Anonymous ID: af42ff June 23, 2020, 8:23 p.m. No.9725649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5972 >>6018 >>6186

Tom Cotton Launches Minnesota Ad Connecting Joe Biden to Leftist Mobs


Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) is out with a new ad on Tuesday, that will run digitally in Minnesota, connecting former Vice President Joe Biden to leftist mobs across the country.


“The liberal mob is out of control and Joe Biden and the Democrats are doing nothing to stop them,” a narrator says as the ad, provided to Breitbart News exclusively ahead of its public release, opens with footage of fires, looting, and property damage from the recent riots in cities across the country.


“In Minneapolis, liberals let a police precinct burn to the ground,” the narrator continues. “In Seattle, liberal Democrats allowed CHAZ anarchists to set up their ‘autonomous zone.’ Now, the radical left is demanding that we defund the police.”




Then the ad plays video of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) discussing ripping apart the Minneapolis Police Department.


“We need to completely dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department,” Omar says in the clip, adding: “The Minneapolis Police Department is rotten to the root. So when we dismantle it, we get rid of that cancer.”


The narrator concludes the ad, while footage of cars being toppled, riot crowds conducting crimes, and more leftist mobs play in the background, by noting that Biden—the presumptive 2020 Democrat nominee—has staff on his payroll who paid into the Minnesota Freedom Fund that is paying to bail out violent rioters from jail.


“So extreme, the liberal mob has forced the cancellation of Live PD, and Cops…And where’s Joe Biden? Biden’s liberal staffers are bailing rioters out of jail. Joe Biden won’t stand up for law and order,” the narrator says. “He’s too liberal and too confused to lead. Elect Joe Biden, and the anarchy will be coming to a town near you.”


In a statement accompanying the ad, also provided to Breitbart News ahead of its public release, Cotton said the violence and anarchy will spread everywhere nationwide if people vote Biden into the White House.


“The woke liberal mob is tearing down statues and causing chaos. If Joe Biden is elected, we’ll have this anarchy in every city. Joe Biden is too weak to stand up to the mob and he can’t be trusted to lead,” Cotton said.


Cotton’s ad is running digitally in Minnesota starting this week. It is noteworthy that he picked Minnesota to launch the missive at Biden because Minneapolis is where George Floyd died after now former police officer Derek Chauvin kneeled on his neck for nearly nine minutes. Minnesota is also a state Republicans believe they can flip from Democrat to Republican at the top of the ticket for the first time since 1972.


President Donald Trump got close to flipping Minnesota in 2016, losing to Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton by less than 45,000 votes. The margin of difference between Trump and Clinton there was actually less than the vote total of the fourth place finisher, Never Trump candidate Evan McMullin. McMullin, who finished behind Clinton, Trump, and Libertarian Gary Johnson, actually received around 50,000 votes in Minnesota in 2016.


Republicans have not won Minnesota, which awards the victor in a presidential election ten electoral votes, since 1972 when Richard Nixon was running for re-election. Nixon would the next year fall and resign over the Watergate scandal. In 1984, when running for re-election, GOP President Ronald Reagan won 49 states nationwide against Democrat Walter Mondale—whose home state, Minnesota, was the only U.S. state he won that year. Reagan had, as a courtesy a couple months from election day, withdrawn his campaign from Minnesota. Otherwise he potentially would have won all 50 states.


In addition to the top of the ticket, there is a U.S. Senate race in Minnesota this year where Republicans think that former U.S. Rep. Jason Lewis (R-MN) could upset incumbent Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN)—who was appointed into the seat after the resignation of now former Sen. Al Franken (D-MN).


Several battleground U.S. House races also take place down-ticket in Minnesota, and could determine the fate of the majority of the U.S. House.

Anonymous ID: af42ff June 23, 2020, 8:24 p.m. No.9725658   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Noticing shills trying to shift blame for the cabals actions to Islam


I wonder what religion they are ((()))

Anonymous ID: af42ff June 23, 2020, 8:51 p.m. No.9725912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6018 >>6186

China & India Agree To "Cooling" & Disengagement Along Contested Border


China has dismissed widespread Indian media claims that its side suffered 40 casualties during the June 15 night border clash which left 20 Indian soldiers dead as "fake news". It has further condemned New Delhi giving its troops "freedom of action" to respond with deadly fire if under attack by PLA troops.


But despite the soaring tensions which many feared could see war break out along the disputed Ladakh border region, the two nuclear armed neighbors have agreed to deescalation and disengagement at the border.


Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian confirmed at a news briefing on Tuesday that talks between the two sides' top regional commanders resulted in a positive breakthrough. They "agreed to take necessary measures to promote a cooling of the situation," Zhao said.


