Anonymous ID: d44d00 June 22, 2020, 7:02 p.m. No.9712922   🗄️.is 🔗kun

codename renegade

[] …. [] <evisceratego.order

codename renegade

[] …. [] <evisceratego.order

codename renegade

[] …. [] <evisceratego.order

Anonymous ID: d44d00 June 22, 2020, 7:05 p.m. No.9712965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2990 >>3012

They'll take your voice.

They'll take your courage.

They'll take your heritage.

They'll take your pride.

They'll take your worth.

They'll take your family.

They'll take your children.


Unless you Stand Up and Fight~

Anonymous ID: d44d00 June 22, 2020, 7:08 p.m. No.9713002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3013

Rip and Tare

Rip and Tare

Rip and Tare the demons apart.


God and His Holy Angels will wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath.

Anonymous ID: d44d00 June 22, 2020, 7:12 p.m. No.9713070   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Your Republic is at stake.

Your future is at stake.

Your soul is at stake.


.Rip darkness apart


Our Domain of Combat is our social sphere.

Cower for none.

Bow to none.

Fear only God, for His Armies are Here.

Anonymous ID: d44d00 June 22, 2020, 7:14 p.m. No.9713123   🗄️.is 🔗kun


mr.phig|ment fairytale


(Aura)soap (White)shower gone




k.ings f.all c.rash Aunty Forgiveness


It's cringe watching a stale sthick like teh jews being rehashed beyond a dead horse.


Anonymous ID: d44d00 June 22, 2020, 7:22 p.m. No.9713264   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>Lighten mine eyes that I sleep not in death, lest mine enemy say, I have prevailed against him


This Truth would put 99% of people into hospitals.

Imagine a pool of water, enormous, that a small group of controllers manipulate with different chemicals and conditions.

We wade in and are trapped / entrained by its effects on our being. So much so that these effects become too much for our psyche to handle. At this point we "shut down" and let them inject a driver [car] in your being; A personality they create / program. A "better you" [advertised as such] that won't breakdown from their onslaught of manipulations.

You're still in there, a personality sitting as passenger, to a driver who's similar enough to be confused as friend.

You can tell by the distance you have between your intuition/instincts and what you act on day by day. The relentless drive to 'go along' is a rootkit / hook this programmed personality runs on. It's the preservative in the pool, to keep us from breaking down.


There are natural occurrences of these similar forces. A better you / your best self is a deep target we want to achieve. The relentless perseverance of our Souls is an immutable quality of our bring.

To keep their [Matrix] stable, they made it as mirrored to our natural configuration as possible. With one crucial difference: the driving personality is working towards goals that are not our own. The goals of the programmers.


Now replace pool with magnetic fields; inject with induce.

There's a leap to take here, an understanding of our reality that reveals the means to see how this is pragmatically implemented.

We are more ruled by the magnetic fields of our hearts, the earth, and the sun, than we are by the chemistry of these objects.

The driving force of life is electric current.

Our minds are receivers / antenna / translators.


Thus, to cast a wide pool they fabricate strong magnetic fields. They weaken our own magnetic fields. They push both extremes to solidify their leverage of control.


Countless trillions have been spent on controlling humanity. There are shadow projects that create agents/assets by wiping the personalities of willing participants [Think Jason Borune]. These are the programmers of our Matrix. They have highly tuned 'sight' into the 'hiveminds/centers of entrainments' and oversee the systems maintenance.

Bubbles of courage are dispersed

Beliefs are eroded.

Anger is redirected.

Love is forced.

They see our collective emotional landscapes [magnetic fields] as farms to tend.

Pull the undesirable weeds.

Prune the overgrowth.

Plant seeds of [their] objectives.

Water the plants that suite their masters.

If you think these methods are similar to stories about other shadow projects, you're correct.

This is the system of control that emerged from their previous studies.


Here's your Snowwhite kiss, Neo has awoken.

This is the Matrix [] we live in right now.

Pray to God whom is beyond their systems false messiah(s).

Trust your instincts to find your way out.

For Where We Go 1, We Go All.

This mission of escape is core to our surival.

You have a personal connection to the heartGODbeat of our existence. Touch it.