Anonymous ID: ecf2be June 22, 2020, 7:17 p.m. No.9713172   🗄️.is 🔗kun

These two legitimate Crop Circle designs are depicting the orbit or Nibiru and the other planets in the inner Solar System. Berwick is showing the retrograde (clockwise) orbit of Nibiru when it came into the inner Solar System and slung around the Sun to head outbound. It is now located at the orbit of Venus, with its vast debris and moon filled tail coming arriving and gathering around it. The tail normally streams behind Nibiru, but while fighting the Sun’s gravity pull, Nibiru slows and the tail catches up.


Ackling is showing the clash in orbit direction between Nibiru and the planets in the inner Solar System. The Sun rotates in a counterclockwise direction, thus by its long reach all the planets orbiting the Sun orbit and rotate in this direction too. The Sun is at the center, driving this process. This continuous clash is like a sickle, a buzz saw, pushing back against Nibiru and the debris and moons in its tail. Were Nibiru not several times as massive as either the Earth or the Dark Twin or Venus, it might thus have been deflected.

Anonymous ID: ecf2be June 22, 2020, 7:18 p.m. No.9713179   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is there a reason Chuck Schumer advocated for the full term abortion rule and fought to prevent the born-alive bill from passing the Senate? With the child sex traffic being shut down, there are few young bodies to harvest the Adrenochrome the Satanic Moloch worshipers require. Schumer was doing more than trying to protect early abortion rights for women, as was clear from his fervor and threats to SCOTUS judges. While not a personal participant, those who put him into power are insisting he take action, and their threats are not idle threats.


The Tribunals are not public trials, nor are they ever likely to be made public. For US citizens to realize that their powerful politicians, including past Presidents, were Satanists, is considered too much of a shock. The recently terminated US Attorney for the SDNY did more than support political prosecutions, he blocked prosecution of child sex trafficking rings. It is known that most of the policemen who viewed Hillary’s video (wherein she and Huma slaughtered a young girl) were reported to have “committed suicide”. It was not suicide, but a cover-up which Berman directed.


The Tribunals have been operating since the start of 2019, at a rapid pace. The number of sealed indictments in the US is an indication of the workload, and the additional facilities at Gitmo indicate the number of temporary quarters required for the proceedings. Despite the trials and executions, the Cabal continues to be arrogant, assuming their ability to thrive over the years bodes well for success during this current struggle. But the Transformation is such that highly Service-to-Self souls are removed from the planet, and Star Children have arrived to incarnate in their stead. This time, the times are different.