"The holding of this meeting shows that both sides want to deal with their disagreement, manage the situation and de-escalate the situation through dialogue and consultations," Zhao added.


The foreign ministry spokesman further described that they "exchanged frank and in-depth views" and "agreed to maintain dialogue and jointly committed to promoting peace and tranquility in the border areas."


The Indian Army also assured that broader conflict along the Actual Line of Control (LAC) has been averted following last week's most serious and deadliest clash in a half-century, with a statement reading: "Corps Commander level talks between India-China yesterday were held at Moldo in cordial, positive and constructive atmosphere," according to the ANI news agency.


"There was mutual consensus to disengage. Modalities for disengagement from all friction areas in Eastern Ladakh were discussed and will be taken forward by both sides," the Indian Army added.

Anonymous ID: af42ff June 23, 2020, 8:55 p.m. No.9725955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6018 >>6186

Tech Titans On Pentagon Advisory Board Have Given Millions To Liberal, Anti-Trump Groups


The former CEO of Google and co-founder of LinkedIn, both members of a Pentagon advisory board, have contributed nearly $10 million to a slew of liberal political committees, including many opposed to President Trump.

Eric Schmidt, who chairs the Defense Innovation Board, recently gave $750,000 to a liberal PAC that published an ad suggesting Trump supporters are white nationalists and Vladimir Putin enthusiasts.

Reid Hoffman, a member of the Pentagon board, has been involved in several controversial political projects, including one that used fake social media personas targeting the Republican candidate in an Alabama Senate election.

J.D. Gordon, a former Pentagon spokesman and national security adviser on the Trump campaign, called Schmidt and Hoffman’s positions “nothing short of horrendous.”


Two tech titans who sit on the board of the Defense Innovation Board, an advisory group to the Pentagon, have contributed nearly $10 million this election cycle to liberal political groups, many of which oppose President Donald Trump, according to records filed with the Federal Election Commission.


One of those liberal megadonors, former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, gave $750,000 last month to a political action committee founded by Obama campaign veterans that published an ad suggesting that Trump’s core base is made up of white nationalists and supporters of Russian President Vladimir Putin.


The other, LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, has been involved in several controversial political projects, including a campaign using fake social media personas to draw voters away from a Republican Senate candidate in a special election in Alabama in 2017.


The tech billionaires’ positions on the board raise questions about why two openly anti-Trump and anti-Republicans are on the board of a Pentagon advisory group during the Trump administration.


“Knowing that individuals who openly despise and undermine President Trump serve on those boards while only two of 15 people on our campaign’s national security advisory committee landed positions in the administration is nothing short of horrendous,” J.D. Gordon, who served as the Trump campaign’s national security adviser, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.


Gordon, who served as Pentagon spokesman for four years during the George W. Bush administration, said that advisory boards like DIB typically have little influence at the Pentagon. Nonetheless, he said, “membership was extremely valuable for career advancement, financial opportunities and other benefits.”

Anonymous ID: af42ff June 23, 2020, 8:58 p.m. No.9725994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6018 >>6186

Planes, Casinos, Sexual Harassment and a Chinese Billionaire: LA Councilman Charged In Massive Bribery Case


NBC reports many of the facts of the case, but leaves readers to guess which party the alleged bribe-taker belongs to.


Jose Huizar, 61, was arrested at his home on a federal racketeering charge amid an ongoing FBI corruption probe, according to federal prosecutors in California.


Huizar is accused of turning his city council seat into what U.S. Attorney Nick Hanna described as a “money-making criminal enterprise that shaped the development landscape in Los Angeles.”


Notice NBC hasn’t named his party yet. Makes one wonder if their Verification Unit was too busy to deploy Google search.


In one case, Huizar received $600,000 from an unidentified Chinese billionaire who runs a global real estate firm and who owns a hotel in Huizar’s district, the complaint says.


The money was provided as collateral to help Huizar settle a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against him by a former staffer, according to the complaint.


This case truly has it all.


Well, except for large wads of cash hidden in suspicious ways.


Wait, it has that too.


When federal agents searched Huizar’s home in November 2018, the criminal complaint says, they found about $129,000 in cash hidden in a closet. Some of the money was concealed in red envelopes with Chinese characters, according to the complaint.


LA’s city council wasted little time once news broke. They’ve suspended him, which means he cannot vote on matters before the council.


At least one fellow member is calling on Huizar to resign. Others called for his resignation when his home was first raided in 2018, but he stayed put and despite his current suspension, is still being paid.


When his home was raided in November 2018, Huizar had the gall to float the idea of his wife running for the seat to replace him. He’s term-limited after 2020. That didn’t quite work out the way he’d planned.


Huizar is a lifelong Democrat.