Anonymous ID: cbc3b2 June 23, 2020, 3:02 p.m. No.9722458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2712 >>2929 >>3074

Google Employees Demand Company ‘Defang and Defund’ Law Enforcement Agencies


Employees at tech giant Google are reportedly demanding that the company stop selling software to law enforcement agencies. Employees believe the company should be ” joining the millions who want to defang and defund these institutions.”


Recode reports that more than 1,600 Google employees have signed an internal petition calling for the firm to stop selling its software to police. The petition comes as protests continue across the country relating to the recent death of George Floyd.


The petition states: “We’re disappointed to know that Google is still selling to police forces, and advertises its connection with police forces as somehow progressive, and seeks more expansive sales rather than severing ties with police and joining the millions who want to defang and defund these institutions.”


The petition as stated by a group of Google employees called Googlers Against Racism and is addressed to CEO Sundar Pichai. “Why help the institutions responsible for the knee on George Floyd’s neck to be more effective organizationally?”


Google did not respond to a request for comment for Recode. It is unknown just how closely Google works with U.S. law enforcement agencies, it is known that Google sells cloud-based software like the business version of its Gmail product through a third-party vendor to at least one police department, the Clarkstown Police Department in Rockland County, New York.


In a customer testimonial page, Google calls its software a “catalyst for culture change” at Clarkstown County Police Department. The Clarkstown Police Department was sued by Black Lives Matter activists in 2017 for allegedly conducting illegal surveillance on them.


Google has also provided AI technology to police departments via its venture capital arm, Gradient Ventures. The petition called on Google to truly support radical change, stating: “We want to be proud of the company we work for. We want the company we build to speak to our values and how we want to show up in the world.” The petition further called for the company to “take real steps to help dismantle racism.”


In 2018, Google employees protested the company’s work on Project Maven, which is described as “a customized AI surveillance engine that uses ‘Wide Area Motion Imagery’ data captured by US Government drones to detect vehicles and other objects, track their motions, and provide results to the Department of Defense.”

Anonymous ID: cbc3b2 June 23, 2020, 3:03 p.m. No.9722474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2532

Facebook ‘Supreme Court’ to Feature Leftist Law Professors



Facebook’s new oversight board, commonly referred to as its “Supreme Court,” will be tasked with determining which content should be removed from the site. It will be staffed with leftist professors from some of America’s top law schools.


According to a report by Campus Reform, Facebook’s new Oversight Board will be staffed with law school professors that have donated to progressive candidates and causes.


Columbia University Law School Professor Jamal Greene and University of Oklahoma Law Professor Evelyn Aswad are amongst the American legal experts that have been named to the Oversight Board. Greene has donated to the campaigns of Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton. Aswad has donated to progressive causes through a fundraising organization called ActBlue.


Stanford Law School Professor Pamela Karlan, who was recently named to the Oversight Board, was an aggressive proponent of the campaign to impeach President Donald Trump. During a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee, Karlan compared Trump’s call with the Ukrainian president to suffering through a hurricane.


“Imagine living in a part of Louisiana or Texas that’s prone to devastating hurricanes and flooding,” Karlan said. “What would you think if you lived there and your governor asked for a meeting with the president to discuss getting disaster aid that Congress has provided for? What would you think if that president said, ‘I would like you to do us a favor? I’ll meet with you, and send the disaster relief, once you brand my opponent as a criminal.'”


The board will also include John Samples, vice president of the Cato Institute, a libertarian think-tank that promotes relaxed immigration policies.


Breitbart News reported in May that Facebook created the Oversight Board to hear appeals on content removal. Facebook announced that the board will deploy an international human rights approach to determine which type of content will be permanently removed.


Stay tuned to Breitbart News for more updates on this story.

Anonymous ID: cbc3b2 June 23, 2020, 3:05 p.m. No.9722491   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kim Jong Un Suspends Anti-South Korea Military Plans


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has suspended anti-South Korea military plans, according to a report by South Korean outlet Yonhap News Agency.


Citing Pyongyang's state-run Korean Central News Agency, Yonhap reported that military actions were paused by Kim during a preliminary meeting of the Central Military Commission.


"At the preliminary meeting, the WPK Central Military Commission took stock of the prevailing situation and suspended the military action plans against the South brought for the fifth meeting of the Seventh Central Military Commission by the General Staff of the Korean People's Army," the cited KCNA report reads.


