Anonymous ID: 37efc0 April 9, 2018, 2:25 p.m. No.971742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1927


They are rolling fool.


Just look at this board today. Look at MSM. Look at the stormy daniels raid. Look at Syria. Look at Q drops.


4:00 on a Monday afternoon normally runs 10-12 PPM.... we are running 15-20 and I can't keep up.


Major intel is dropping here like none other... today is nothing like it's been for SEVERAL weeks!!!!!


I make these graphics and the chans have been DEAD for a month or more with regards to good actionable intel that I can graphic and today there's so much intel I can't graphic it all.



See that whole catalog, quit about a month ago because the intel was almost zero. Made this one today and there's a ton more I can do but can't hardly keep up in here.

Anonymous ID: 37efc0 April 9, 2018, 2:45 p.m. No.971981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2100 >>2102


I know the whole weekend has been insane.

Been watching the board all weekend and it's been bad. The facebook graphic I saw when I got on a couple hours ago and was a MUST DO.


Saw some stuff a couple hours ago that look interesting too, plus some stuff in this bread.


Just updated my catalog again with 7 more graphics that were done more recently and lost in the bread.



Anonymous ID: 37efc0 April 9, 2018, 2:51 p.m. No.972056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2075 >>2098 >>2130

Watching this bread. My question is…. HOW SOON does MUELLER have to enter HRC video into Evidence?


MUELLER raiding Cohen's offices and finding HRC video and putting it into evidence sounds like a BRILLIANT move.


As another anon said the FBI agent that did the dirty work was appointed in 2018…. so NOT the old guard!!!!!


Let the ENEMY do your dirty work for you!!!!!!!!!!



are you kidding me? this board has blown up. I've never seen it this wild this consistently… that damn Tracy Beanz march really blew this board all to pieces.


It's not DOWN we just have a bunch of concernfags who don't have the BRAINS to read the damn bread and sift the wheat from the chaff… there's a hell of a lot of chaff going on here.


I still trust Q and I still trust the plan.


Do you even know what happened in Syria? Israel attacked IRAN… NOT syria!!!!!!!! War within a war within a war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous ID: 37efc0 April 9, 2018, 2:55 p.m. No.972101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2146


Yes that's eventually what's going to happen.


It's not ISIS per se.


It's CIA clowns who are in too deep to save their own asses.


They've got all their shit together in one last place ready for one last battle and one last attempt at starting WW3…. it ain't gonna fucking work because Trump Putin and Xi are all working together.



Facepalm what? Too much chaff here and too many useful fucking idiots that haven't been watching for 3+ months like I have been and now think they know it all that's what!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous ID: 37efc0 April 9, 2018, 3 p.m. No.972158   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I might have to go look at that. That's when they are ALWAYS here. That's actually when I pulled up the Nasim graphic. I understand why the guy got banned for posting too damn many of them… but there's a back story.



Yeah, I've seriously considered coming up with a different name and upload individual graphics under each post number and then write a brief description of each graphic.


I did Village Idiots because at the time doing what I was doing was a liability and I didn't want my ass in trouble for doing it. Now it's gotten better though. Got a suggestion for a better name?