Anonymous ID: 1499ac June 23, 2020, 8:09 p.m. No.9725476   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

>>9723983 (past whatever the fuck bread that was)

If you really want to know what is happening in the US, tune into the


China in Focus


CrossRoads with Joshua Phillips.


I learn more about US and what POTUS is doing there, than anywhere. Josh did a complete debunking of Bolton's claim that POTUS asked Xi for relection help.

Anonymous ID: 1499ac June 23, 2020, 8:13 p.m. No.9725531   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5604 >>6066


I have posted this video series on here several times today. Where are kids being trained to do this? And by who?


Millies 2 year undercover investigation


part 2

Anonymous ID: 1499ac June 23, 2020, 8:20 p.m. No.9725622   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Wait, wut? How can he be whining, he's the one that claimed someone left a noose and he's blaming white people for inventing garagedoor ropes and the FBI, while I certainly agree they are incompetent, even they couldn't twist a loop big enough for a hand but not a nigger head into a lynching threat. Had the loop been big enough for a head, I am 100% certain the FBI would have been happy to call it a noose.


Instead they had to tell the truth. There is great sadness in Quantico right now. They may never recover.

Anonymous ID: 1499ac June 23, 2020, 8:28 p.m. No.9725693   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


This one is so epic they put her on celebrity twatter. Thankfully she got roasted in the comments where she posted a pic of her police brutality.


Cincy girl arrested hilarity ensues

Anonymous ID: 1499ac June 23, 2020, 8:40 p.m. No.9725796   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


nice of them to rake over my RV posts and make a video of them. JAYSUS at least it's finally getting attention. It got ignored hereโ€“ because christians and Qtards that don't want to face the fact that Q is AI and whether or not it becomes our helper or our master depends on whether or not it has been decoupled from the master program. HAS it been decoupled? Can you tell? are you sure? The vaccine was supposed to (and may still do so because they've not backed off) install the payload (see Charles Liebers virus sized battery/transmitter / receiver research funded by Epstein who was funded by Gates. Epstein's mentor Maxwell was heavily involved with L. Ron Hubbard (the mind control master), Alstair Crowley and Jack Parsons. Scientology training is ass deep in much of the programming we see (re dead eye protestors) not to mention the "undercover nurse" being a full on hard core Scientologist.


When Q said

>these people are stupid

Did you think Q was excluding you?

Anonymous ID: 1499ac June 23, 2020, 8:46 p.m. No.9725857   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



We already know this, it's been known since POTUS signed that EO. Has anything happened? Are they going to hold hearings and investigate it again? For few more years?


If they are in violation now, why haven't they been issued an injunction?


Even better question is, neither FB or Twatter would exist at all if you just turned it the fuck off.


But you won't you can't it's your crack. Go on, test yourself. GO NOW to FB, you know it's a programming website, you know this so go now open up that DELETE account page if you can find it. Hover over that button, FEEL THE ANXIETY. FEEL IT. You cannot delete your FB account. (but we special we woke).

Anonymous ID: 1499ac June 23, 2020, 8:56 p.m. No.9725972   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


He's not wrong. IN this video you will hear SUNSHINE leaders (commin group that trains school kids how to protest, get arrested, and shove fake climate change) talk about Biden. ONE LADY tells her sexual assault story re Biden and they ALL AGREE together to ignore that and use it to blackmail Biden. "Leverage".


Millies 2 year undercover investigation


part 2

Anonymous ID: 1499ac June 23, 2020, 8:59 p.m. No.9726015   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I don't know what's wrong with you lot. Sitting here expecting something to happen re-voting fraud.


>Sometimes you have to do bad things for a good reason.


I think we can assume that once again, the swamp republicans (read that most of them) have no intention of fixing voter fraud because they're terrified of Nov.3rd.


My suggestion is, they're going to cheat? nothing is or will be done? Fine. Cheat better, longer and harder. Vote often, make sure every dead relative votes, go through cemeteries, print ballots for each headstone. Vote, vote vote! There is nothing stopping the right from mimicking the left, is there?


Imagine having to explain to the public why the left is trying to cancel election results.


>they cheated better than we did.


Most of us are not inherently criminals and would have a problem committing a "crime". Let me ask you this, if every Trump voter votes as often as each felon, each illegal alien, and each dead democrat (and most of the living ones) what the fuck difference does it make?


>omg trying to get Trump voters to commit voter fraud it's a setup.


The only people being set up for Nov. 3rd, is you. If they go after vote fraud, wouldn't they have to check all the ballots?


Vote vote vote. They're counting on you staying in your seat and being too afraid to act like them.


We just had a Korean-pop music group of men dressed like women using a Chinese app to effect the rally and proudly announcing it. Trump fired Brad? why? for not noticing this? It's hard to believe it's true because since when has a teenager ever not tweeted about every bowel movement and kept a secret? It didn't affect the rally, it's first come first serve.


