Does anyone really know the voter base size of the D-party?
I can not understand why anyone would vote for biden, or for the D policies that seem only to breed corruption, as evident in D run states.
The obvious reason would be the msm mind control, but it has to be difficult to keep people so delusional now that social media is revealing that 'summer of love' riots, looting and indiscriminate murders are the result of D policies.
How well would the Republican party clean up Chicago, offering people a future by contributing to the well being of the city rather than the bank accounts of corrupt politicians while living on welfare without any real prospects for a future, let alone surviving gang violence.
I guess that the D funded 'black leaders' don't care as long as they get to fly their private planes far away from the problems they cause.
I think that the biggest issue people have is reconciling the fact that some people don't care about anything as long as they have a get out of jail free card, such as israel for jews and additionally the corruption of the government if they ever would be questioned for their own corruption.