Earlier this month, North Korea said it would be severing all communication lines, including military hotlines, with South Korea and announced that it would start treating the South as an "enemy."


Relations between the two countries have deteriorated as of late, with the South failing to stop activists from floating huge balloons carrying leaflets criticizing Kim across the border into the North.


Earlier this month, North Korea blew up the joint liaison office in the North's town of Kaesong in response to the leaflet campaign.


North Korea on Monday said that it had printed 12 million leaflets which it intends to disseminate in South Korea as part of an information campaign against Seoul, KCNA reported.


Inter-Korean relations, as well as Washington's relations with Pyongyang, have deteriorated since Kim's second meeting with US President Donald Trump in Vietnam in February 2019. The summit ended with no agreements regarding North Korea's nuclear weapons program or United Nations sanctions against the country.—report/

Anonymous ID: cbc3b2 June 23, 2020, 3:09 p.m. No.9722552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2593 >>2880

FBI Debunks Bubba Wallace NASCAR Noose Conspiracy Theory


A 'noose' which was 'found hanging in NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace's garage' turns out to be a garage pull which has been there since October, 2019 - while Wallace was assigned that garage last week, according to the FBI.


Of course, the outrage mob - including LeBron James - whipped up racial division over the non-incident in a tweet which has received 66,000 'likes,' while the hashtag #iStandWithBubba trended on Twitter.


"On Monday, fifteen FBI special agents conducted numerous interviews regarding the situation at Talladega Superspeedway," reads an FBI statement. "After a thorough review of the facts and evidence surrounding this event, we have concluded that no federal crime was committed."


"Although the noose is now known to have been in garage number 4 in 2019, nobody could have known Mr. Wallace would be assigned to garage number 4 last week."


On Tuesday, Wallace went on The View and called Wallace dismissed what the New York Post framed as 'conspiracy theories' over the noose incident being staged, or never happening. The day before, Wallace told Fox Sports reporter Jamie Little "Sorry I’m not wearing my mask, but I wanted to show whoever it was that you’re not going to take away my smile."


So - to all you Talladega facilities managers, you didn't take away Bubba's smile.


As the outrage mob frothed over yet another fake noose incident, cooler heads began to circulate the 'garage pull' evidence - long before the FBI cracked the case mind you.

Anonymous ID: cbc3b2 June 23, 2020, 3:13 p.m. No.9722602   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Transhumanism: The new religion of the coming technocracy


In a recent Wall Street Journal essay, “Looking Forward to the End of Humanity”, Adam Kirsch posits a technological push, impelled by the global coronavirus pandemic, that would abolish death:


Eternal life through advanced technology seems like a pipe dream for a society that, until recently, had trouble manufacturing enough masks to save doctors’ and nurses’ lives. Yet Covid-19 may turn out to be just the kind of crisis needed to turbocharge efforts to create what its advocates call a “transhuman” future. With our biological fragility more obvious than ever, many people will be ready to embrace the message of the Transhumanist Declaration, an eight-point program first issued in 1998: “We envision the possibility of broadening human potential by overcoming aging, cognitive shortcomings, involuntary suffering and our confinement to planet Earth.”


There is an abundance of well respected thinkers who believe this is possible, including Google Ventures founder Bill Maris, cited in the article, and Yuval Noah Harari, in his Homo Deus sets the tone early on by declaring:


In the twenty-first century, humans are likely to make a serious bid for immortality….Humans always die due to some technical glitch….Nothing metaphysical about it. It is all technical problems.


Then of course, no discussion techno-utopianism would be complete without Ray Kurzweil, who posits a “technological singularity” which would provide for a personalized and totally controlled universe for every human, one where they would be in complete control to experience whatever they desired, for all eternity, once we all upload our consciousnesses into the cloud.


The WSJ piece hits on the same theme:


Today, cognitive scientists often compare the brain to hardware and the mind to the software that runs on it. But a software program is just information, and in principle there’s no reason why the information of consciousness has to be encoded in neurons.


The Human Connectome Project, launched in 2009 by the National Institutes of Health, describes itself as “an ambitious effort to map the neural pathways that underlie human brain function.” If those pathways could be completely mapped and translated into digital 0s and 1s, the data could be uploaded to a computer, where it could survive indefinitely.


Does any of this sound like heaven? Or paradise? Valhalla? That’s not surprising because Scientism (as distinct from exploration and discovery using the scientfic method) has ushered in a new era of material reductionism so that religion, spirituality, or any other non-material aspect of reality that cannot be readily quantified have been stripped of relevance and meaning in our Brave New World.


