Anonymous ID: a067b0 June 23, 2020, 5:36 p.m. No.9723983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4610

I just put on Tucker for probably the first time in 10 days. Although its been great just getting my news updates from anons, honestly hearing him scared the bejeesuz out of me because he is the only one it seems who is telling if not all at least some of the truth. Maybe he goes overboard I don't know but I cannot tolerate much of the other news outlets anymore or the constant narrative push day in and day out like clockwork a schedule as you anons have shown me.

The other thing I am noticing is the major push by the Trump campaign for more supporters to become vocal and to donate. I made that decision a year ago, no long was a closet supporter, because of that I am shadowbanned, ignored, told I am a stupid white hick, and every other name they call Trump supporters. not by other supporters by those strange bot accounts or people hiding being one name or a letter and a name or some weird woke statement. I have been vocal towards POTUS and Q team, to please drop the evidence, anons will get it out everywhere we can but then it occurred to me maybe we don't have enough control of the media apparatus yet to really do a big major RED PIlLL event….I really believe its the only way and yes we may have another civil war but it almost seems like inevitable but not what I want at all, just cannot understand the sheep mentally less now then ever….


Thats it just wanted to comment on the difference in perception when one does not watch MSM for 10 days and how TRump seems to be more active in recruiting support. (which he has mine in both donations and on line)…

Peace anons.

Anonymous ID: a067b0 June 23, 2020, 6:45 p.m. No.9724614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4647 >>4897

HOnestly we need new blood we need a new network, Hannity is a sleeper I am almost sure of it…About September he is gonna start to change his rhetoric. All his talking points tonight are ones I have heard over and over, he is either not very smart or he is performing an MK Ultra operation for his fanbase and they cannot disconnect……

I cannot hear him say one more time my mother was a prison guard law enforcement in my family…..Hannity is not a true support of MAGA, not even a registered republican….he always says he is a conservative whatever that means… today's terms….