I like "CovidEnabler". The text here is hard to read though, and a bit wordy… Maybe "MAKES THE HEALTHY WEAR A MASK – THEN PUSHES COVID-19 PATIENTS INTO NURSING HOMES #CovidEnabler"
I like "CovidEnabler". The text here is hard to read though, and a bit wordy… Maybe "MAKES THE HEALTHY WEAR A MASK – THEN PUSHES COVID-19 PATIENTS INTO NURSING HOMES #CovidEnabler"
I'm not a songwriter, but for music that uplifts and unifies and speaks to eternal truths, this one is beautiful: https://youtu.be/UwxlMvV6LkE. How do you suppose Q wants music utilized?
I love that it speaks profoundly of God and goodness, but uses none of the expected, worn-out language. Sample of lyrics:
Sure on this shining night of star-made shadows round,
Kindness must watch for me this side the ground
On this shining night
This shining night
The late year lies down the north;
All is healed
All is health
High summer holds the earth, hearts all whole