Something has to fill the void that the absence of religion and spirituality will vacate. In my next book, The Singularity Has Been #Canceled, I posit that this vacuum will be filled with techno-utopian thinking, which will pull forward utopia and everlasting bliss from the next life, and via the promise of expertly managed technology, roll it out into this one.


My premise for the book includes four main assertions, which are:


It is techno-utopian thinking, the idea that systems and expert management can control for all undesirable outcomes, that paradoxically exacerbates undesirable outcomes they seek to ameliorate.

True “artificial intelligence” as defined as “wide AI”, sentient and conscious, can never be achieved under our current assumptions. The idea that consciousness is just something our brains emit “as a liver secretes bile” is, I think, actually wrong. No amount technological advancement will achieve wide AI so long as this is the core belief.

That there are fundamental internal contradictions in techno-utopian thinking. The logical extension of the intellectual framework is that consciousness is an illusion, albeit, one we we’ll be able to perpetuate ever after by uploading it into the cloud. These internal inconsistencies, when taken hold at a societal level lead to a type of hypernormalization or what spiritual philosopher Ken Wilbur calls “aperspectival madness”.


Finally, because I’m not a luddite, far from, in fact, I introduce a framework for what I call “techno-realism”, the central premise being that every technological leap ushers in a new set of larger, more complex problems and that this is ok. I do think it’s possible that an era of radical life extension could be upon us, for those who can afford it. Life extension is not eternity, however. Do the math.

Anonymous ID: cbc3b2 June 23, 2020, 3:15 p.m. No.9722628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2767

CLOWN WORLD: Cancel The 4th Of July — Because Racism


‘Cancel The Fourth’: Conservative Group Releases Ad Targeting 1619 Project


Viewers are asked to sign a pledge from the American Principles Project “to reject the revisionist history which places America’s founding in 1619,” to “uphold America’s founding principles” in the Declaration of Independence, and to promote “equality under the law.”


The “1619 Project” has been adopted in over 1,000 schools across the country, including in Washington, D.C., according to the executive director of the American Principles Project Terry Schilling.


The American Principles Project wanted to “take the ‘1619 Project’ to its logical conclusion,” which is that “the American founding was not a good thing, and that it was a hypocritical lie at the outside,” Schilling told the Daily Caller. “If that’s what you actually believe, then should we celebrate the Fourth of July?”


The goal of the advertisement was to get politicians to answer the question of whether or not the U.S. should celebrate Independence Day, because many have supported the “1619 Project,” he added.


APP: Cancel the 4th of July?


Sign the Pledge: Defend America’s Founding



To defend America’s founding date as July 4th, 1776;

To reject the revisionist history which places America’s founding in 1619;

To uphold America’s founding principles as written in the Declaration of Independence: “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness”;

And to promote America’s bedrock standard of equality under the law.

Anonymous ID: cbc3b2 June 23, 2020, 3:16 p.m. No.9722643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2712 >>2929 >>3074

Germany orders first local lockdown since easing… High levels of cortisol associated with greater risk of death


German authorities on Tuesday ordered a new lockdown for an entire district — the first since easing coronavirus restrictions and a major setback to hopes of a swift return to normality.


“For the first time in Germany, we will return an entire district to the measures that applied several weeks ago,” Armin Laschet, state premier of North Rhine-Westphalia, said.


“We will reintroduce a lockdown in the district of Guetersloh,” he said, adding that the restrictions that cover 360,000 people and will be valid until at least June 30.


High levels of cortisol associated with greater risk of death…


LONDON – Could stress from the COVID-19 pandemic be making cases more severe for some patients? New research suggests that high levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, are associated with a greater risk of death in coronavirus patients.


Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Best known for its role in regulating our body’s fight-or-flight response in stressful situations, it’s also important for controlling other bodily functions. Those include metabolism, blood pressure, salt and water balance, and the body’s immune system response. Too little and too much cortisol are both dangerous. High levels are particularly dangerous because they can alter immune system function and increase the risk of infection and serious illness.


In the study, scientists collected blood samples from 535 hospital patients and examined the amount of cortisol in their blood. Of the sample, 403 of them had COVID-19. When scientists compared cortisol levels between patients with and without COVID-19, they found that patients with the virus have significantly higher cortisol levels.