as to who some of those FBI and Justice Department employees are.


The Daily Caller News Foundation has identified eight individuals on those lists who were key figures in the Trump-Russia probe.


Steve Somma, FBI counterintelligence investigator in the New York Field Office.


Somma is reported to be an FBI counterintelligence agent referred to as “Case Agent 1” in the IG report.


The report said that “Case Agent 1” was “primarily responsible for some of the most significant errors and omissions” in the FBI’s applications for surveillance orders on Page.



Anonymous ID: 1d8357 June 22, 2020, 10:32 a.m. No.9707793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7935 >>8119



The report also says that Moffa described Steele as “reliable” in a December 2016 email even though the FBI had closed him out as a confidential source and the FBI had information that called his credibility into question.


That same month, Moffa said the CIA viewed Steele’s reporting as “Internet rumor”


Sean Newell, deputy chief of counterintelligence and export control at the Justice Department.


Newell may have been the assistant to Laufman who took part in the January 2017 interview with Steele’s source. The IG report said that a deputy to Laufman conducted the second half of the interview with the Steele source.


Kevin Clinesmith, former attorney in the FBI’s office of general counsel.


The IG report says that an FBI lawyer identified as Clinesmith altered an email in June 2017 to say that Carter Page was “not a source” for the CIA. Page had been an “operational contact” for the spy agency until at least 2013.


Clinesmith also played a key role in several aspects of Crossfire Hurricane. He was also an attorney on the special counsel’s investigation.


He took part in a February 2017 interview with George Papadopoulos.


A previous IG report about the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton cited anti-Trump text messages that Clinesmith sent after the 2016 election. Clinesmith wrote “Vive [sic] le Resistance!” in one message.


The New York Times has reported that Michael Horowitz, the Justice Department inspector general, referred Clinesmith to prosecutors for potential criminal charges.



Anonymous ID: 1d8357 June 22, 2020, 10:33 a.m. No.9707811   🗄️.is 🔗kun

North Korea Threatens ‘Sensational Event’ to End America


A statement from North Korea’s embassy in Moscow observing the 70th anniversary of the still-ongoing Korean War this weekend threatened a “sensational event” leading to the destruction of the United States.


North Korea routinely threatened nuclear attacks on America for much of the past decade, peaking in intensity around 2016-2017. Pyongyang’s communist regime issued many of those threats in the form of videos simulating nuclear attacks on Washington, DC, and other major American cities. Following its most recent nuclear attack in September 2017, however, the United Nations approved of strict sanctions on North Korea that have crippled its economy and apparently limited its ability to threaten free states.


The belligerent statement out of Moscow follows a turbulent week in which the North Koreans bombed a joint liaison office with the South in Kaesong, built exclusively with South Korean money, and have since refused any talks with the leftist government of President Moon Jae-in. Dictator Kim Jong-un has apparently tasked his sister, Kim Yo-jong, with leading the propaganda charge against the South, as Kim has signed her name on several insulting statements targeting Moon.


Russia’s TASS news agency reported the statement out of North Korea’s outpost in Moscow on Saturday, stating it was sent to the agency directly from the embassy.


“This year, the U.S. military is deploying all sorts of military maneuvers in South Korea and in the areas adjacent to it,” the North Korean embassy in Moscow reportedly stated, without specifying what “maneuvers” it was referring to since Seoul and Washington have paused military activities. It instead highlighted its possession of nuclear weapons “which are capable of mercilessly punishing those who dare to raise their hand at it, in whatever corner of the … planet he may be.”


“A new round of the Korean War will add a particularly sensational event to the history of mankind, which will put an end to another empire, whose name is the United States,” the statement reportedly concluded.


The warring parties marked the 70th anniversary of the war on Sunday. While active hostilities occurred from 1950 to 1953, neither side – South Korea and America, and North Korea and China – signed a peace agreement, only an armistice, meaning the war never officially ended. North and South Korean troops still face each other on the Korean border to this day, in the event that hostilities resume.


North Korea has repeatedly threatened nuclear strikes on the United States. In 2017, North Korea’s state propaganda arms published multiple videos simulating nuclear attacks on Washington, DC, and San Francisco, California.


“It is self-evident that the DPRK [North Korea] can never stop bolstering up the nuclear deterrent under the grave situation in which no one can guess when a nuclear war may break out due to the U.S. seeking to stifle the DPRK by nukes,” a representative North Korean state media article from 2017 read. “The U.S. more persistent moves to launch a nuclear war on the Korean peninsula would precipitate its final doom.”

Anonymous ID: 1d8357 June 22, 2020, 10:39 a.m. No.9707886   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China Slaps Down Canada’s Justin Trudeau: Stop ‘Irresponsible Remarks’ on Spy Case


China gave Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a very public dressing down on Monday, telling the Canadian leader he should “stop making irresponsible remarks” after he said Beijing’s decision to charge two Canadians with spying was linked to his country’s arrest of a Chinese tech executive.


The spying charges are “completely different” from the case of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou, a foreign ministry spokesman said, according to the Associated Press.


Meng was arrested on U.S. charges connected to possible violations of trade sanctions on Iran in a case that has infuriated Beijing, caused a diplomatic uproar and added to tensions between China and the United States.


Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor were detained in what was widely seen as an attempt to smear Canada after Meng’s December 2018 arrest in Vancouver.


As Breitbart News reported, charges against them were announced Friday after a Canadian judge ruled Meng’s extradition case can proceed to its next stage, moving her closer to eventually being sent to America to face trial.


China’s state-run Global Times insisted there is “abundant evidence” against the two Canadians, and efforts to “politicize” their cases by linking them with Meng’s are “baseless accusations” that are “confusing right with wrong,” assertions that continue to be tested in the court of public opinion.


Trudeau, speaking to reporters in Ottawa, begged to differ. He said Chinese authorities “directly linked” the cases of Kovrig and Spavor with Meng. He called on Beijing to end their “arbitrary detention.”


“There is no such thing as arbitrary detention,” retorted the ministry spokesman, Zhao Lijian.


“China urges the relevant Canadian leader to earnestly respect the spirit of the rule of law, respect China’s judicial sovereignty and stop making irresponsible remarks,” Zhao said.


Meng is living in a mansion she owns in Vancouver, where she reportedly is working on a graduate degree. Kovrig and Spavor are being held at an undisclosed location and have been denied access to lawyers or family members.


China has also sentenced two other Canadians to death and suspended imports of Canadian canola.


Zhao said visits by foreign diplomats to prisoners were suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic.