Anonymous ID: 41b2c2 June 23, 2020, 8:48 p.m. No.9725892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5906 >>5911 >>6031 >>6161 >>6185

Chyna Virus question, Anons: Just who is fooling who?


This idea about massive Chinese casualties just won't go away. Remember we had the 23 million phone accounts question that was never adequately answered. I keep finding stories like the link here from China In Focus below that discuss ongoing numbers of Chinese dying in a second wave.


This now seems at odds with what we are seeing elsewhere. Philippines and Japan have only had around 1,000 deaths each. Same side of the world, similar people, different approaches to virus containment. Even the US, whose numbers we can't really believe, seems in far better shape than China if these reports are true.


There are a whole SHITLOAD of things wrong in China, it turns out, and it seems obvious now to this Anon that its days are truly numbered. If the Three Gorges collapses in coming days, it may just unleash a wave of anti government sentiment and push things over the edge.


Back to my question: Who is fooling who with C-19? They claim it was slipped into their country covertly, a theory which does have some legs. We claim it was a bio-weapon possibly aided and abetted by some of our own people to wreck our economy and keep people indoors on an election year. Who benefits most from the effects of this thing, and why is it so deadly to the Chinese?


Questions, questions

Anonymous ID: 41b2c2 June 23, 2020, 9:01 p.m. No.9726030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6068


Then if we follow that theory, the ongoing deaths should NOT be happening in China, making any reporting or stories about it fake news. Certainly possible.


I could also see it being maybe something they didn't know would have disproportionate effects on themselves before releasing it.


Their face saving culture absolutely is their biggest weakness IMO, and I lived there for almost 2 years. The details I've learned about that dam for example, are pretty fucking serious. Although the coverup is not surprising.

Anonymous ID: 41b2c2 June 23, 2020, 9:08 p.m. No.9726111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6198


Yeah, me too. It was also reported early on, remember, how much deadlier the virus was in cold climates. We let me tell ya, most chinese homes do not have heaters. Hard to imagine, but true. They just wear coats indoors and drink hot water. It has to get down to almost freezing climate zones before the govt. allows heating systems. Where I used to live was in the south, which would still get down into the 60s during the day and even 50s at night during winter. But you can never warm up. Freeze your balls off in that place.

Anonymous ID: 41b2c2 June 23, 2020, 9:13 p.m. No.9726161   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Although I feel like you are shilling, I read your post last bread about this, and watched a good report on the Three Gorges. See my post above about WTF is going on in China related to the virus.


I tend to agree that the Three Gorges is an engineering disaster waiting to happen.


Q says watch the water. There is another dam almost being completed in Ethiopia right now, which Egypt will probably end up destroying to keep access to their water from the Nile.

Anonymous ID: 41b2c2 June 23, 2020, 9:22 p.m. No.9726257   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That's an interesting take, which I had not heard of before. I used to follow that Laowhy86 and SerpentZA vids daily just to help me deal with living in the place, so I really sat up and took notice when he posted about the cell phone accounts.


So I'm curious, what is your 40,000 ft. view on what is really going on there? To me it seems like there society is about one disaster away from meltdown. Do you think there is some element within that is draining their own swamp?