Anonymous ID: ecc8d1 June 23, 2020, 2:33 a.m. No.9716374   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6443

Personal observation time from 40,000 feet Anons, bear with me.


Life for this Anon changed profoundly in the year 2000. Went from the corporate world to starting my own biz, went through the Y2K scare, and moved to a small rural community all in same year. But looking back, something else occurred that year which I can probably circle as 'the' turning point. I got my first cell phone.


In short, my life began to go digital. Laptops followed after that, got wifi around 2001. Went through a never ending series of phones, computers, upgrades, along with a growing disconnect to the ways that were getting lost. Over the years I stopped writing letters. I transferred all my music CD's to iPod and stopped buying new ones. This bit me in the ass when a phone migration lost half of my songs. I stopped taking photographs, or getting digital camera shots printed on film. The physical photo albums stopped altogether around 2005. Watching movies at home did a backward slide from VHS that you could choose to rent from a store, to DVDs which were always a pain in the ass to play, to the closure of those same stores and renting by kiosk, to simply watching on demand. But of course, now there is no home library of movies. Some of us still keep the old trusty VHS around for older videos we collected.


During the course of all this happening I was also becoming awake to the deep state….such that I never wanted a Facebook or Twitter presence. The result of the last 20 years has been a kind of disconnect. Losing track of friends, less face to face time, fewer pastime activities. I'm forced to realize that it has been a long time since I read a book, or played a board game. We used to play cards or do jigsaw puzzles. At one time I built furniture, or had other hobbies.


Its worth noting that 9/11 followed closely after the start of my personal 'turning', and looking back I can see that the ingredients of society ripping apart really began as a long slow tear. Sure it was happening ever since 1910, or 1918, 1947, or 1963, or take your pick of years. But I think Digital was the accelerant.


I'd like to drop the observation that digital life seems have perfectly coincided with the 'big reveal' of the deep state these last 20 years. Like a kind of enabler. From the very dawn of digital communication, its as if they were locking in a path to make us more dependent, less social, more easily triggered….basically to make us ungrounded.


I am glad to have a strong faith in Christ, and a little embarrassed to have succumbed to their plan in many ways. I finally realized somewhere around 2014 that we were living in a police state, and put myself on a path to independence in 2016. Still have a ways to go, but reaching out to you here via the interwebz from my home in Asia Pacific.


For this Gen-Xer life itself seems to have jumped the shark. It can't go on this way. For all you naysayers and shills, IDGAF how impatient you are or whiny about Muh Plan. The fact is if HRC had won, we would be 10x as fucked as we are now. Maybe POTUS can save this nation from the deep state, I hope so. He's the best shot we have, and I'm sticking with him.