Anonymous ID: e382b7 April 9, 2018, 2:27 p.m. No.971783   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1837


I am sorry to post this without sauce. I went looking for sauce and it may be down, because the only things that address this are alt media conspiracy type channels, but there was a very good academic conference that was posted to YT that explained this.


I came across this conference by accident and was really freaking out about it, and I was discussing it with someone who is close to me who worked at a mil research facility and told me that the info has been unclassified but not typically shared and has been the subject of several academic forums with researchers from across the globe, but the main research was done at Harvard and MIT.


(1) we each have a unique electrical signal. At the time, they were "working" on creating a database of tracking everyone based on your unique electrical signature. I took this to be similar to what mystics refer to as someone's "aura". When I asked if they can do this, my source refused to confirm.


(2) nanobots, nanomotes, dust motes, nanoparticles etc. Several terms for same thing. These can be as small as less than mosquito sized drones or dust they put in the air so when you are coated in it you can be tracked. You would not know if you were passing through a nanodust field. Was being tested for military applications. But – diving down into the work of nanodust, I came across a discussion about nanomotes which people volunteered to have taken which was absorbed into the cells of their brain, at which point, you were part of a "matrix" or "net" run by N_A. One research volunteer stated she no longer wanted to participate and was told that it was not reversible, and "once you are part of the net for tracking you can not be removed".


I freaked out because this is not some far fringe "conspiracy" alt media site with a guy with a webcam in his basement, this was an actual academic researcher I think from the joint Harvard-MIT project.


Just putting it out there, I will try my best to find the actual conference which talked about that, and the results of early generation chips that people had volunteered to have implanted in their brains. If another anon is better at key word searches than I am and finds it, please post.


Yes, the tracking is bigger than you realize. It goes beyond the involuntary biometric tracking you when you enter any federal building.

Anonymous ID: e382b7 April 9, 2018, 2:28 p.m. No.971793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1810

Also, I had posted on the other thread:

Obama's Secret Database:

"The President has put in place an organization with the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life," Representative Maxine Waters told Roland Martin on Monday. "That's going to be very, very powerful,"

Low IQ Maxine spills the beans:


Anonymous ID: e382b7 April 9, 2018, 2:48 p.m. No.972023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2048


I think Stanford only became a "thing" because it was comped by Clowns in the 60's. I had a relative who was an academic (physicist) at Cambridge and when our daughter decided to go to Stanford told her it was considered a backwater college back in the 50's during the heyday of the post-War research boom. The official story of how comp sci took off in Palo Alto "organically" never seemed right after she talked about who was doing what research, when. She worked with a lot of MOD labs etc