Anonymous ID: 603797 June 22, 2020, 8:02 p.m. No.9713800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3809 >>3828 >>3831 >>3836 >>3839 >>3841 >>3889 >>3895 >>3898 >>3912 >>3923 >>3933 >>3951 >>3955 >>3980 >>4010 >>4042 >>4055 >>4282

Guys, Q is saying to quit meming "You've been Q'd," "Q sent me," or some other random horseshit (this could be by design, though, like controlled opposition accounts who flood with bullshit memes) and instead meme ACTUAL INFORMATION - ie Informational Warfare - that proves our POTUS right. Meming horseshit is the weakness.


So POTUS just tweeted about Hussein committing treason. Present the facts on Obamagate.