Anonymous ID: bb8f4b June 23, 2020, 6:30 p.m. No.9724485   🗄️.is 🔗kun

catalog not updating again, fresh bread link not posted. FUN. Remembering where to find the index, priceless.

>>9723891 (all pbs)


Oh fuck the hell off.

>ignore the kikes behind the curtain be nice

FUCK YOU. Ignoring them has gotten us here in the first place. Being unable to question or criticize, has let them creep up on the backside. I sincerely hope Israel is glassed over their role in all of this.

>muh ignore the kikes at every single protest, nothing to see here.



If we defund PP without any welfare reform such as we're not paying for your endless nigglets, we will have every school, ever possible service completely overrun by nigger kids within 2 years. So, either get on board with welfare reform and refusing to fucking pay these hoodrats to breed indiscriminately or accept that Margaret Sanger was a damn hero or we'd already be replaced with pic related. They can't even raise the ones they do have let alone more.




>It took 15 FBI agents to come to this conclusion

LOL it took 15 FBI agents to decide there was no way they could get away with calling this a hate crime after 15 of them poured over the evidence and knew there was no way to hide it.



Danica? Danica BLM protest Patrick Danica? because pic related is DANICA at a violent BLM protest.


Q has nothing but retweets now. notice Q did NOT retweet ---



Anonymous ID: bb8f4b June 23, 2020, 6:37 p.m. No.9724545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4557 >>4584


WTF is this, clicking on the haley link takes me to previous bread.



Remember when you fucktards where cheering this bitch and calling her our girl? And I told you this bitch was corrupt af? HELLO.

Haley used her knowledge of SCOTUS Robert's illegal adoption of two Irish children to blackmail him into finding in favor of two of her most wealthy constituents that had illegally adopted a Native American child. THEN used her power as governor to block the father from entering SC.



Anonymous ID: bb8f4b June 23, 2020, 6:46 p.m. No.9724618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5089


>"I don't trust the mayor. I don't trust the mayor. At all," one protester told KING. "We're gonna make sure they don't take back the [police] precinct!"


LOL the Mayor has her own sekrit mercenaries that she's been getting kickbacks from letting in Chink shit.

>human trafficking

>Drug trafficking

and every other manner of crime. Her private army led by RAZ and the John Brown Gun Club have been making sure the revolution goes nice and easy without completely burning down the city.


Mayor Jenny fucked up letting them name the zone AUTONOMOUS which would have given Trump legal reason to put that shit down. Legal advice removed AUTONOMOUS.


Tucker bitches that Republicans aren't doing anything (meaning Trump).


Trump tweets that he offered all the embattled governors federal aid to restore order but he's not heard back from any of them.


Ball lands on Mayor Lezzie's lap. Shit, she's not going to get her FEDERAL INVASION visuals. Now what? pressure builds from citizens to restore order. Her troops are confused, wat do?


Raz has been operating in Seattle under Jenny's protection for years. James Madison aka Eric Leal was in direct communication with the States Attny Gen. AND the mayor as heard in the camera theft video where he says he can give her 3 more days.


WTF more proof does the FBI need to–


oh, wait. FBI. LOL


Now the Mayor is going to be clutching her wife's pussy while the barbarians are at the gates. WILL RAZ protect her? Will the police? popcorn.

Anonymous ID: bb8f4b June 23, 2020, 6:55 p.m. No.9724730   🗄️.is 🔗kun


KEK no one ever wants Jews to return.

>130 million Russia Christians genocided by JEWISH BOLSHEVICKS

>MILLIONS of Chinese people murdered in the Jew-led Chinese Cultural revolution

>Cambodia-“the most evil men in history”, with an emphasis on showing how the Jews raised all of them up and used them as their proxies, and often even had hands-on culpability in the horrific torture and murder they metted out on the Jews’ Gentile enemies.


>The SFIO had, prior to training Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, backed the Jew financed Bolshevik Revolution; and the evil communist outfit was led by the Jew Leon Blum, France’s Prime Minister in the 1930s and 40s.


>Armenia / Turkey, For the Zionist Jews to take over Turkey, its Christians had to be eliminated; and that is another ugly facade of the first Genocide of the 20th Century in Turkey.


Please find me one genocide that Jews did not have their filthy hands on?

Anonymous ID: bb8f4b June 23, 2020, 7:07 p.m. No.9724874   🗄️.is 🔗kun


130 million, you're a bit short there. Jewish Bolsheviks murdered 130 million Russians.

>muh 6 gorillion


Sister needs to correct her language. A nigger robbed the white man, a Black Man returned the money and dealt with the nigger.


Please let us not be complicit in the Chink / Kike effort to lump all Black Americans into the same group. How impossible is it for them to rise up when the same NIGGERS that torment everyone are laid on them as just like them. We need to stop participating in this bullshit lumping and start calling the subversive nigger thug culture that is harming ALL of us, exactly what that word was meant to mean. BEHAVIOR.


BTW it was a black man that called the police when he saw two white men in wheelchairs being robbed at gunpoint by a spic.


Disarming nigger culture is the responsibility of all of us, but we can't do it by calling them black people. NIGGER means behavior and the media has been getting away with this shit for too long. SO long that a nigger can literally beat the HELL out of a white man (all the while calling the white man nigger) and completely get away with it by later claiming he was upset because the white man called him a nigger.


