Anonymous ID: 812d9e June 23, 2020, 4:31 a.m. No.9716762   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6902 >>6928


Exceptions: People of color who have heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment due to wearing face coverings in public.

Anonymous ID: 812d9e June 23, 2020, 4:43 a.m. No.9716821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6993 >>7196 >>7249 >>7424


Former Bank Hapoalim chairman Oded Eran dies


Oded Eran, who stepped down as chairman of Bank Hapoalim on Sunday, died overnight Monday following a serious illness.

Eran served as chairman of Israel's largest bank from January 2017 until taking indefinite sick leave several weeks ago, and formally resigning earlier this week due to poor health.

Paying tribute to Eran, Bank Hapoalim CEO Dov Kotler said he was "a noble man, a brilliant lawyer who was a pioneer in the field of Israeli IPOs in the United States."

"A wise man who also knew how to take time off and study literature at university in the middle of his career. A bank director that became chairman and knew how to guide the bank and advise it at difficult times."

Prior to serving as chairman of the bank, Eran served as a member of the board of directors. He was also a member of the board of governors of Tel Aviv University, and was director and controlling shareholder of Oded Eran Law Office.

Fellow director Reuven Krupik will temporarily succeed Eran as chairman, Bank Hapoalim said.

Anonymous ID: 812d9e June 23, 2020, 5:01 a.m. No.9716917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6926




Steve Bing Dies: Film Financier, Philanthropist & MAJOR CLINTON FOUNDATION DONOR, Jumped From Century City Building in Hollywood to his death. Why would this man with everything one could want commit suicide so suddenly?

Anonymous ID: 812d9e June 23, 2020, 5:10 a.m. No.9716975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7058



Now out on $10,000 bond, said she finally had enough Tuesday night when two men came into her Murfreesboro Road Liquor and Wines store, menacing her and trying to steal some booze. She told police that one of the men headed to the back where the vodka was located and another approached her “in a manner that she knew” he was going to steal from her.


That’s when she grabbed her late mother Mary’s .38 Smith & Wesson snub nose revolver, unwrapped it from its cloth covering and placed it on the counter.


One of the men asked for brown liquor and the other, identified as Ramon Fisher, grabbed a couple of Crown Royal whiskey bottles. Boyce then confronted Fisher, who she said “lunged” at her.


Boyce, a widow who stands 5’3″ and weighs 115 pounds, said Fisher was going to push her down. He then ran for the exit, the bottles under his arm, she said.


“I did what I had to do,” she said. “After you’ve been played for a fool by people stealin’ from you for years, you get fed up. And don’t put me in the category of a little old lady. I know how to take care of myself.”


Nashville police did not return calls from The Post Sunday asking about whether or not Boyce overreacted by shooting Fisher, who is recovering from his injuries.


Boyce said she didn’t necessarily mean to hit Fisher, who was shot in the back.


“I never shot a gun before,” Boyce said, “but I guess it’s something that comes natural. I aimed at the floor to scare him.”


Fisher fell to the ground, yelling that he was shot. He crashed into a display case of wine bottles that broke open all over the floor.

Anonymous ID: 812d9e June 23, 2020, 5:19 a.m. No.9717033   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Video to large to upload.

Anonymous ID: 812d9e June 23, 2020, 5:25 a.m. No.9717058   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Police said in an affidavit obtained by McClatchy News Service that they visited Fisher at Vanderbilt Hospital where he told them he had been high on cocaine and liquor at the time he entered Boyce’s store and intended to steal liquor. The next day Fisher amended his story to say he and his friend planned to pay for the liquor and were not stealing it.


Boyce works six days a week at the liquor store she’s owned since 1994.


“I’m a people person,” she said, “I like to work.”


She’s upset only that the cops confiscated her gun, and told her it might be two years before she can get it back.’


“I told ’em, s–t, I might be dead by then,” Boyce said. “But the law’s the law.”