Anonymous ID: f7eeea April 9, 2018, 2:11 p.m. No.971543   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I think you are close but not quite. In the lower left of the border photo there is a roof covering the road. That is Syria border control. You need to go a bit south past that, and then, I suspect, to a building on the other side of the road that has a dome on top. That is likely to be a mosque and it seems to be the kind of place that would host a hospitality center. Also, a welcome center would be located AFTER the customs control, not before.


As for the meeting location, they said HQ so it is most likely in Azaz. It seems to be the living room in someone's house.


If we consider the photo in fromt of the building with the Apple/Leaf and Bunch of Dates artwork, then directly east of it is Bab Al Salameh refugee camp. Given that McCain Foundation is involved in human trafficking that seems significant. I think this is exact enough for location, simply because of the size of the refugee camp. I have also looked at a lot of other locations east of Azaz and they don't seem special in any way.


Not sure we need to find the exact location of the Northern Storm HQ. This must be a fairly well known location given that Azaz was their center of power. So it was likely centrally located too.


If you agree that this refugee camp is what Q was pointing us to, now that we know that SETF and the State Department were in cahoots with McCain in his visit, I think we need to look at SETF activities regarding Syrian refugees, and State as well. Did they organize the invasion of Europe? How many EU refugees came through Bab Al Salameh?

Anonymous ID: f7eeea April 9, 2018, 2:12 p.m. No.971559   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I think you folks simply do not understand routers.


Even basic functionality has been used for spying without installing any exploits. Cisco routers were used in the early EU bureaucracy and the CIA used loose source routing to spy on them. Nowadays everybody turns that feature OFF.


And since a router is just a computer with an operating system and ram and storage and lots of interfaces, you can comp it like any other computer. I have stumbled across exploits myself around 16 years ago. And they have been discussed in the security community for years before Wikileaks.


Nothing new there.


So why is Cisco special? This makes no sense to someone who knows the technology. It's not about the routers. The comping is elsewhere.

Anonymous ID: f7eeea April 9, 2018, 2:19 p.m. No.971657   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Anybody who talks to Q on this board is bit deranged. Best to simply ignore them.


After all we know Q is not real. Q is a group of people, less than 10, some of whom work in the Whitehouse, and some who work in Military Intelligence. Thay have far more info than we do.


They have a Military Action Plan that they developed using the minds of the best military strategists in the USA and the best war simulations that we have available. They know what they are doing.


If people want to help then they are part of the solution. But when they start demanding things from Q, they are part of the problem. Deranged liberals are no different from deranged followers of Q or deranged worshippers of Hollywood stars.


We need them all to wake up, join the real world, and become part of the solution.

Anonymous ID: f7eeea April 9, 2018, 2:34 p.m. No.971858   🗄️.is 🔗kun



All LAN switches allow you to mirror traffic by sending a copy of every packet to a port where you have some capture system connected. All brands. It is a basic debugging tool.


All switches can be exploited if the security of their OS and their management features is not tight enough.


All switches have been exploited in many ways. Cisco is one of the manufacturers who tend to fix these exploits and warn their customers about them so the fixes can be installed.


This is a basic fact of life on the Internet. It is as basic as saying that all airplanes fly and if they are hit by a missile, they crash. We know that. So what is the point of saying so?


When Q said "the Bridge" it must have been referring to something that was not terribly obvious. Something that we can act on. And If you say that we can fix the router exploit problem by disconnecting the Internet, sorry but I'm not buying that on..


I think that certain companies are BRIDGING together data collected through many different weaknesses in architecture, and using that to spy on us. And I think that most of the weaknesses are not in the network hardware, but higher up the stack where things are more complex and it is easier to hide.

Anonymous ID: f7eeea April 9, 2018, 2:37 p.m. No.971895   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We have known for a long time that the CIA had placed people in Cisco to make sure that the crypto source code was weakened so that the protection was not as strong as it should have been. And these people could have installed other bugs as well.


Maybe your guy was snooping around in the codebase and decided to confront someone that he shouldn't have.


We now know how the CIA plays,

Anonymous ID: f7eeea April 9, 2018, 2:54 p.m. No.972092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2109



In 1981 I can only figure out 2 ways that a trip to Pakistan could have given Hussein the opportunity to don tribal gear and point a weapon at an American.


One was the hijacking of a PIA flight from Peshawar. Four hijackers took it to Kabul for 13 days, then to Damascus where they got off. The organization AZO was very closed and only let people in by invitation. So either Hussein or his two Pakistani friends were in very tight with the Bhutto clan who ran AZO, or this is not the one. There were 3 Americans on that flight.


The other is Iran. This was the time when many Americans were held hostage in Tehran.


Hussein says he went to Pakistan with his friends for a few weeks, then to Hyderabad. He could be lying but about what. Why Hyderabad India? Maybe as cover for the fact that people who knew he came to Karachi akso knew he went off somewhere else. The somewhere else could have been Tehran.


At the time, an Indonesian like Hussein would have no problem getting into Pakistan, unlike an American who was banned from entry, There were flights from Karachi to Tehran. Hussein's closes confidante, who actually lives in his house in DC, was born and raised in Iran. She is also part of the Chicago Communist crowd tha Hussein ran with. So it does not stretch the imagination to think that he had contact in Iran at that time, The Americans were in prison, interrogated by SAVAK and often kept blindfolded. It is entirely possibly that Hussein was photographed with weapons pointed at American hostages, as part of a proof of loyalty to the Shia Islamic Iran, and blackmail material if he should lose his Muslim faith.

Now the hostages were often filmed and photographed for Iranian media. It is entirely possible that there is public footage that shows Hussein with them.


And the middle name of Hussein is a Shia name. It suggests that he is a Shia Muslim, the same as Iran. Or maybe he was given that name because his actions regarding Iran were planned many years earlier and it would help him if he bore the name of Shia royalty, so to speak.

Anonymous ID: f7eeea April 9, 2018, 2:59 p.m. No.972142   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Uranium fuel rods have to be machined to precise diameters. A CNC lathe could do that.


In Canada they used precision grinding to machine the fuel rods. It has to be done periodically because the radioactive material deforms the shape over time.


And yes, I have personal experience with this machining of Uranium fuel rods, but it won't dox me because nobody knows about the circumstances whereby I got involved with this.