Anonymous ID: c44f42 June 23, 2020, 5:19 a.m. No.9717035   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Charles Hurt: Trump Rally Laid Out Case Against Joe Biden


But the problem isn’t how long Mr. Biden has been alive. The problem is how long he has been in Washington. Or, as Mr. Trump described it, “four decades of betrayal, calamity and failure.”

—The guy has had a storied career. He really should be set out on the front porch in a rocking chair to enjoy his well-deserved sunset. Instead, Washington’s political vultures need another sacrifice atop the Resistance funeral pyre. And, for all Mr. Biden’s charming qualities, intelligence isn’t one of them. Neither is self-awareness.

—So, today, in his 78th year, his party finally gives him the shot they have denied him for 30 years. And off they lead him to slaughter.

—It is so ugly. And so Washington. But if anybody should know this wicked ritual, it is Joe Biden. He has been sloshing around in the fetid swamp longer than anybody.

—Mr. Trump is the incumbent president, yet somehow Democrats picked the one person that allows Mr. Trump to run for reelection — as an outsider! It’s like Mr. Trump is charging the gates all over again. It’s been four years and still he gets to play the barbarian!

And what a beautiful barbarian he was Saturday night

He hilariously relived his brilliant speech at West Point — you know, the speech that went over all the media’s head All they could focus on was Mr. Trump’s tepid walk down the long ramp after his speech. And the overly careful manner in which he drank from his water glass.

—His long and involved Saturday night re-enactment was a genius case study in how to lead with your weakness. Own it completely. And utterly disarm it with humor.

By the time Mr. Trump got to the punch line — menacingly pointing with a vicious stare at the assembled press — his victims were too stupid to understand what had even hit them.

It was a performance worthy of Hannibal Lecter. As if Dr. Lecter had disemboweled a poor schmuck on the street and was eating his innards before the dope even realized it was his own intestines he was slipping around on

-The New York Times declared Mr. Trump’s comeback rally “disjointed.” Yeah, I bet it seemed disjointed to them. How was breakfast this morning? I bet that was confusing, too.

-It sure wasn’t “disjointed” for the crowd gathered in the stadium. Nor was it for the millions who tuned in across the country.

All of you are warriors,” Mr. Trump declared

-Ever the optimist and ever the leader, Mr. Trump went all in on a bright future for America on Saturday night, applauding those who braved the rally despite all the dire predictions that they would fall prey to the Chinese plague if they showed up.

-As always, Mr. Trump lives off the dishonesty of the media who warn of certain death at a Trump campaign rally, even as they applaud the violent mobs burning and looting in the cities.

Mr. Trump could not conjure up more perfect enemies to run against. These are not paper tigers invented by Trump; they are tissue dragons of their own making

-Stealing a Democrat smear against Judge Robert Bork, Mr. Trump warned that the unrest and upheaval in the streets across the country today is simply a product of “Joe Biden’s America.”

-“In Joe Biden’s America,” Mr. Trump said, “rioters, looters and criminal aliens have more rights than law abiding citizens.”

-Wow. That won’t be the last time you hear that line.

-Mr. Biden’s long record, his legacy, his entire flawed career, all of his empty promises are nothing more than one giant hangover.

-“Joe Biden will always let you down,” the president said.

-Even that, however, is giving Mr. Biden too much credit. Mr. Biden is no longer in charge of his own campaign. Mr. Biden is a puppet being propped up by radical forces desperate to topple Mr. Trump and foist a wildly unpopular, partisan agenda on the American people. A “Trojan Horse for socialism,” Mr. Trump called him.

-Even amid all the racial strife that Democrat politicians are angrily ginning up these days, Mr. Trump gave no quarter.

-Referring to the economic numbers before the pandemic, he said: “I’ve done more for the black community in four years than Joe Biden has done in 47 years.”


Anonymous ID: c44f42 June 23, 2020, 5:24 a.m. No.9717054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7098 >>7249 >>7424

Trump: I’ll Issue Executive Order and ‘Make the Cities Guard Their Monuments

Ian Hanchett22 Jun 2020



During a portion of an interview with EWTN News released on Monday, President Trump stated that he will issue an executive order forcing cities to “guard their monuments.”


