Anonymous ID: 7a7480 April 9, 2018, 2:53 p.m. No.972083   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I live and work in CA. For years buried deep within Hollywood (still am to a "qualified" degree), while being a mostly awakened patriot. (I voted for GWB and Noname, which is now regrettable in hindsight). I've learned to distrust any degree of compromise on a personal or professional basis. Certain things raise my comprometer. I trust liberals as far as I can throw them. Anyone or anything connected to CA liberalism I also distrust.


For instance, my neighbor. We recently had to coordinate on a neighborhood issue to keep a noisy, redundant business from opening too close to us. The decision was 12-1 in our favor, so yeah us. Only problem is that he is a MSM loving liberal who proudly displays a HRC magnet on his refrigerator. He also has busniness connections to Fiji Water. In fact, he'll be heading to Fiji soon on a business trip. The recent storm delayed his flight. He has no idea I stand in complete opposition to everything he believes in regarding politics.


I have a concern with respect to the the SD based CA lawsuit. Perhaps just my low tolerance for anything pro liberal from years of living and working with them in a state that is at the epicenter of corruption..


If I do have to "go in" on a potentially compromised situation, I like to be fully informed. A list of similar suits would be nice, so we can make smart choices. Can we trust a law firm in CA with 9th circuit connections?