Anonymous ID: f4a3a4 June 22, 2020, 2:53 p.m. No.9709968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9977 >>0046 >>0172


Identity, Islam, and the Twilight of Liberal Values—A Review


A review of Identity, Islam, and the Twilight of Liberal Values by Terri Murray, Cambridge Scholars, 212 pages (Dec. 2018)


After the collapse of the totalitarian Communist regimes in 1989-91, Francis Fukuyama famously wrote in The End of History and the Last Man that “we may have reached the end of mankind’s ideological evolution and the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of government.” Terri Murray begins Identity, Islam and the Twilight of Liberal Values by arguing that Fukuyama’s optimism was premature, because the rise of religious fundamentalism—especially radical Islam—has become a powerful bulwark against the spread of liberal democracy. Rather than exposing and opposing the damage done by Islamism in the West, soi disant liberals, leftists, and progressives have acted as its supporters and cheerleaders. Murray instead labels them as “pseudo-liberals” and the “regressive Left” as a result of their abandonment of bedrock liberal principles, and progressive and secular values.


Murray aims to diagnose the ways in which European and American social liberalism has been eroded in the post-9/11 era, asserting that these are not because of its internal flaws but because Westerners have been reluctant to defend its strengths and to apply its principles internally. She maintains that a “paternalistic orthodoxy” has arisen that demands positive respect for, or deference to, those who oppose liberalism, secularism, and democracy. Universal human rights and principled politics have given way to moral relativism and total subjectivism—developments that Murray argues were by no means inevitable. This trend is encapsulated in the buzzword that has become so fashionably prevalent in recent times—“diversity.” Murray contends that the rhetoric of diversity has been used to peddle policies that have curtailed any genuine liberal dissent from the establishment’s orthodoxies and politically correct posturing. This, in turn, has resulted in a decrease in intellectual diversity.

Anonymous ID: f4a3a4 June 22, 2020, 2:59 p.m. No.9710012   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0052



But..But..BUT is Women ruled the world….There wouldn't be any wars…What a bunch of Bullhit….kekekek


Throughout history, queens were more likely to wage war than kings


During a meeting of her war council in June 1482, as she plotted the siege of a town in Granada, Queen Isabella went into labor. After a brutal 36 hours, only one of the twins she bore lived, and, days later, her troops returned bloodied and defeated. But the 31-year-old queen proved as tenacious in war as in labor. In less than a decade, Isabella had taken Granada from the Moors, unifying Spain, and launching the rise of history’s first global superpower.


Nowadays Isabella is less known for her conquests than for having paid Christopher Columbus to sail the oceans—maybe because we don’t often think of queens as warmongers.


But apparently, they were. In fact, between 1480 and 1913, Europe’s queens were 27% more likely than its kings to wage war, according to a National Bureau of Economics working paper (paywall). And like Isabella, queens were also more likely to amass new territory during their reigns, found the paper’s authors, economists Oeindrila Dube and S.P. Harish.

Anonymous ID: f4a3a4 June 22, 2020, 3:10 p.m. No.9710108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0179

KEK…Got a chuckle out of this…Somebody is Reading Q's Posts…What has Q told people about this board…Interesting how that works…kekekekek


Berlin Authorities Placed Children With Pedophiles For 30 Years In Bizarre Experiment


German psychology professor Helmut Kentler reportedly began an “experiment” in the 1970s in which homeless children in West Berlin were intentionally placed with pedophile men.


Kentler thought pedophiles “would make especially loving foster parents,” reported. And the German government was reportedly on board.


A study conducted by the University of Hildesheim has found that authorities in Berlin condoned this practice for almost 30 years. The pedophile foster fathers even received a regular care allowance.


Kentler, who died in 2008, was in a prime position to make the experiment happen, working at Berlin’s center for educational research.