Trump said, “You saw Ulysses S. Grant, where they want to take him down. He’s the one that stopped the ones that everybody dislikes so much. It’s a disgrace. Also, remember, some of this is great artwork. This is magnificent artwork, as good as there is anywhere in the world, as good as you see in France, as good as you see anywhere. It’s a disgrace. Most of these people don’t even know what they’re taking down.”


EWTN host and Fox News Contributor Raymond Arroyo asked, “Is there anything you can do?”


Trump responded, “We’re going to do an executive order, and we’re going to make the cities guard their monuments. This is a disgrace.”

Anonymous ID: c44f42 June 23, 2020, 5:30 a.m. No.9717078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7082 >>7083 >>7178 >>7249 >>7296 >>7356 >>7424

Gretchen Whitmer to ‘Very Seriously’ Consider Trying to Prevent Trump Rally in Michigan


Go ahead and try bitch, you know you’re being investigated right? This picture oozes evil. Memes anons


Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) said recently that she “would think very seriously about” trying to keep President Trump from holding a rally in her state.


“We know that congregating without masks, especially at an indoor facility, is the worst thing to do in the midst of a global pandemic,” she told the Associated Press (AP).


However, Whitmer added that she was not aware of the specific legal tools available to prevent a rally from happening.


“I just know we have limitations on the number of people that can gather and that we’re taking this seriously,” she said.


Wednesday, the governor rebuked the legislature and citizens who were circulating petitions that she claimed were an attempt to limit her power, according to Breitbart News.


“I want to be very clear, any attempt to strip away the powers of the governor during this time is irresponsible, dangerous, and foolish,” Whitmer said.


The Restore Freedom Initiative would amend the state Constitution to, among other things, “clarify the separation of powers, foundations and functions of government” and “guarantee the constitutional limitations of government during emergencies.”


Thursday, the governor signed an executive order to extend the “state of emergency declaration related to the COVID-19 pandemic until July 16,” according to her office’s website.


The governor stated:


The aggressive measures we took at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic have worked to flatten the curve, but there is still more to be done to prevent a second wave. We owe it to the heroes on the front lines to keep doing our part by wearing a mask when in public and practicing social distancing. Now is not the time to get complacent. We must continue to stay vigilant and flexible in order to reduce the chance of a second wave.


However, the governor’s office also noted that “with the reduction in COVID-19 case counts, Governor Whitmer has relaxed restrictions over the last several weeks on business activities and daily life.”

Anonymous ID: c44f42 June 23, 2020, 5:37 a.m. No.9717107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7111 >>7123 >>7131 >>7135 >>7137 >>7141 >>7148

Cuomo: High Number of Nursing Home Deaths Because Feds Didn’t Tell Him Virus Was Coming from Europe


What a fucking China owned idiot! He’s starting to sound like HRC more and more


On Monday’s “MSNBC Live,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) said that New York had more nursing home deaths than any other state “Because we had more people die. Because the federal government missed the boat and never told us that this virus was coming from Europe and not from China.”


Host Stephanie Ruhle asked, “House Republicans are looking into New York’s March 25 order that directed nursing homes to take in infected patients. This thing is not going away, sir. 6,300 people died in New York nursing homes. That is the most in this country. The more time has passed, the more your office has been able to look into this. Do you take responsibility for that order and the role it may have played in those deaths?”


Cuomo responded, “Yeah, the Republicans, Stephanie, are playing politics. They don’t want to talk about how they are now handling this COVID virus –.”


Ruhle then cut in to state that lives are being discussed.


Cuomo responded, “Yes, I understand that, and there are facts also, Stephanie. … Yes, we had more people die in nursing homes than anywhere else. Because we had more people die.

