Anonymous ID: 3fd13c June 22, 2020, 8:18 p.m. No.9714046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4087

>100% to 1% it can happen to YOU!

>Thats their plan for the white race.

>If you were born here in america to two american born parents you are a NATIVE AMERICAN without tribal affiliation but none the less NATIVE AMERICAN.

>The African is the only man on the known planet to abandon everything and family to walk to a foreign land to beg for food,clothes,shelter,everything you own eventually. They are the only creature to abandon their own land. Stealing the suffering of other people not their OWN in hopes of garnering sympathy for their unjust causes and general fact they are fucking bums.

>These are serious questions that merit answers about the state of decay and degeneration of the country.

>These are what we should be discussing because our country is clearly fucking rigged in favor of bums from Africa. I call them bums from africa because that is the most fitting description of their general behavior and where they are from it is not racist it is specific to their merit.

>Just read the questions and find enlightenment.

>Why does the federal government prefer one race of citizen over another? What does this accomplish? Does the government prefer illegal aliens over citizens? What does this accomplish?

>Why have native americans never been made whole from the holocaust?

>Why does the government not acknowledge the genocide of native american people?

>Why is this country fixated on giving preferential treatment and unfair advantages to africans?

>Why are africans put ahead of native americans and given resources that were originally intended for native americans?

> Why is there no respect for native american culture in the homeland of native americans?

> Why no statues honoring native american contributions to society when there are plenty of contributions that have been made by native americans? (Code talkers)

>why have africans never made any wartime contributions to our nation that helped us achieve victory? (Tuskeegee airman hoax)

> Why are africans constantly not contributing to the betterment of the united states?

>Why are africans allowed to behave inappropriately?

>Why are africans the most violent members of society?

>Why are native americans the most peaceful members of society?

>Why are native americans the majority of all minorities serving in the armed forces?

>Why are the gangsters disciples street gang not recognized as domestic terrorists?

> Why has larry hoover not been executed for the six back to back life sentences he is serving?

>How is this sentence justice for the victims of the gangster disciples chicago street gang?

>Why do africans refuse to obey authority?

>Why do africans have problems following simple direct instructions?

>Why do africans refuse to assimilate to upstanding law abiding citizens of the united states?

> Why are africans hired before any other citizens?

> Why are africans rewarded by the government for bad behavior?

> Why do we the people allow the government to dole out unfair advantages to africans?

> Why are africans allowed to stay in the united states and stir up trouble when they have a homeland?

> What wars in africa prevent the repatriation of africans back to their homeland?

> Why are native americans not allowed any say in who occupys their homeland?

>Why is it that native americans are not in control in their own nation?

> Why are native americans not given the rights to control who occupies their land?

> When will the power be restored to the rightful owners of this country? Why is there still a silent war against native american people? Why are native american women being murdered at a disproportionate rate to all other female members of society?

> Where are the reparations for native american genocide of all the tribes?

> Why are there not reparations for native americans but germany pays reparations to the jewish people from germany For their holocaust? Why does america refuse to fix the original sin of illegal migration and occupation of the united states of america?

> What people are preventing the transfer of power from the powers that be back to the rightful owners of the country?

> Why does the blacks are victims narrative fall apart when discussing the plight of native americans? Why are my good people not respected in our own country? What do we need to do to take back our country?

> Why are the mineral and oil rights of this nation controlled by non native american peoples?

> Why has the transfer of stolen wealth back to native americans never occured? Why does anyone believe it is ok to steal from natives but wrong to steal from anyone else?

> What will it take for native americans to get their country back?

> Why are treaties allowed to stand today that would never be allowed by todays legal standards?

>These are the real things they do not want you think about.

> Think about it.