Anonymous ID: e07bb4 April 9, 2018, 2:31 p.m. No.971827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1859 >>1903 >>1924 >>1934 >>1965 >>2007 >>2028 >>2076 >>2152


You are posting on Q board my friend. Critical thinking is not a strong suit of the cult here.


Q likes to "educate" us with riddles about things most of us have known for years. He continually posts Trump's Florida speech about taking down the cabal, as if it will now aquire great import given our new education. Sorry Q and Trump, we saw the speech when it was given, and we knew what you were talking about. That's why we voted for you. Unfortunately, 2 years later, you have not done shit to the bad actors you allude to in that speech. 2 years later, you don't even have the stones to call them out publicly. All you do is give riddles on a message board. See! See! Look Boomers! All traitors! Yeah yeah. We know asshole. We just were hoping you would do something about it. You can't even come out publicly and say their names. You are ineffectual, or you are cowards. The best you can do is tell us to hire a lawyer. Class action lawsuit? Go fuck yourself. Midterms are just around the corner and you haven't even accomplished voter ID. Blue wave is coming. And you haven't done shit. Sure it's still a lot better than Hillary, but in the long run, it will amount to nothing. We will be right back to where we started in 2 or 6 years, and 90% of the American population will still believe the truth is a "conspiracy theory." You have failed to be honest with the public at large, you keep everything secret just like our previous masters, and you keep the people you are supposed to serve in the dark. Because of that, you will not have the support of the people you could have had. Because of that, you will ultimately fail. Great. We have another Reagan. Whoop de do.

Anonymous ID: e07bb4 April 9, 2018, 2:35 p.m. No.971872   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Great. Trump fucks porn stars and he shuts down the websites that allow poor ugly schmucks with erectile dysfunction the only opportunity in life they have to experience the touch of a woman. What a fucking hero.