Because the federal government missed the boat and never told us that this virus was coming from Europe and not from China


Anons I bet there is proof that he was warned

And January, February, March, before they did the European travel ban, 3 million people came from Europe and brought the virus to New York, and the federal government didn’t know and the federal government and the CDC and all of them failed to handle this pandemic and warn this nation. So, New York had more cases, more deaths, and more deaths in nursing home[s]. Because that’s who the virus affects. It affects senior citizens. We know that. You look at any state, and they had a tremendous number of deaths in nursing homes. It’s all a political charade. And it’s an ugly one, frankly, to talk about a number of deaths and suggest there was politics at it. The number of deaths are still going up, Stephanie. Look at Florida. Look at Texas. Look at Arizona. Let them look in the mirror and say, you know what? We were wrong. We’re killing people unnecessarily, by this irresponsible, reckless reopening, and it’s not working for the economy either. Those are the facts, Stephanie

Anonymous ID: c44f42 June 23, 2020, 5:43 a.m. No.9717140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7154 >>7211

I just thought of what might be a good meme, the title:


Faces of Evil


And put pictures of Democrat governors and mayors destroying their states and country. We can start with these including the whitmer and Cuomo Pics, in this bread, can’t repost


Pictures below of all governors

Anonymous ID: c44f42 June 23, 2020, 5:56 a.m. No.9717198   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9716009 Obama's exit interview: begins with quote from Teddy Roosevelt & a strange laugh by Obama


I agree anon, that laugh was like fear and loathing from the depths of hell, he had a hard time composing himself for a short while, “they know”


I seriously couldn’t listen to much more after that, gave me the creeps. Just like any other time he talks. When he was president and I watched TV, I’d listen for a couple of minutes, and then shout at the tv, “STFU Obama”. And then turn it off!

Anonymous ID: c44f42 June 23, 2020, 6:06 a.m. No.9717236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7298

Exclusive – NRCC Chairman Tom Emmer: GOP Targeting 54 Democrats, Only Need to Flip 17 to Retake House


Damn there’s that number again


National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) chairman Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN) told Breitbart News exclusively that Republicans believe they can retake the House majority in November’s elections.


In an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel on Saturday, Emmer laid out exactly how Republicans intend to retake the House. To do so, the GOP needs to flip a net 17 seats from Democrat control back into GOP hands, something Emmer believes is possible given that he said Republicans are targeting 54 separate Democrat-held districts. Given that there are 30 districts nationwide that Democrats currently represent that President Donald Trump won in 2016—13 of which he won by significant margins—Republicans believe with the president at the top of the ticket again that they can flip that necessary 17 seats back into GOP hands to retake the majority.

Anonymous ID: c44f42 June 23, 2020, 6:10 a.m. No.9717248   🗄️.is 🔗kun

HBO Max Series ‘Outliers’ to Debut with Episode on Dr. Anthony Fauci


If you ever needed more proof Fauci’s cabal, this is just more. The premise of this show is flawed logic and propaganda


Dr. Anthony Fauci is getting the Hollywood treatment with a forthcoming HBO Max anthology series. Outliers is set to debut with and feature the story of the coronavirus task force chief and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.


The series will be based on the Malcolm Gladwell book of the same name, that chronicled the lives of some of the world’s most successful people and what it cost them to climb to the top of their field.


The new series, being produced by Brian Grazer, Ron Howard, and Samie Kim Falvey will feature a different person each episode, but will start with Fauci. Michael Specter’s New Yorker article entitled, “How Anthony Fauci Became America’s Doctor,” is reportedly the source for the episode.


“We are thrilled to bring Malcolm’s definitive book on achievement to TV. He and Greg have crafted a series that tells truly unique and often unknown stories about figures who’ve shaped our modern world,” Falvey said.


“The point of my book Outliers was that we need to tell the story of success in different ways, looking at the way talent is affected by luck and circumstance and culture and context. I’m thrilled that Imagine wants to take the same approach to storytelling on television,” Gladwell added.


Fauci, an immunologist, has served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, and has led President Donald Trump’s White House Coronavirus Task Force since January. He was already well-known inside his field, but has now become a household name since he became the face and voice of coronavirus prevention this year.

Anonymous ID: c44f42 June 23, 2020, 6:17 a.m. No.9717275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7282 >>7293 >>7424

Rhode Island considers name change due to slavery connotations


What’s in a name? For the state of Rhode Island, years of acrimony over an official designation with connotations of slavery.


But change is brewing in the union’s smallest state, as Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo signed an executive order on Monday taking the "first steps" to change the state’s full name: "The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations."


The "plantations" part of the name has come under increased scrutiny following widespread protests after the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor.


