Anonymous ID: 98ad1e April 9, 2018, 2:22 p.m. No.971706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1766 >>1851 >>2087

I posted a contribution to the blood types research thread. I thought it might be beneficial to post it here as well to get more eyes on it; that maybe others have info to add to the discussions there.



My hypothesis is that HU-mans were cloned a long time ago. The cloning was with the Rhesus monkey and our 'source' DNA, thereby giving HUmans the RH component in their blood. Those that do not have the RH component in their blood have 'original source' blood/dna. This only makes sense.


The Isis/Horus/Osiris story is that of cloning; that Isis used artificial insemination (an immaculate birth) to conceive; she used semen from a dead donor. Doesn't get much clearer than that.


I know that, although my parent's were both RH+, I was born RH-; it does not mean that I am not of my parent's blood but means that I took components from both parents and their lineage, and somewhere in that lineage, my ancestry did not have the cloning of the RH monkey; I inherited the absence of RH from a previous generation that had not been exposed to the Rhesus cloning.

(It may also be of value to know that my parents experienced the loss of 5 children who, due to incompatibility of their blood, produced a negative component blood type that the mother's antibodies necessarily attack as a foreign blood type (anti-body's). These still born children and my birth, all occurred PRIOR to Rhogam therapy and shots, making my existence even more curious).


There are different types of RH- as well. Some RH- have the ability to accept RH+ blood; that the negative component is 'masked' in some way. Others have more pure RH-; that is what the medical community refers to as RH- du-. The negative component is pure and cannot accept any type of RH+. These blood types are told to 'stockpile' their blood prior to surgery.


I find it absolutely amazing that we do not know much about our blood. Without our blood, we cease to exist. We know less about the composition of our blood than we do about leaded and unleaded fuels! I believe that our blood defines everything about us; our life-blood. That one type of blood, let's say 'A' originated in the Mediterranean where fish and other aquatic food were the main food source. That would mean that persons with 'A' type blood should consume these types of foods in larger quantity to remain healthy. Likewise, if type 'B' was found to have originated in nomadic type civilizations, the main food source would have been land-based; that type 'B' persons should consume more land-based foods such as grains, fruits and legumes.


Along with the above epiphany, I believe different blood types react differently to medications- that some medications are ineffective depending on blood type, while others may be more harmful depending on blood type.


RH- are said to have certain characteristics that an RH+ person may not. Most of those 'traits' involve mental acuity and intuitive type processes; both characteristics that are difficult to measure. Ex: although all blood types have the ability to achieve high learning and competence in music, it may be that RH- persons have better success/are more prone to excel in music.


Personal perspective:

GOD created MAN.

Isis created a cloned man; the HUE of man or Hu-man.


EVERY animal specie on our planet has an eye that encompasses the entire eye socket- except HUmans (in the animal kingdom, the eyes or iris/dark portions of the eye, encompass the entire eye socket). It's my hypothesis that original MAN was created as all animals are, with a large eye/iris that encompassed the eye socket. That through cloning, the eye of HUman became smaller and contained 'sclera'; the white portion of the eye. That somehow, the cloned changes in the eye are related to the pineal and our ability to use it and access it. "The eyes are the window to the soul" becomes an intriguing concept at this juncture.


I have also observed that a baby has more iris when born than they do as they grow; that through growth, sclera, or the whites of the eyes, also grows and becomes more prevalent, encompassing more of the eye socket as the baby matures. Is this being done through the use of immunizations that begin at birth? Does it start with the drops that are put in a babies eyes moments after birth? Is sclera growth a result of fluorides or other chemicals we cannot avoid (additives that are present in the essentials of our existence; food/water?



Anonymous ID: 98ad1e April 9, 2018, 2:43 p.m. No.971955   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Like I said, it is our LIFE blood. You'd think medical research would evolve around what it is about our blood that keeps us healthy. But, as the other poster said, the secrecy around our blood and its type- what it consists of, is not meant for our consumption. That by controlling this information, they can create unhealthy HUmans and design an industry to extract our money and health from us. This idea extends to our very existence and our heritage; that by not understanding our heritage, we are kept from our HIStory and without a link to our HIStory, we are resigned to believe what 'experts' disseminate to us. <THIS is exactly what (((they))) have done to keep HUmanity culled since time began, which is proven to be LIES.