Anonymous ID: 7becc2 June 23, 2020, 6:28 p.m. No.9724469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4545 >>4551

>>9723583 pv notable bun

>Copying and pasting. Only added the last one re Wendy's


Early Notables

All good?

Tor bakery seems smooth rn.


>>9723530 Statement from Attorney General William P. Barr on Introduction of Lawful Access Bill

>>9723511 David Guillod, 'Extraction' and 'Atomic Blonde' producer, faces 11 sex crime charges

>>9723456 Unanimously passed by one vote: Kekistan General Statutes, sec. 4517(q)

>>9723382 Square: Dorsey accused of taking too much money from partnered retailers

>>9723374 Cuban freedom fighter warns: Open your eyes, America… this ss how it begins

>>9723302 , >>9723389 Discussion: Idea to use GulagMaps to spread ammo

>>9723256 Whole lotta saveable Biden Ammo (articles and mp4s)

>>9723246 , >>9723334 Nikki Haley believes garbage Bubba Wallace noose story

>>9723230 Twitter suspends Carpe Donktum after Trump retweet

>>9723215 , >>9723262 2021 Budget wants extraterrestrial preparedness for religion removed

>>9723210 , >>9723273 >>9723289, >>9723296, >>9723310 Anons on the constant fireworks

>>9723198 2014 WH photo of Hussein, a white rabbit looking to The Washington Monument

>>9723190 , >>9723479 Washington State forcing state wide mandatory mask wearing from Friday

>>9723159 Tampa Bay Gov. "Entire nationa should be concerned about Trump Rallies"

>>9723219 , >>9723298 CHAZ / Protests Watch

>>9723700 Accused Wendy’s arsonist Natalie White was Rayshard Brooks’ ‘girlfriend’: lawyer