The order, Executive Order 20-48, will change the name to just ‘Rhode Island’ in official communications from the governor’s office – including future executive orders, citations and stationery letterheads. It also calls on all state executive agencies to remove the "plantations" reference from their websites.


The order does not change the state’s official name permanently — that will require voters to amend the Rhode Island Constitution, the order states.


The state Legislature has indicated it will move forward with the referendum after the Rhode Island Senate passed a measure last week calling for a statewide vote on the name change.

Anonymous ID: c44f42 June 23, 2020, 6:26 a.m. No.9717321   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Victor Davis Hanson calls election 'a Manichean choice' about 'whether you want civilization


Author and Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson told “Tucker Carlson Tonight" Monday that the continuation of civilization is at stake in the November election.


"I don't want to get political, but this election no longer is about Donald Trump's tweeting," Hanson told host Tucker Carlson. "It’s not about Joe Biden's cognitive impairment. It has nothing to do anymore with a lockdown, the virus, the economy.


"It's an existential question, a Manichean choice between whether you want civilization and you believe that America doesn't have to be perfect to be good and we are not … going to destroy all that people died for, or [whether] you feel it was inherently flawed with a cancer and we have to use radiation and chemotherapy and kill the host to kill the cancer."




"That's the choice we are looking at," Hanson continued, "and I'm going to vote for civilization."


Hanson spoke soon after protesters in Washington D.C. attempted to tear down a statue of Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Park while attempting to seal off a nearby area they dubbed the "Black House Autonomous Zone" in imitation of Seattle's "Capitol Hill Organized Protest."


Hanson went on to say that the push by Black Lives Matter protesters and others to remove historic monuments and statues is less about the person depicted and more about "humiliation and power."


We are looking for one brave woman, a few brave men to say, 'It's not going to happen anymore, you're not going to do it, come into my neighborhood and you're not going to like what's going to happen,'" he said. "We haven't had that


you heard anons

Anonymous ID: c44f42 June 23, 2020, 6:31 a.m. No.9717342   🗄️.is 🔗kun

16-year-old charged in 4 fatal DC shootings, police say


Police arrested a 16-year-old boy last Wednesday suspected of killing 4 people during a series of violent crimes throughout the Washington D.C. area.


Michael Mason reportedly conducted the fatal shootings over a 7-week span between April 7 and May 22 in two separate districts, the Metropolitan Police Department said. They added that at least five other people were wounded during the spree.


Mason denied his involvement during interviews with homicide detectives, according to an arrest affidavit. One of the alleged victims included a woman who was used as a “human shield” by a person targeted by a gunman, police said.


Police said the fatal shooting involving one woman, Brea Moon, 21, occurred 11 days after Mason was released from juvenile detention


Mason was identified after authorities used facial recognition software to compare a photo given by a victim with images of Mason on social media, a court affidavit said, according to the Washington Post. Police added that Mason reportedly tried to sell a .40-caliber gun on Instagram following one of the killings.


Mason was charged as an adult with four counts of first-degree murder, four counts of assault with intent to kill, assault with intent to murder, and assault with a dangerous weapon, police said.


Police also charged Daquan Jones, 19, of Northeast D.C., with first-degree murder in reference to Moon’s killing.


"These individuals terrorized our communities and we thank all who assisted in their arrest," D.C. police wrote on Twitter.


An investigation is ongoing.


David Aaro is a Reporter at Fox

News Digital based in New York City.

Anonymous ID: c44f42 June 23, 2020, 6:35 a.m. No.9717365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7377 >>7384 >>7420

Blacks hospitalized with coronavirus at rate four times higher than whites, Medicare data reveals


It wouldn’t surprise me a bit if all these protests, revolts, etc were set up so more blacks will die of Corona virus


Recent Medicare claims data further highlighted racial and socioeconomic health disparities amid the coronavirus pandemic, causing the federal agency to issue a call for value-based care.


The preliminary data included the total reported COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations among Medicare beneficiaries from Jan. 1 to May 16 of 2020. The new data showed that black people were hospitalized with COVID-19 at a rate nearly four times higher than whites, specifically 465 per 100,000 vs 123, according to a CMS statement.


Hispanics had 258 COVID-19 hospitalizations per 100,000, while Asians had 187 per 100,000, CMS wrote.