The NIGGER that beat the white man is a fucking NIGGER.


As for the "culture"? stop spending a PENNY on nigger thug culture glorification. The foul music reflective of the streets, loaded with NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER, seeking fans, yet when a white fan sings along they get beaten for saying NIGGER?


RECLAIM NIGGER to mean what it means. We cannot place the burden for rejecting this poison onto Black American, they are also suffering from this.

>be black kid, want to learn

>be beaten up by niggers who say learning is WHITE

>be strong Black voice

>Be called a coon and Uncle Tom.


Fuck these niggers, of all skin tones. I'm glad the black man made the nigger return the money. But for sure the niggers will be back later to get some retribution. Black Americans should not have to face this alone.

Anonymous ID: bb8f4b June 23, 2020, 7:09 p.m. No.9724896   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> Israel will set it up.


You realize that the German Mullahs that have been ruling Iran, are Jews, right?


Let's repeat that so you don't forget. German Mullahs that are ruling Iran are JEWS.

Anonymous ID: bb8f4b June 23, 2020, 7:22 p.m. No.9725028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5079 >>5095


Do you know what the most valuable human body part is?

The foreskin.


The vile and sexually abusive ritual that the kikes perform on infant boys. And that stupid ass gentiles auto perform on their infant boys without a second thought. All you moms in here that sent your sons to the butcher? This is what you did to them.


For penile butchering to take place the penis must first be made erect. Then the butchering happens. If the butchering takes place in a synagogue, the moile then places his mouth on the penis and sucks on it.


So to put it bluntly an infant boy's first sexual experience is





The market for foreskins is massive. There is zero reason to butcher infant boys.

Kikes scream anytime someone tries to ban the practice. Iceland almost succeeded the kikes screamed, then sent in a few rabbis to make sure Iceland never tried to save their baby boys again.

In the USA this barbaric practice happens almost without thought. Yet if they did this to little girls the howling would never stop.


Wonder what is wrong with our men? Why did god make a perfectly lovely house to protect the most sensitive part of a man's body, they order them to chop it off to prove the love him?


Harvard (read KIKE UNI) Professor Eric Clopper wrote and performed a one man show on the subject of circumcision, at Harvard. His performance is brilliant, eye opening, heart breaking, and it got him fired and blackballed.


Circumcision has been proven to cause permanent brain damage in our baby boys.


listen to this lecture in the background and if any of you chop the penis of your newborn infant boys after this, may you burn in hell.

Anonymous ID: bb8f4b June 23, 2020, 7:29 p.m. No.9725085   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Niggers claim that it's just being poor poor ex-slaves that force them to be criminals.

Really? have a look at the crime stats of the wealthy NFL players.

hell look at King Nigger himself. Highest office in the land and that fucker couldn't help himself. Just like any other Nigger leader in the world he had to Nigger.

>first black president

>first president to go to prison


that's about right. because of this asshole the mentally ill tranny shit was shoved down our throats and now our little girls are forced to use bathrooms with men with dicks.

Anonymous ID: bb8f4b June 23, 2020, 7:33 p.m. No.9725124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5139


found the poor guy missing 15 square inches of the most sensitive part of a man's body.


Sorry for your luck, I hope you do not genitally mutilate your sons.


BTW the bible explicitly orders gentiles NOT to follow this barbaric custom. WHY did the kikes start forcing this on others?


Because back in the day when the Kikes would face "eviction" from an area (again) some would try to evade it by claiming they were not jews. Guess how they identified the jews?


that's right

>i'm not a jew

>drop your pants

>well shit.


AND that is why YOU are genitally mutilated today. You can never ever know what your penis was meant to do because it's been forcibly disfigured, a choice most often made by mothers. But you CAN step up and refuse to butcher your sons.

Anonymous ID: bb8f4b June 23, 2020, 7:55 p.m. No.9725345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5368



Ah, are you fucking stupid? Apparently you are.


All but a handful of the JEWISH BOLSHEVIKS that committed genocide in Russia were wasn't Jews it was the Bolsheviks.


Most of the immigrants to Israel were JEWISH RUSSIANS.

Today it is the JEWISH OLIGARCHS that harass the fuck out of Putin, just like the harass Trump.


Did you think that POTUS didn't know what he was doing when he retweeted the death thread of the JEW in Israel that called him King of the Jews?

>hows that a death threat that's an honor Israel loves Trump.


You fucking retard, what did the Jews do to the last man they called King of the Jews?


You're welcome.

FuckinA, let go of that "programming" and ask yourself, how hard is it to become the chosen of "GOD" when you write the book choosing them, themselves?

Anonymous ID: bb8f4b June 23, 2020, 8:01 p.m. No.9725407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5480


The fireworks are meant to harass and desensitize the public to gunshots. People in NYC can hardly sleep. They're meant to have a psychological impact. Do some research.


We had them the other day, out in the burbs, called the non ER line to my locals and asked about them

>yeah we hear them too

>Where are they coming from?

>we don't know

>maybe niggertown?



if they keep it up like they do in the city, these tards are going to get railed. Needless to say, we've not had any more repeats.

Some claim that it's a run up to something on 4 July. But NYC has no tradition of fireworks on the 4rth.