Anonymous ID: 20b42b June 22, 2020, 8:10 p.m. No.9713920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4034


As an tired and salty oldfag, I regularly shitpost negative and cynical bullshit day in and day out

I don't like the "let's teach the normies the hard way" situation any more than anyone else, and I am just as skeptical and burnt out on that philosophy



I would be a hypocritical faggot if I didn't come here to share an anecdote that happened just last week

I was picking up a gun from my local dealer (extreme patriot, hardcore conservative)

In the 20-30 minutes that I sat there, I swear to you no less than 4 couples came in looking to sign up for concealed carry classes, and asking for advice on purchasing their first gun. Several more individuals came in as well.

This is a SMALL store.

Several of these people came right out and mentioned they had done a recent about face on gun ownership as a direct result of the recent unrest. A few individuals mentioned their wives finally came around and told them to go nuts and fill a home armory.

I can only imagine what is happening to their political views.


I guess all I will say is as maddening as it is to watch our cities and history burn for the sake of these mystical open minded normies

It's not unreasonable to imagine that Q team have access to the full knowledge of MK style programs as well as population control mechanisms learned over millenia

It's likely they are analyzing this at a very deep statistical level based on a god-like amount of data, combined with unimaginable technical knowledge of the human mind

If they were attempting to reach a maximum amount of normies to prepare for the awakening, you would expect things to get dicey as shit until they pull the nose up at the last minute.

<Matthew 24:22

>"Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.


It might be that they know what the fuck they are doing. Let's see.