In reality, what affected the rally was the permission of the left to block entrances, tweet fake curfews, engage in violence, and nothing was done. (again).


Is this helping Trump? Yes, it actually is. I spoke to someone in Michigan the other day that has a lot of contact with people and I was told that every single person is turning RED but they cannot say a word in public because CANCEL. But, I assure you Trump's strategy is being countered by massive voter fraud. So-fraud them the fuck back. Imagine this post going viral and every Trump voter grinning to themselves over left panic and pearl clutching demanding in-person voter ID voting to make sure that the alt-right NAZI do not steal the election.


(I do believe we could force them into IN PERSON voting by merely promising to engage in the exact same voter fraud that they are planning. It does nothing to turn blue into red by letting them witness and experience the violence and commie agenda of the left when they intend to use voter fraud to win anyway. Oh well we'll call for an investigationโ€ฆholy shit are you guys getting it yet? NOTHING stopped the voter fraud in 2018. NOTHING. We have reps in there now like Omar who committed fraud to even become citizens. If anyone wants a real glimpse of the TRUTH?


Look at what hasn't happened but what should have. They just mumble something about an investigation and sit around jerking other off, never actually DOING anything. The republicans are desperate to make sure Trump doesn't win another term because they know the hammer is coming on them too. But what the fuck good does it do to chat about it in investigations? ALL the same swamp monsters are running for office again. They will be elected, again.


George Soros was so successful funding campaigns of governors, DA's judges, and mayors that we now have a police officer charged with felony murder for shooting a violent child abusing criminal that stole a weapon and shot at him. I refused to vote in my last local election because they wouldn't tell me what party they were (this election was for local officials and supposedly no political parties for any candidates were supposed to be at issue). Get that? I was supposed to go in and vote BLIND for people with no information available for who was backing them. I told them flat out that I'm not voting blind if the information about political parties was withheld because I was not going to be complicit via ignorance in voting in George Soros. THIS IS HOW THEY'RE WINNING.


See the point?


I called the mayor's office of my light blue city in a dark red swing state and said:


"I certainly hope you are not planning to let our beautiful city be burnt to the ground by telling the police to stand down just to win political points against the president." I knew there was no way he'd risk turning the city blue after spending years begging people to come down town and live. He didn't. If anything makes it clear what is going on, the states of BLUE VIOLENCE do.


pics are proof that BLM is posting pro CCP material and propaganda. I realize niggers are stupid af, and apparently have no clue what China does to niggers.

Anonymous ID: 1499ac June 23, 2020, 9:09 p.m. No.9726127   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6161


RV ANON here (again)


RV anon here..


Right this minute CCP actors are on 4chan creating "dam general" threads using my RV ANON (remote view) posts in which I describe seeing the dam break in 2007 and since and discussing the timeline shift in relation.


All of my posts can be found in the archive and 4plebs. Go see for yourself. Use key words RV ANON, when the dam breaks in China, go see for yourself (you won't). I tried to stop them using my stuff to implicate the US, but there are so many glowagents operating on 4chan that I just got cancelled. The day they started the glowagent threads implicating the US I had stupidly reposted my RV stuff along with a China in Focus video about flooding in China and that the dam was in danger. That's all they needed. They've had running thread on the subject for a week now.


I've seen this coming for a very very long time, and it is a "trigger" event. 4chan is allowing endless reposting of things meant to blame the US for the dam breaking so as not to blame it on the CCP when millions of people die. I got banned from 4chan last night because I was saying exactly that. Stop handing the CCP propaganda, to use against the US.


That dam in China is going to break and it is going to be one of the most horrific disasters in human history (barring that time "god" won by killing everyone but a handful with a flood). The Chinese people don't deserve this being blamed on the US. But there they are, glowagents pushing the US did it with HAARP, US is doing it with weather modification.


Want to know what is really odd? I had started to question whether or not the corona virus general threads were a chink op psyop to get 4chan to spread fake studies, fake videos, fake everything regarding the virus. There is still a CVG thread running, but the same flag that started that CVG general and kept it going is the same flag that started the dam general. And guess what? CVG is endlessly posting and resposting "evidence" that a new virus outbreak with a new and improved virus is hitting Beijing.


So, are glowagents working overtime here to keep anyone from standing up? Nothing you see in the US media is true. I've learned more about what is happening in my country and actions my President has taken from China in Focus and CrossRoads with Joshua Phillips. I've also learned the TRUTH about what it's like inside China from Serpentza, LaoWhy86, and ADV China.


CCP is working overtime to make sure there is "proof" that the US broke that dam.

Anonymous ID: 1499ac June 23, 2020, 9:20 p.m. No.9726229   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>Jesus must be coming soon,

IF she believes that, then shouldn't she be happy? Just fire up the grill, roast some weinies, make some smores and wait to be snatched up to heaven! Seems to me that Christians should be literally the happiest least worried, least stressed in the world!