Anonymous ID: 4bd0ba June 23, 2020, 7:33 a.m. No.9717798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7863 >>7903 >>7917

>>9717374 PB

The Governors, Negligent Death Law and "Q said Target Practice". The payoff might be in the evidence gathered… while relatives harmed recover under a lesser legal standard.


Looked at these laws.


>Q asked questions (Q4477)


>It's not what you know but what you can prove.

>Q: can we prove it?

>Q: can we prove coordination?

>Q: can we prove deliberate action to inc death count to justify vote-by-mail, stay-at-home, bail-out-state, kill-economy, kill-P-rallies, inc unemployment, etc?



Then he gave us this target practice. OP listed the wrongful death laws of the states. Got me thinking…..


The laws here are civil wrongful death, which is brought by the families, and not criminally by the state. There is no chance of going to jail, but there is compensation.

Criminal prosecution requires the standard "beyond a reasonable doubt". This pretty much means there can be no other explanation, to find the defendant guilty of murder, in many instances. Tough without evidence, that they are no doubt hiding.



If people (injured relatives) bring CIVIL suit of wrongful death, the standard is a "preponderance of the evidence" not "beyond a reasonable doubt".

A much lower standard, where no jail time involved, however, the plaintiff receives compensation for the wrong if the defendant is found guilty by this lower standard.


If I recall, OJ Simpson was not found guilty under "beyond a reasonable doubt" however the civil trials found him guilty based on a preponderance of the evidence, due to the lower standard of proof to win the case.


>It's not what you know but what you can prove.

>Q: can we prove it?


If these cases are started by the living relatives of the nursing home patients, what it CAN do is start official discovery, for the proofs for the future criminal trial.

And what if we find that coordination we suspect in the form of evidence?

To me it is an open and shut case, in any instance where the governor either:

1) simultaneously decreed that the nursing homes would not be responsible for any deaths that happened because of the public Executive Order forcing them to take COVID patients. (proves they thought about the risks and decided to play Russian roulette with a bullet in the chamber.) [Knowingly]. This would raise things to Murder II at least.

OR….any governor who….

2) included in the EO, a paragraph stating the nursing homes were not allowed to test the patients as they came in for COVID. Since all other hospital facilities were testing, and the nation was screaming for tests, this shows the attempt to deny evidence necessary to show "foreknowledge" of the risks of their actions. Again, showing they knew there was a bullet in the chamber.


If I was related to someone who died as a result of the actions of these governors, I would absolutely talk to an attorney, and split the proceeds, just to see what there is in the way of discovery to prove the future criminal case that has no statute of limitations, because murder has none.

Remember that these civil suits have statutes of limitations. I saw 2 years on one of them. So if you want to see these governors prosecuted for what they did, mebbe it starts by encouraging relatives of the nursing home dead to sue those governors for wrongful death, start discovery, and find that proof needed for the murder charges (criminal)??? And mebbe these lawsuits have to start NOW due to the statute of limitations on civil wrongful death.

Just wondering.

Anonymous ID: 4bd0ba June 23, 2020, 8:24 a.m. No.9718178   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>This kind of stuff lets people off the hook though.


>This 2020 is more than serious enough to do the full legwork on full criminal investigations of crimes against humanity. Full rigor so that this crap is not attempted again for a Long Time.


>People, across the world, were killed for political capital. Civil cases do not meet the satisfactory level to which these politicians and medical people should be accused. Jail time - long jail time is required for such a Massive World side scam




>>>This kind of stuff lets people off the hook though.


>As private citizens, it is something that we can do. Feds and States are the ones to do do criminal charges and the People don't have control over that.


>It's not advocating of either/or, but it's an action that citizens can do.


This was my thinking. The states themselves may NEVER pick it up. Feds would have to get them on a federal criminal law, not a state murder charge, I suspect.


Get citizens to do what they can with the Target Practice. Let them know they CAN do something to get the ball rolling. If discovery produces proof of a CRIME then the ball can start to roll even after these Democrat governors are ousted, because no statute of limitation on murder. This was my thinking, anyway. Good reason for the target practice. Motivate the normies who's grandparents and parents were murdered. Give them hope something can be done. If nothing else, one has to wonder how much money they got for each death, especially if the elderly were forced to sign over their homes. Perhaps the children of the deceased can at least recover their parents home because this would have been lost as compensation for murder either I, II, or III . Generally a murderer is not allowed to have the spoils of his murder.

Anonymous ID: 4bd0ba June 23, 2020, 8:29 a.m. No.9718222   🗄️.is 🔗kun


THAT, (class action) and there is also working with an attorney for free in exchange for splitting the pot if and only if the case is won. I forget what they call that, but, if the elderly owned anything that the nursing homes took because of the death, like a home, under contract for payment to the nursing home, then possibly the value of that home could be split between plaintiffs and attorney. One does not need to take money out of pocket in these cases necessarily. Many attorneys are willing to take a good case for a percent of the win, taking nothing if the case is lost.

Anonymous ID: 4bd0ba June 23, 2020, 8:49 a.m. No.9718361   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have a deck of those cards I got from a witch accidentally while helping her to move (which is how I found out she was a witch). Sounds crazy writing this, but, true story. The deck comes in a white box about a foot long. Never looked at them. Often thought of going through whole deck, publishing a pic of each one. There are a ton of them.

Always figured better to let them sit.

Witchcraft stuff.

Dont know why I have not burned them yet.