Anonymous ID: f4a3a4 June 22, 2020, 3:19 p.m. No.9710188   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Plunging Covid Death Rate Mostly Avoided by Media


Have you noticed something missing in almost all reports about Covid-19 (coronavirus) cases lately? It is the death rate. And why would that be? Perhaps because in the midst of all the reporting about the number of cases rising (or people reported testing positive) the actual number of daily deaths has been PLUNGING. As you can see in the Worldometers graphs, the daily deaths have dropped dramatically from April 21 to May 21 to June 21 with a drop of over 50% in just the past month.


Yes, the same media that emphasized the daily deaths during April and most of May are now mostly mum on that very important statistic. In this video you will see a few clips of the media emphasizing the rise in people testing positive while avoiding the number of daily deaths which they used to focus on not so long ago.


Each clip is followed by the daily death graphs from Worldometers to keep their reporting in perspective.

Anonymous ID: f4a3a4 June 22, 2020, 3:26 p.m. No.9710256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0378 >>0534 >>0550

Iranian oil tanker enters Venezuelan waters


BEIRUT, LEBANON (5:00 P.M.) – For the sixth time in the last 30 days, an Iranian tanker has entered Venezuelan waters to deliver oil and supplies to the South American nation.


According to the latest maritime tracking reports, the Iranian tanker, the Golsan, has entered Venezuelan waters and should be reaching its intended destination in the coming hours.


The Iranian tanker is not only carrying fuel, but new reports claim the vessel also has equipment to fix Venezuela’s oil facilities.


Earlier this month, the fifth Iranian tanker reached the Venezuelan coast after reports surfaced of potential U.S. interference in the Caribbean.


Iran issued several warnings to the U.S. and summoned the Swiss Ambassador to Tehran in order to convey their threats of force if any of their vessels are harmed or seized.

Anonymous ID: f4a3a4 June 22, 2020, 3:30 p.m. No.9710282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0369

Ignored by Media: Juneteenth Celebration Turns Bloody in Charlotte – 2 Dead, 9 Shot, 5 Hit by Vehicles — AND PARTIERS JUMPED ON BACKS OF FIREFIGHTERS!


This was completely ignored by the mainstream media!

Two people were shot dead and nine more were shot during an impromptu street party for Juneteenth in Charlotte, North Carolina on Sunday night.

The chaos included hit and runs, multiple shooters, and partiers jumping on the backs of firefighters who were called in to help the victims.


OVERNIGHT CHAOS: 2 dead, 12 injured after a block party on Beatties Ford Road in Charlotte turns violent: people shot, run over. Police say the road will likely be closed the rest of the day because they have so many crime scenes and shell casings to process.@WBTV_News @CMPD


— Anne Marie Hagerty (@AnneMarieWBTV) June 22, 2020

Anonymous ID: f4a3a4 June 22, 2020, 3:34 p.m. No.9710328   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Elites Are Revolting


Our Establishment is revolting – in fact, it stinks on ice. What you see out there is our alleged betters struggling mightily to hold onto the power that we Normal people dared to wrest away from them in 2016. One component of their campaign is the burning and looting information operation conducted by black-clad pawns. The other component is the soft power corporate/media/cultural conspiracy to silence dissent and enforce fearful conformity to their narrative. Usually, a revolution is conducted by the peasants to throw off a tyrannical ruling class. Here, the ruling class is waging a political and cultural war to retake and then tighten its grip on the masses. They are no longer even pretending to seek the consent of the governed. And once they retake power, that’s it – they will never give up power again.

Anonymous ID: f4a3a4 June 22, 2020, 3:37 p.m. No.9710370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0525

EXCLUSIVE: Ex-CNN ‘Reporters’ Now Work for The Chinese Communist Party’s Propaganda Outfit: CGTN


China Global Television Network, a registered foreign agent in the U.S. and integral outlet in the Chinese state-owned media landscape, employs several former CNN correspondents and anchors.


China Global Television Network (CGTN) has been identified as a “long-standing weapon in Beijing’s arsenal of repression” whose raison d’être is “to attack designated enemies of the Communist Party,” chiefly the U.S. Headquartered in Beijing, funded by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and controlled by the regime’s Publicity Department, the outlet is inundated with anti-U.S. and anti-Trump content.