Anonymous ID: e8a08f June 23, 2020, 6:28 p.m. No.9724473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4746 >>5138

Netflix, Inc CEO sold: $26.47m-June 22


newfags have a look at "Reed" (not his real first name) Hastings maternal great-grandfather-he was attorney, financier, scientist, inventor, and executive producer Alfred Lee Loomis.


Alfred Lee Loomis (November 4, 1887 – August 11, 1975) was an American attorney, investment banker, philanthropist, scientist/physicist, inventor of the LORAN Long Range Navigation System, and a lifelong patron of scientific research. He established the Loomis Laboratory in Tuxedo Park, New York, and his role in the development of radar is considered instrumental in the Allied victory in World War II. He invented the Aberdeen Chronograph for measuring muzzle velocities, contributed significantly (perhaps critically, according to Luis Alvarez) to the development of a ground-controlled approach technology for aircraft, and participated in preliminary meetings of the Manhattan Project. Loomis also made contributions to biological instrumentation. Working with Edmund Newton Harvey he co-invented the microscope centrifuge, and pioneered techniques for electroencephalography. In 1937, he discovered the sleep K-complex brainwave.


from June 17th

Netflix CEO Reed Hastings Donates $120 Million to HBCUs to 'Give People Some Sense of Hope'