Anonymous ID: f182a5 June 23, 2020, 7:14 a.m. No.9717648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7836 >>7890 >>8105 >>8271

Daniel Hoffman: China's assault on Texas – this project threatens US national security


You see how they do it American in the title of their company


China menaces Taiwan and democracy activists in Hong Kong, exploits its “Belt and Road Initiative” as cover for debt-trap-diplomacy to project global influence, and knowing no bounds, brazenly targets the American Wild West.


The specific location in Xi’s crosshairs is the iconic frontier landscape, framed by the pristine Devils River and legendary Pecos River, in the West Texas borderlands of Val Verde County.


Beginning in 2015, GH America Investment Group purchased over 130,000 acres of property in Val Verde County. GH America is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Xinjiang-based Guanghui Industry Investment Group


Xinjiang is notorious for its so-called “re-education” camps, where China detains Uighur Muslims and other ethnic minorities against their will and violates their human rights.


Aside from gathering intelligence on U.S. border security operations and plugging into Texas’ critical infrastructure, China could use Sun’s wind farm as cover to collect intelligence on nearby Laughlin Air Force Base


Local elected officials and organizations dedicated to the protection, conservation and preservation of Val Verde County have expressed reasonable concern about GH America’s plans to erect the Blue Hills Wind farm, using some of the tallest onshore turbines in the country on the land it purchased. I’m a retired CIA officer and not a biologist, so I’ll leave it to the scientists for the most authoritative assessment on the extent to which GH America’s construction would decimate the fragile ecosystem, obstruct migratory flight paths, disrupt groundwater flows and degrade water quality in this area.


But I will loudly ring alarm bells about the threats to our national security from GH America and its Chinese Communist Party overlords. Sun Guangxin, the founder and director of Xinjiang Guanghui Industry Investment Group, served in the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and was the vice chairman of the Xinjiang Provincial Youth Federation. Having long maintained a close relationship with China’s Communist Party leadership, Sun is one of the 200 wealthiest businessmen in China.


Aside from gathering intelligence on U.S. border security operations and plugging into Texas’ critical infrastructure, including its electrical grid, China could use Sun’s wind farm venture as cover to collect intelligence on nearby Laughlin Air Force Base, which is the Air Force’s premier training facility and graduates hundreds of pilots per year.

Anonymous ID: f182a5 June 23, 2020, 7:15 a.m. No.9717652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7684

Wall Street Journal Editorial Board: Dems pushing strict lockdowns run most states with highest jobless rates


Yep that was the point, blame it on Trump. Anons good meme numbers in this article. Just how evil and desperate Dems are, they are willing to kill people to prevent Trump from winning


The Labor Department on Friday reported jobless rates in May for the 50 states, and the news is the greater than usual variation. Some state economies are recovering much faster than others, and the worst performing tend to be those that have imposed the most severe lockdowns.


The national jobless rate was 13.3 percent in May, but 10 states still have unemployment rates above 15 percent. From highest down, they are: Nevada (25.3 percent), Hawaii (22.6 percent), Michigan (21.2 percent), California, Rhode Island and Massachusetts (16.3 percent), Delaware (15.8 percent), Illinois and New Jersey (15.2 percent), and Washington state (15.1 percent).


The Nevada and Hawaii economies rely heavily on tourism that has been walloped by the pandemic. But all of these 10 states have had some of the strictest lockdowns. The Michigan rate is especially striking compared to the lower rates in Wisconsin (12 percent) and Indiana (12.3 percent, down from 17.5 percent in a month). New York, the state hit hardest by the virus, had a jobless rate of 14.5 percent in May, down somewhat from 15.3 percent a month earlier.


Nine of the 10 states with the highest jobless rate are run by Democrats, who have tended to demand that the economy should stay locked down and in some cases are still resisting opening. One exception is Colorado, where Democratic Gov. Jared Polis was one of the first to reopen. His decision is paying off as Colorado’s jobless rate in May fell to 10.2 percent from 12.2 percent in April.

Anonymous ID: f182a5 June 23, 2020, 7:17 a.m. No.9717678   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Talk': Time to Stop Needlessly, and Shamefully, Scaring Black Children

Mark Nuckols


Carina Ray is an associate professor of African-American Studies at Brandeis University. In an op-ed in The New York Times titled “'Could the Police Kill Me, Too?” My Young Son Asked Me,'” she relates how her 9-year-old son had a simple question for his mother.


“'If I go, could they kill me, too?’ His question hung in the air like thick fog.”


Professor Ray was planning to take her son to a caravan protest in upstate New York, but the precocious lad already knew what every African-American parent knows, the police are just itching to gun down black children. So quite reasonably he wanted to know his chances of surviving the inevitable police brutality and the probable bloodbath.


“I cleared my throat. I had to be honest.”


“'I can’t guarantee how the police will respond’ I said. ‘Even peaceful protest can be risky.’”


After a short pause, he said, ‘Let’s go


Well, the boy is as brave as he is precocious, willing to literally put his life on the line for social justice. His mother is justifiably proud.


Except, there were no police at the protest, no doubt a great let-down after all of the anxiety, the worry, the raw sheer terror of Standing Up to The Man. It must have been like landing on Omaha Beach on D-Day, and finding “Welcome to Normandy” signs instead of confronting gunfire. What to do? Now how is Professor Ray’s little boy going to show his mettle and demonstrate his fearless bravery?


“We joined the rear of the long caravan and my son asked, ‘Can I roll down the window and yell, ‘Black Lives Matter?’”


“'Of course you can.’”


“The look on his face as he lowered the window was unmistakable. He felt empowered.”


Boldly rolling down the window of his mom’s SUV, manfully waving his little fist, and heroically hollering out an empty slogan into the empty spaces of upstate New York is the kind of courage unseen since the 101st Airborne charged up Hamburger Hill.


Now, maybe you think I am mocking this kid. That’s not my intention. I am mocking his mother, who shamelessly uses her son as a prop in this ludicrous tear-jerker of a story.


After some more parental boasting about her son’s cleverness and devotion to social justice, Professor Ray turns sad.


“For many black parents the transition from childhood to adolescence is marked by ‘the Talk,’ when we explain to our children how to stay safe, especially when confronted by the police. I didn’t expect to have it for another couple of years.”


Yes, “the Talk,” where African-American parents scare the daylights out of their children with Tales of the Boogie Man, White Racist Cops Who Enjoy Killing Black Boys with Total Impunity. And if I were a young black child, I guess I’d be terrified of how it’s Open Season on Blacks, or “legalized genocide” as some put it. I’m going to the corner store to buy a candy bar, minding my own business, when Boom, the police shoot me in the back and plant a gun on my body to cover up their cold-blooded murder. Scary stuff.


Well, first of all, this is needlessly (and shamefully) scaring young children for no good reason. Instead, common sense would be helpful, like being respectful towards the police, which is advice my parents gave me as a child. And don’t do drugs, and don’t steal things. In my family, that was just basic morality.