Anonymous ID: 12a014 June 23, 2020, 4:32 a.m. No.9716763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6781

Normally I try to avoid jacking Anons off, but since there's a particular shill in here trying to demoralize us, you all get a handjob. Here goes:

>You guys are heroes. No, you're not spies and you don't have a soldier's valor, but you're still heroic.

>We were chosen for a reason.

>Not just by Q, either. Destiny is real and you were put in this time and place by God to face this challenge.

>Flynn actually threatened the Deep State and lying media with you guys. Really stop and think about the "digital soldiers" bit. A general threatened them with YOU. Live up to that, it's an honor.

>The Fake News media is such an odious and pervasive force of deception that this place is heroic and noble just by standing up to them.