> something needs to occur
The world isn't in a standstill, also, maybe you shouldn't be going by the msm to understand if something is happening.
> something needs to occur
The world isn't in a standstill, also, maybe you shouldn't be going by the msm to understand if something is happening.
In case you didn't notice, the Hive-Mind is alive and well. Maybe the biggest happening that there is, as I believe it is the Great Awakening itself.
It is more embarrassing if he never noticed the 'noose' before.
Did he not spend time in any of the garages before?
jews dislike Putin because he called jews our as the bolsheviks starting the mass murder of tens of millions of Russians.
> deep state communication system
Their end goal is israel, their playbook is the talmud and torch. They work in unison to achieve their 'safe haven't, because they know that eventually their misdeeds will have them running from justice.