ok anons i have an explanation for the current confusion
here on the board we all feel the opinions and emotions of other eventhoug it is anon - we can tell what the others are like - so many tells - and that is whatmakes this rewarding on top of the fact that we privy to an incredible epic battle
that said we all have a good fell for what Q is like - yes Q is a team but they have a leader and that is the domonant tone of the posts. we all know the positive traits of Q - those are clear and obvious. we all believe in THE PLAN -and especially POTUS who we all love and appreciate
but no denying confusion delay and loss of morale. this came from the personal weakness of Q team leader and the resulting posts that reflected his bias and background
Q is clearly believe abortion is evil. he posted that PP is evil for this reason alone. that has been repeatedly sauced. That is wrong becase it is divisive and not needed for the revolution before us - it can be addressed later by consensus,
Q clearly is a poor judge of women - witness his beanz nonsense - no anon holds her up as a Great Awakening female. this poor judgment comes from Q's background in male school and patriarchal church and male military insitutional attitudes
Q now appears to also have an anti-semitic streak. Potus has spent his whole life with Jews and his daughter converted - Kushner is a right hand man. Trump moved the embassy and declared alleigance with Israel. No way he is anti-semitic. Israel would never act agaisnt Potus butmust have ifnored Q or his ideas. Q posts encouraged anti-semitic attitudes..is. The posts show this. This is wrong and divisive.
Finally Q is adamant and outraged at the misdeeds of the Popoe and church higher up. All these negatives are from a strict and loyal Catholic background - figure it out. How the advice on class actions fits in I dont know - but I do know that is a ridiculous idea. perhaps it is a psyop but if so it stinks. So many reasons already posted.
This is not to say I dont love Q - I sincerely do - but he is a man and he has erred - showing hubris and bias as ourleader. If he is half the man he thinks he is he will redeem himself on this board. If not then he has to live with it and many anons willretain some confusion and doubt about his ladership.